Letter: Anne W. Bond to Isaac Bond, 1852



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Seventh day evening Baltimore 23rd 1852 Dear Isaac, I thought I would begin a letter to thee this evening and write a little each day if possible, so as to keep thee informed of our proceedings: in the first place when I arrived at Laurel I found Mother, and Mary, R and H Moore, Eliza Kirk, and Betsy Snowden, waiting for the cars, thee may be sure Mother and Mary were very much surprised and pleased to see me and we and the other friends, had a very pleasant, social ride down. We came right here where I surprised Sam and Anna who had not expected to see me: after dinner Mary, and myself, called at James Suttons, they are now in their new home but have not got it all furnished yet, though they are accomodating those that always use going there; We are trying it here three in a bed, thee knows that is good accommodations for yearly meeting time. Brother Sam saw John Hunt in the street this afternoon so we stand a chance of having some good sermons during the week. I am very glad I came and feel very well and all seem much pleased to see me; at James Suttons we met one of our Gunpowder friends (one of our intimate

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ones) Sallie Huges, Emerson Lambs, sister in law she lives there now. I had not been in her company for about 8 years, and there are some others from that neighborhood here, that I have not met with for nearly as long a time; when we returned from there we found Mag Snyder and enjoyed her little call very much, I must stop for to night or I shall not have room for a narrative of to morrows events so for the present good night. Second day morning 25th, I should have written some last evening but we had company and when they left I felt too tired. Yesterday morning we all, Sam and Anna, included went to meeting where we heard two excellent sermons one from John Jackson which I liked better than any I ever heard him preach, and one from John Hunt which was better still; I wished so much thee could have been here to hear them, as I know thee would have enjoyed it so much. I have not heard any sermons for a long time that could equal them; we dined at Rebecca Turner's where we met with almost all of our Hopewell friends and spent the time very pleasantly with them, amongst them were Jonah Rees and his mother. Jonah does not know yet whether he will return to Fulford or not his mother says they would prefer his returning to thee but he feel undecided several of his friends are going to Henry Ridgeways, in New Jersey and he

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would like to choose between, that school, one in Richmon Indiana, and ours, I hope he will decide in favor of the last: all our Hopewell friends inquired after thee, as indeed do all our friends. in the afternoon we went to meeting again but were not so much interested as we had been in the morning. Henry Ridgeway preached 2 sermons he is quite eloquent but we thought rather fierce and uncharitable as regards to other societies, in addition we had 1 sermon from Ann Townsend from Phila and one from Samuel Janney both moderately good, we came back here to tea to meet Mrs. Parker whom mother had never seen, and after tea, Jame and Ellen Watson called to see [us?] and inquire about Willie. I really must stop or I shall be too late for meeting. I have so much to say that it would be impossible to write all, anyhow, so I shall have a great to tell when I get home again, tell Aunt Anna that we have not seen either of the Stabler families except at meeting yet though we inted to visit both. I do not think Robinson is here. Please give our love to all at Fulford and Woodline, and believe me to remain Thy very affectionate wife Anne W Bond

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Isaac Bond Fulford Boarding School Sandy Spring Montgomery Co Md

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