Page 9
Mr. & Mrs. George Thomas Barnsley
request the pleasure of your company
at the marriage reception of their daughter
Emma Louise,
Mr. Harry Carl Williams,
Wednesday evening, October twenty third,
nineteen hundred and one,
from seven until nine o'clock,
Oakdale, Maryland.
At Home,
after November tenth,
Oakdale, Maryland.
[Special Dispatch to the Baltimore Sun.]
FREDERICK, MD., Oct. 25.-At New Market,
Frederick county, October 23, Miss Ellen Russel,
the oldest daughter of Samuel
M. Russel, was married to Charles Eves,
of Millville, Pa., according to the form of
the Society of Friends. The marriage took
place at the home of the bride, the guests
being witnesses to the contract. The bride
wore a gown of French lawn.
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