Journal of the Proceedings of the
The Leity Attorney submits
An ordinance authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk of the City of
Seattle to enter into a contract with J. T. Ronald, employing the said
J. T. Ronald to prosecute to final judgment all delinquent grade [xax?]
[waw?] due for the grading of streets in said city, and to pay the said
J. T. Ronald for said services for the sum of five (5) per cent on all money
collected from said proceedings
Which is passed by the following [????] - In favor - [?.?.] Hall [?.?.] Jones
W.R. [????] [?.?.] Phillips [?.]H. Mitchell [?.?.] Wallingford [H???y] White
Against the same, none:
Investigation of charges against S.H. [?????]
And now the Council proceeds to investigate the charges, as published
in the Daily Press, against the offical integrity of CIty Attorney S.
H. [?????]. After the examination of a number of witnesses, on motion
of Councilmen Jones it is ordered: that the changes harming in no
manner been sustained, that [sam?] be dismissed, and that City
Attorney S.H. [?????] is hereby fully Exonerated:
Ordered that the Council do [wow] adjourn until Friday January
17th 1890 at 7:30 P.M.
[SIGNATURE SECTION??????????????????????}
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