




to have taken to him greatly. Perhaps he reminds her of her lost love. Je ne suis pas fâché que je perdis ce matin. Je le comprends plus. Il me baisa beaucoup de fois. 13th. Wednesday. Off this time. H. came with me himself - the others stayed. Tom came as far as Brunswick St with me. Tout le monde devait être étonné de nous neregardâmes personne. Mon pauvre garçon. Dieu le bless. Il me dit ce matin qu'il voudait être Chrétien. My carriage was packed. Had very tedious hot journey home but I wasn't sick. Reached here 1/2 hr. late. The boxes caught fire coming along & they were a long time putting them out. Poor little Mother glad to see me again & I her. Mr. G. & Mrs. Wilde came up from Maryboro but I didn't see them till on the platform. Feel triste found my old blue glasses on the Brisbane station this morning 14th. Thursday. Feel sorter[sic] queer all day. We washed so I hadn't much time to meditate 15th. Friday. Finished work. Went over to see Mrs. Reddan & the new baby. She had a little girl a week ago. At night went up to Will's & Fae's. Will started the room for Ma. It will be a nice large cool room. Poor me I'll have no home but that room now. Coming home we gotafright[sic] at Young's. He & F.O. were looking very mournfully over the gate. Mrs. Nicol had been sent for that day & things were in a very precarious state. H. sent my old glasses on - got them to-day. Good boy. Trying to get used to my new ones 16th. Saturday. Nice quiet day. Went down to post letter at night for Mrs. A. The enema I brought from Brisbane for Ma wouldn't work at all so I'll have to send it back. Only a week left - perhaps - I may get till next Monday - 17th. Sunday. Church this morning & played. Snoozed all afternoon. Storm came up at night & couldn't get out. Anjourd hui il y a une senance ~ mon pauvre garçon. 18th. Monday. Loafed around nearly all day. Went out to see Mrs. McCarthy when it got cool. Waited for Jack & Nellie till 1/4 past 8 ~ then we trotted over to Mackenzie's to give them the benefit of our company ~ we had scarcely got there when in walked our[underlined] company bringing with them "Jessop" of old time celebrity. I nearly laughed when they introduced me to him ~ he too had my[underlined] glasses - he looks more than 10 years older. We had a nice evening. 19th. Tuesday. Loafed again to-day. Practised some this morning. ~ Had big headache all day. 20th. Wednesday. Went up to D's to spend the day ~ got there before 12. ~ had a nice day they drove us home after tea. Going to Skyring's tomorrow . My days are drawing in. 21st. Thursday. Wrote to Mr. G. this morning asking if I might stay till Monday night. Turning out boxes this morning. They came ~ Eunice & Miss S ~ about 3 for me & we stayed there till nearly 9 ~ stayed for tea & played for them ~ 22nd. Friday. Great day of lying round. Mrs. Mellor came for us & drove us out to Camplairs I interviewed Mrs. C. She promised to settle next week. We had a lovely drive ~ Then went round town & up to Mrs. Ms for afternoon tea. then we went to Young's : to see the new baby. It is a fine youngster ~ nearly died laughing over F. Overend's reminiscences of the great event. Then I went to Benbow's to see about those fractions ~ He was very nice & told me always to send to him when I wanted to know anything. Went then to Mrs. Husseys. & then - home - about 10. Glad this day is over. Got leave from Mr. G. to stay till Monday night - good man. Photos from Herbert. They are not so bad only he had made me grey-headed ~ he put in one of his - not bad of the dear boy at all. Letter from Sarah saying she would be up to-morrow night - good - I shall see her ~ 23rd. Saturday. Working all day. Washed - ironed - cleaned - & made everything nice were at it from 6 this morning till 5 this evening. Then got dressed & went down to meet the train for S. She came ~ ought to have got a remembrance from C. today He certainly has "forgotten" very soon. How could you Laddie forget your poor girl 24th. Sunday. My last Sunday at "Home". Very hot. Played this morning. Rested afternoon. Will & Janet up to see S. She came last night. Storm threatened but did not come. It rained some tho! The last Sunday too of my 25th. year. We sang at night 25th. Monday. Down town this morning. Busy getting things ready for man to call at 4. It was very hot again. Big hailstorm & hurricane & came on at 1/2-4. Don't remember having such a storm here before - such hail. It came on suddenly & didn't last long We had tea & sailed down about 20 to 6 ~ in the rain ~ Didn't half know whether to

