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Please check spelling on Edw. Hagmar and Robt Hamiltins.

Please add umlaut to the o in Hofst, Friedrich and the u in Muller, Friedrich


Depot Street is now Denny Way. Birch Street is now Taylor Avenue. To confirm the names I referred to the 1888-1889 Seattle City Directory via SPL. Nothing matches Edward Hagmar. In the 1890 directory there is a Charles Hagaman. In newspaper searches I found other possibilties: Hagman, Hagmore, Hagmoe. "E. Hagmore" in Ballard led me to search the 1890 Ballard city directory, where there is an Edward Hagmoe. I'll go with that name since it looks plausible and there was a person of that name.

There is a Robert Hamilton living at 316 Birch in 1888-1889, so I will make that correction.