Communication from Surveyor on Union Street Sewer
Sep 1984
Seattle W. J. Sep 18 1884 To the Hon Mayor and Council: Gentlemen: In the matter of the Petition of the [Fred?] Gash et al for a Sewer upon Union St & [Rave?] to
Report that the sewer prayed for is a necessity.
The sewage upon the street can be displaced with in two ways:
1st A wooden box drain can be laid along one side of the street, that portion west of 5th St comeeting with that already laid on Union. What east of 5th being conveyed through a box down 6th St to Pike, [Three?] along Pike to 2d [Three?] down 2d to Union, and there through Union to the Bay.
2d Place a proper Cement or Ironstone Sewer through Union St. From 8th St
to 2d or Front where the same [ca???ed] be connected with existing drains emptying in the Bay.
The firsrt plan is not advisable from the fact that the fall per foot given the drains on Pike St is so slight that the existing drains in Pike St are not almost entirely choked on account of the sand and the othter matter in there, that is to pay your surveyor has been readily informed that said drains are so choked. Furthermore, the use of the wooden drains is not advisable owing to its temporary nature, and the fact that the size of the drains in the street at present to which the box drains would be joined are but 8"x8" and their carrying capacity is not such as to justify any considerable addional labor to be imposed upon them. The final acreage to be drained
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by the Union St Sewer will be [nol-?] [lesr?] than 100 acres. I would therefore recommend the construction of an egg shaped cement sewer from the centre of 8th St to at least the centre of 3rd St, with the carrying capacity of an 18 inch circular sewer The [coroporative?] cast of the box drain and the sewer recommended would be about as follows:
Box drain: 20.000 ft Lumber B.M. at $20 per M laid. $400 Repairs to and cleaning Pike St Sewer $100 Box Drain $500.00
Sewer 1610 lineal feet at $2.00 per foot complete or if carried to 2d st $3220.00 1932 lineal feet at $2.00 per foot complete $3864.00
Respectfully, R. H. [Thornson? Thompson?] City Surveyor