Page 26
Feb 25th- Farmer's Convention
" " Plainfield Night
" 26th Meeting "
" " Mt Airey Dinner
" " Sweet Briar Errand
" 27th Exmoor Leaching
" " Brooke Meadow Visit
March 1st Norwood Salon
" 2nd The Maples Errand
" " Belmont Call
" 3rd Rockland- "
" " Exmoor Leaching
" 6th Exmoor "
" " Belmont To see [?] baby
" " Stanmore
" 7th Rockland
" " Olney
" 8th Mrs. Beckwith's
Sandy Spring Sayings.
Rev. Frank T. Lea delivered an exceedingly
interesting lecture at the
Sandy Spring Lyceum last week, in
which he gave some graphic descriptions
of the natives of the Congo and
their customs. The temperature at
the equator ranges from 115 to129
degrees during the day, while at night
thick covering is comfortable for
sleeping. Trapping elephants and
shooting hippopotamus are among
the sports of the hunter, who supplies
fresh meat by the wholesale. A hippo
weighs several thousand pounds and
has to be pulled ashore after having
been shot in the water.
The Montgomery Club was entertained
by Mr. Frank M. Hallowell
Saturday afternoon at Rockland,
with Mr. John Thomas in the chair. Mr.
Hallowell read from the diary of Benjamin
Hallowell, written in 1834,
showing the scale upon which farming
was then done. He spoke of having
husked his entire crop of corn
and hauled in the fodder in two days,
seventy-one bushels being the entire
yield. Owing to the rainy evening,
no extensive walk was taken. A large
herd of fine cows was admired and a
well-filled corn house showed a big increase
over that of his venerable
grandparent 68 years ago. The next
meeting will be at Fair Hill. the home
of Mr. C. F. Kirk.
Mr. Newton Stabler and family have
moved to their lower farm and
Cloverly is now their postoffice.
Mr. Herbert Stabler has gone to
Cornell University to take a special
course in forestry.
Miss Helen Thomas and Miss Katherine
Brooke are visiting their aunts
in New York.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter H. Brooke
will leave Tuesday to attend the wedding
of their son.
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