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161 [Morrow?] ave,
Mar. 24, 1902
Dear Mother:
Just seven
years ago or rather seven
Palm Sundays ago we
spent the morning at
the Cathedral in Baltimore
and the next day the
night of April 1895
I went to [Williamson?].
How much dear mother
has happened since
then. I have changed
considerably in that
time. I am no longer a
[right side of page[
boy although I feel and
act like one. I often
wonder if I ever will
become dignified.
I am looking forward
to entrance with a professional
[career?] next
year and as I have
practical experience
with the world to
help me I hope
shall be able to make
a success at it. I
know thee does too.
I have some doubts but
I shall not cross the
bridge before I come to it.
I have registered
in a teachers agency in
Boston and one in
New York
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