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12 Log of Canomie Matupi

1903 Saturday 31 Jany

Gazelle came in during the night bringing the four time expired Solomon boys Also Takeda Augustine Suzuki and Pedro The two former are time expired Suzuki sent in as he was doing no good and Pedro for getting the worse of liquor and going about with a knife threatening the other men The Gazelle reported all well at Komuli and brought in the produce and letters with stock sheets - to 31 Dec 48 tons of Copra nearly c/. MOP shell c/. Black lip Beche de mer mixed do - do Seat Snail shells Dunphy took in additional stores and trade and got all ready for a start

Sunday 1 Feby

Mid day when the wind came in got underweigh and went over to Herbertshohe landing two boys on the way with a letter for Mr Wolff Dunphy anchored at Herbertshohe for the night evening wet [Nugaria?] at anchor and the Otte leaving shortly on a recruiting voyage to the British Solomons

Last edit 4 months ago by Tapestry
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Log of Canomie Herbertshohe 1903 Monday 2 Feby Engaged during the forenoon writing and getting things ready for Dunphy Midday Chloe got away for the Solomons W. Dunphy in charge. Marcus and Alfonso drivers for Owen and 9 Solomon boys. The whole we have here with the exception of Kamo Lord Howe and Leinon Faise Afternoon engaged with Mr Wolff Otte left shortly before the Chloe for the British Solomons.

Tuesday 3 Feby Squall with rain from N to NW during the night and most of the forenoon wet 10.30 McVoight. came off and measured Canomie after which got under weigh and worked to Matupi arriving about 3:30 Left Herbertshohe 11:45 with light N W wind which afterwards freshened up more from the North Evening fine

Wednesday 4 Feby At anchor Matupi

Last edit 5 months ago by Tapestry
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Log of Canomie Matupi Harbour 1903 Thursday Friday & Saturday

At anchor Matupi Harbour preparing returns for the Govt and etc Crew painting vessel and fixing rigging etc

Sunday 8 Feby Got underweigh and went over to Matapau to meet McWolff and give him returns for the Govt. After seeng him got underweigh again 4:PM and worked back to Matupi anchoring there at dark. Heavy squall with rain as we entered the harbour had to lower mainsail and put two reefs in

Monday 9 Feby At anchor Matupi busy with the books etc-

Tuesday & Wednesday At anchor Matupi carpenter finishing off on deck & crew employed variously at ships duties On the latter day Willie Fiji came in with the Saikis with 11 recruits [text inserted=boys] from New Ireland and St Johns island and one woman which he is allowed to keep

Arranged with Capt Vohlers to take the Saikis to Komuli and go trading for the Company at the Admiralties

Last edit 4 months ago by Tapestry
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Log of Canomie Matupi Harbour

1903 Thursday 12 Feby Sent Saikis over to Herbertshohe to to have the recruits signed on sending a letter up to McWolff to meet him there the following morning

Friday 13 Feby Saikis returned from Herbertshohe after having signed the boys and left them with McWolff as per arrangement. This lot having been promised to him one of the small New Hanover boys that were sent up to Paparatawa with the letter ran away or was missing McWolff to find him and send him back.

Selow? from Ah Tam and all hands that can sew at work on a new Mizen for the Saikis

Saturday 13 Feby All hands at work finishing Saikis's Mizen and repairing the other sails Capt. Wohlers signed agreement re trading at the Admiralties

sent Canomies boat on shore and had her painted on the bottom

Saikis dinghy very bad gave Ah Tam instructions to repair dinghy that was left on shore from the Mercury

MayFlower dismantled getting new mast ready.

Last edit 4 months ago by Tapestry
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Log of Canomie Matupe Harbour

1903 Sunday Monday Tuesday & Wednesday 18 Feby At anchor Matupe Getting Saikis ready for the Admiralties Capt Wohlers engaged to sail her down at one hundred Marks for the run Three of the Small New Hanover boys having been found stealing gave them a slight licking and they ran away the following night

Thursday 19 Feby Got the Saikis away for Komuli with Wohlers in charge Joe Fernandiz who agreed to serve as diver Walter Fiji and Jack Queensland with six Natives 3 of Dunphys good boys two that are to remain at Komuli and one small New Hanover boy. Benjamin sent from the Canomie.

Saikis fitted out with New Mizen and spare Jib purchased from Hernsheim & Co. other sails repaired [locate?] fully to Capt Guffich - re work at the Admiralties & Sent him soap flour & other sundries Gazelle back from Nusa

Last edit 4 months ago by Tapestry
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