


Status: Indexed

Columbia Apr 17th, 1893
The Town Council met pursuant to adjournment Mayor
C P Hutchinson presiding. The following Councilmen
present: Sullivan, Bond & Hellenthal.
The minutes of the last meeting read and on motion
The contract between the Columbia Home Co and the
Town of Columbia for the purchase of the Water
works read and on motionaccepted.
Ordinance #26 relating to the establishment
of the grade on Columbus Street passed by the Council
and approved by the Mayor.
On motion the grade of Angeline, Winston &
Ferdinand Street accepted as shown on profiles.
Communication from the Secretary of the State
Board of Health read and the motion laid on
the table until next week.
Motion made and carried to adjournment to
meet next Monday Apr24th 1893
B R Shaw clerk
Approved April 24th 1893
C P Hutchinson mayor

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