Page 23
Christmastide in the Sandy Spring
Neighborhood -- Mr. and Mrs. Farquhar
Entertain the Montgomery
Club -- A Beautiful Home -- New
Year's Dinner at ''Cozy Corner --
Officers Elected for the Saving's Institution--
Absentees and VIsitors
The Montgomery Club was entertained
by Mr. and Mrs. Allan Farquhar
Saturday in their beautiful new
home. Despite the rainy weather there
was a full attendance. Among the
guests were Mr. Arthur Farquhar, of
York, and Mr. Edward Farquhar, of
Washington. Mr. Frank M. Hallowell
was foreman and Mr. J.J. Shoemaker
acted as a secretary. Mr. Allan Farquhar
read an excellent paper upon
'' Suffrage,'' which met with decided
approbation: he advocated education
and ownership of property to be necessary
qualifications, and spoke favorably
of the voting machine. Considerable
time was devoted to explaining
and admiring his fine new mansion,
the most attractive part of which
proved to be the dining room where a
delicious supper was handsomely
served. The meeting next month will
be with Mr. Frank M. Hallowell.
A dozen ladies spent a charming
day with Mrs. Walter H. Brook Tuesday.
While they were occupied with
fancy work, Mrs. Brooke read to them
a new novel "The Benefactoress." The
reading will be continued next Tuesday
p.m., at Mrs. Roger Brook's, as
it proved interesting to all present.
Dr. and Mrs. Duck. of Baltimore,
gave a large New Year's dinner party
at "Cozy Corner," to their relatives
and friends, Wednesday. Among the
guests were Dr. and Mrs. Mordecai
Fuessel and daughter, Miss Hattie
Cowman, of Baltimore; Mr. and Mrs.
E.P. Taylor, Mrs. E.G. Thomas,
Miss M.E Gilpin, and Mrs. E. T.
A large crowd was in attendance at
the Methodist Sunday school entertainment
Friday night. Songs, dialogues
and recitations made up an attractive
program. Gertrude Marlow,
Elgy Purvis, Ethel and Charlie Connell,
of the juvenile department, deserve
mention; also the trio sung by
Mrs. Bessie Ervin, Miss Nettie Thompson
and Mr. Mulliard
At a recent meeting of the Sandy
Spring Savings institution the following
officers were reelected: President
Charles G.Porter; vice-president. W.
W. Moore, treasurer, Alban G.
Thomas, clerk, George F. Nesbitt, jr.
Two new officers were also chosen--
Henry H. Miller, assistant treasurer,
and Fred Thomas, assistant clerk. The
financial outlook is very satisfactory.
Mr.James P. Stabler and wife will
close their home, Sharon; for the winter
and reside in Washington. Miss
Frances Stabler will make her
home with her sister, Mrs. Elizabeth
Iddings, at Riverside.
Mr. and Mrs. William S. Brooke
have given up their residence in Mt.
Vernon, N. Y. and will locate in
Washington with their daughter, Mrs.
Carrie Dinwiddie. Mr. Dinwiddie
has accepted the position as manager
of The Times, which has been bought
out by The Munsey Company.
Mr. and Mrs. R Boland Moore and
children have left Suffolk, Virginia,
and are with his father, at Plainfield.
where he hopes to recruit his
Recent visitors have been Mr. and
Mrs Herbert Adams, of Catonsville;
Mr. Norman G. Smith, of Harford
county; Miss Hattie Cowman, of Baltimore;
Mr. Edward Lea, of Wilmington,
Delaware, and Tarlton Brooke,
of Florence, North Carolina.
Mr. R. Thomas West, prinicpal of
the Rockville public schools, spent the
holidays with his parents at Ashton,
Mr. West has had a very successful
year at Rockville. A noteworthy feature
was the Christmas donation by
the pupils of the school for the poor.
Insteads of the usual gifts from the
scholars to the teachers, Professor
West suggested that the boys and
girls should all bring something to
be given the unfortunate and poor of
the neighborhood about Rockville.
As a result many useful gifts gladdened
otherwise cheerless homes and
brought happiness to many children
whose stockings Santa Claus often
The W.C.T.U held an interesting
meeting at Melrose. A poem entitled
"My Inspiration," by the late Mrs.
Bessie Thom, was read by Mrs.
Charles Stabler. The ladies decided
to urge the Legislature to so amend
the local option law that violators
shall be imprisoned as well as fined.
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