Scrapbook and diary: Mary Magruder,1886-1887



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Mary Magruder Sandy Spring Maryland

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February - 1886 -

M.1 Rebeccas . birthday . Olney & Fairhill T.2 Cousin Martha [?]. Miss Margaret [Armstead?] W.3 Did not get off to Balto. snow heavy T.4 Deep snow. All on office floor. [?] F.5 Snow 14 inches. S.6 S.7 M8 Busy making cake for [?]. [?] T.9 Pleaasant [?] meeting. Rebecca W.10 meeting. called at Stanmore. Suffrage [?] T.11 very rainy day desk came - all my fancy [?] F.12 Spent at [?] Cedars [?] this sad day S.13 Rockland. Uncle C. and Aunt H. Olney S.14 F.D.S. Rebecca M.15 Frightful scare about Rebecca and Madge who had a narrow escape from a falling tree in the wind storm. [?] and [?] T.16 Took Auntie on her way to [?]. To see Rebecca W.17 [?] Aunt Emma's - away - back in afternoon [?] T.18 Bettr A - as Dora Iddings. Dr. Green sent for - sister ill. [?]. F.19 Wrote May Woodward. Aunt Lizzie Cook dead S.20 Auntie came home. Coz Edward. S.21 Select Bible Class. Meeting. Rockland ot call M 22 Cousin Ed lecture - period between home and dramatists. Rebecca to . dinner. afernoon at Rockland. To Norwood. Sociable at [Aval?] T.23 Dr Green came home lasr eve. W. 24 Pleasant Grange. Dorothy Brooke. T.25 Discouraged about my [?] F.25 Recitations at Rockland. Big tree fell S.27 Elise left. Lovely child. S.28 Went home with R. from mtg. Call at Dr. [?]

Last edit about 1 month ago by dimarbrown
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March 1886 M1 Sherwood School. Mamie & Lizzeis, Home Plan [?] T.2 Rockville. windy. Aunt Ella's Washington to Rilas W.3 Courad's lovely. Dr. Chisolm. Mrs Price. Reldy T.4 Dr. Chisolm. Cousin Alice Hoummoud. Shopping. F5 Free Kindergarten. Cousin [?] Miss [?] S.6 [Para?} lift. Dr. Chisolm. Sadie [Broyer?] [Black?] cousin Sarah and Cousin Rebecca. Mind Cure S.7 Meeting. Dinner at [Ja?] Missions. Christ C. [?] M 8 Long meeting. Black [?] to dinner. Mt. Airy to tea T.9 Home again. Pleasant Grange W.10 Mamie [?]. L. J. S. R. J. M and Mariana to dinner T. 11 Mama went to Falling Green. Coz Mary Miller [?] F.12 Mama & [?] came home. Co Carrie H. Alice J Stabler & E.E.F. S.13 Club at Rockland. Firt [?] day S.14 First Day School. The Cedards. To see Elise. M.15 Cousin Ellen Stabler to spend the day. Mt. Olney + T.16 Coz E.F. did not come. Uncle M another shell. Coz C.[?] W.17 Meeting . Sharon. Olney. Elisa Hallowell home T. 18 [Florendirres?]. To Rockland in the evening. [?] F.19 Drs. busy. Rowland Moore sick. Elise not well S.20 Better Acquainted at Avalon. Began Paradise S.21 Bible Class. Meeting. Sharon. To hear [?] M.22 Dr. Green to see Rossie and Andrew about to Sociable with Coz Charoles [?][?] T.23 W.24 Meeting. Rebecca came for that visit. Send T.25 Cloudy. quiet day. [?] in evening F.26 Rain. Bouquet Store. Cousin Carrie Fair Hill to call Mt Olney all night S.27 Rain. Pictures. Letter writing. Mt. Olney to tea S.28 Cloudy. Took R. to First Day Schol. Have enjoyed her visit so thoroughly. M29 Rain. to Rockland to tea. Coz Ed lecture T.30 Called on Bess Caddin. [?][?] W.31 Meeting. Lizzie came home with me Carrie Brooke to tea. Grange no [?] [room?]

Last edit about 1 month ago by dimarbrown
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