Journal of the Proceedings of the
Jan 13 1890 No.15,983.
Be it remembered that on this Thirteenth day of January A.D. 1890 The Common Council of the City of Seattle meets pursuant to adjournment in the Council Chamber in the City Hall in the City of Seattle.
The following offices of city government are present Mayor - Robert Moran Councilmen - [?.?.] Hall [?.?.] Jones [?.?. ?????] [?.?.] Phillips [?.?.] Mitchell [?.?.] [?allingford] Harry White City Attorney - S. H. [Piler?] Chief of Police - [?.?.] Mitchell
The following proceedings are held:
Petitions [???]
Petition of L. Newman for reduction of assessment on Tax Roll for the year 1889. on Lot 6. Block 2. Boren [???]: Read and referred to the Judiciary Committee.
Petition of [?. S.] Hoskinson for permission to transfer water privilege in [???] [?????in] addition to [?. ?. ????:] Read and referred to Fire and Water Committee.
Communication from Front Street Cable Railway Co. changing [????-] [-????] and requesting Council to appoint a committee to confer with the Board of Trustees of the Company on [?????]
Read and on motions the Mayor appoints Councilmen [?.?.] Hall [?.?.] Jones and W. R. [?????] as such Committee from the Council:
Committee Reports From Judiciary Committee on Petition to Solomon [?] Simpsons for the Payment of [??????] [???anto] drawn from Fourth Street [?????ment] Land Ordinance No. 439 recommending that as there is no money in said fund at the present time the petition be rejected: Adopted:
Jan 13 1980
Common Council of the City of Seattle
Committee Reporst [contd?]
From Finance Committee on report of Harbor Master for month of December 1889. Recommending that hereafter all fees received by Harbor Master be [??nned] into the Leity Treasury, and the bills for the expenses of The Harbor Masters office take [tho???ual] [cowes?] of other bills against the City for Payment: Adopted:
License [Ref??ed] The following applications for retail Liquor Licenses are read and referred to the License and Revenue Committee: [?.] H. [Madleigh?] [???????? and Co.] Charles & [??????] Ludwig and [?????itcher]
Councilman Mitchell of the Fire and Water Committee submits to the plans and specifications for the near The Engine [??????] On motion [?????] are referred to Committee on Public Buildings and [Grounds?]
The matter of a settlement with [??] [???????] [S????] Parker is re-referred to The Finance Committee with power to employ such additional help and will bring matter to a speedy settlement:
On motions of Councilman Mitchell, Councilman W.R. [?????] and City Attorney S. [?. P????] are instructed to proceed to Olympia, and there [wa?] thier influence with the State Legistature for the passage of suitable bill to enable the City of Seattle toform and adopt a new City Charter.
J.{?. ???tim] the contractor for the improvement and grading of Lake Avenue from [?????] Street to Elliot Bay - Water Street from Bell Street to Lake Avenue and Clay Street from [?????] Street to Water Street is granted an extension of time in which to complete [?aid] improvement until January 25th 1890 - Alas an extension of time until April 7th 1890 in which to complete the grating and improvement of Yesler Avenue from Williamson Street to the main trestle of the Cable Railway Co provided that the bondsmen on the aernal streets named give their consent to such extension of times:
Journal of the Proceedings of the Ordinances
1277 The Leity Attorney submits An ordinance authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk of the City of Seattle to enter into a contract with J. T. Ronald, employing the said J. T. Ronald to prosecute to final judgment all delinquent grade [xax?] [waw?] due for the grading of streets in said city, and to pay the said J. T. Ronald for said services for the sum of five (5) per cent on all money collected from said proceedings Which is passed by the following [????] - In favor - [?.?.] Hall [?.?.] Jones W.R. [????] [?.?.] Phillips [?.]H. Mitchell [?.?.] Wallingford [H???y] White Against the same, none:
Investigation of charges against S.H. [?????]
And now the Council proceeds to investigate the charges, as published in the Daily Press, against the offical integrity of CIty Attorney S. H. [?????]. After the examination of a number of witnesses, on motion of Councilmen Jones it is ordered: that the changes harming in no manner been sustained, that [sam?] be dismissed, and that City Attorney S.H. [?????] is hereby fully Exonerated:
Ordered that the Council do [wow] adjourn until Friday January 17th 1890 at 7:30 P.M.
[SIGNATURE SECTION??????????????????????}