Page 20




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[left side of page]
Annie Stewart's address
I wish thee would as
I would like to look her

Please excuse a longer
letter as I am very
sleepy and do not
think very [connectidly?]
[?] afft.
[Chas?] Magruder.

P.S. How about
[Fred's?] family

[right side of page]
and expect to advertise
in the American
Machinist. I shall
turn every stone and
if I do not find the
worm under one of them
I shall get up early
and see if I can be the
early bird. I do not see
any reason why I could
not get and hold a good
position when you
consider the [chumps?]
already in it.

I got a letter from
George School from
Miss Miller to which
I shall enclose also
one from [Mr?] Smith.

Thee said some
time ago that thee
would send me

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I think the right hand side of the page is the start of the letter then finishing on the left