Letter: A.C. Needles to John C. Bentley, July 9, 1907
A. C. Needles Roanoke, Virginia
July 9th 1907.
My dear John:
The Mrs. and myself were very glad to be asked to be present at the twenty fifth anniversary of your wedding and we both regret that we cannot attend on account of having to take the kids to Atlantic City. I assure you if it were not for this I at least would make it a point to be there.
I recall very well when your marriage took place and what a sad and tearful event it was for me. I think I can say without playing the roll of flattery that when you lock around you end see what you yourself have accomplished, and the love and happiness that has come from the marriage, and the blessings that have followed in the way of children, I think you ought to feel very proud; and while generally speaking prior to your marriage you were a pretty good man, I think the credit for all the blessings and all the goodness that has come to you in the last twenty-five years should be given to the good wife, and I am sorry that I cannot be present to drink the health of you and yours.
With love and best wishes for all believe me,
Very truly yours A. C. Needles .
Mr. John C. Bentley, Sandy Spring, Montgomery Co., Maryland.