


Status: Indexed

Columbia May 15th, 1893
The Town Council met pursuant to adjournment Mayor
C P Hutchinson presiding. The following Councilmen present:
Hellenthal, Voland, Sullivan, Willacy & Bond.
The minutes of the last meeting read and on motion
Motion made and carried that the resolution for the
grading of Columbus St be read.
Motion made and carried to abandon the present
water reservoir.
Motin made and carried to engage a competant
man to draw plans for the improvement of the
Water Works.
Motion made and carried to reconsider the motion
to abandon the work on the present Water reservoir.
Motion made and Carried to adjourne to meet
Monday May 22nd at 8 o'clock pm
B R Shaw clerk
Approved May 22nd 1893
C P Hutchinson mayor

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