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go or not but thought it better. Poor little Mother. How I shall miss her. & she me. Bore up for her sake. She too will be leaving her little home[underlined] this week. Paid Beauty last rent today. She seemed quite sorry. My last day. This has indeed been a year of blessings. What an eventful year it has been to me. May the Lord prepare me for all that He is preparing for me. & be with me in the future year that lies before me as in the past. Got up dry to Bingera[sentence highlighted in pink]. Miss Wilde went up with me. Her sister that went up to stay with them is very ill. We had a drive home. Feel strange 26th. Tuesday. My 26th. birthday. Bless me even me also Oh my Father & be with me. Strange day. Slept with M. last night. Couldn't sleep. Very homesick & miserable all day. Wonder if poor little Mother feels as bad as I do. How am I to get through this year if I feel always like this. As thy days thy strength shall be. Only 5 in school May away & Jessie sick. Little Harold came. He promises to be good enough. thanks be. Got card from Eunice Adams last night. What possessed her to sent it I don't know. I see the name of a Miss A : as assistant to Mrs. Boyle. Perhaps it's she. Got telegram from dear old Alfie : Poor Miss W. very bad. They don't know whether she'll live. Had been unconscious since last Sat. She was unwell when she came up. It's said to be pneumonia 27th. Wednesday. Another miserable day. Never felt more homesick in my life. 28th. Thursday. Miss W. very ill. Was raving last night. Strikes me it's brain fever she has. Not conscious once. Feel terribly homesick & depressed. How am I to go through all the weary months through this year. May the Lord help me. Letter from the dear little Mother - It cheered me. Enclosed was a tel. from Art. Got card from H. 29th. Friday M. slept with me last night. We talked till after 12. Mrs. W. & baby slept here. Early this morning they sent for Mrs. G. as Miss W. was dying. Poor girl - they thought she was sleeping last night but it was only exhaustion. She passed away at 1/2-7 this morning - unconscious to the last but an easy death. The funeral took place at 1/2-4 this afternoon. We all went - in the trucks. Went up & saw her. She looked just like a model - of wood or stone - never saw a more unlifelike being. Poor thing - her face showed how she had suffering[sic] - so wasted & thin. It must have been brain-fever - nothing else. Mr. A. could have saved her had he been here I'm positive. Her poor Mother will be in terrible way - they think the shock will kill her - hard to die away from home & mother. May the Lord preserve my[underlined] dear Mother & me to each other. Lots at the funeral. Mr. Ellison. Wanted him to take me in but it looked so like rain. Shower predicted. Mr. G. wont be at Sharon after all on Sunday. He's going to Brisbane 30th. Saturday. Queer day. Felt out of sorts. Went down to see Mrs. Sterling then stayed at the cricket match coming back. Letter from H. last night. It helped to cheer me. Mr. & Mrs. Boreham came up to the funeral for yesterday & stayed all night. Good of them. I went up this morning to the house & bounced the baby. They are getting the partition of the bedroom pulled down & turned into a sitting room. 1st. Feb. Sunday. Church twice. Hot day. Had good read all afternoon. Mr & Mrs. Wilde & Miss W. down for tea. Feel more content to-day. 2nd. Monday. School : Feel better at work than anywhere else. More like myself to-day. Miss W. sleeps here now every night so we 3 share the same room. 3rd. Tuesday. Mr. G. away all this week so things seem freer. Got my settlement yesterday afternoon ~ £10 ~ & funny thing as I was there Mr. M. rang up the telephone & wanted to know if I could speak to Miss P ~ so I did speak - He said my mother was there listening if I wanted to ask any questions. I didn't like talking with all the chaps around listening so I asked if she had shifted yet. answer came she had on Friday & was writing. I got her letter at night & felt so glad. Shall feel more comfortable now knowing she is safe. She seems very happy & comfortable so far. God grant that she may keep so. Wrote to her & sent

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cheque for £6. Said Rose C. had called with the money so that is another help. Feel happier & better now that she is settled & things are getting cleared off 4th. Wednesday. Wrote to H. this week. Mr. Horsely from Brisbane & his son stayed here last night & had breakfast this morning. He gave a Lecture on Fiji last night. Nice. mrs. G. went to town yesterday so we three had our tea early & went down to the Siding in the truck to meet her. It was lovely ~ so cool & pleasant. Had music at night 5th. Thursday. School. Hot. 6th. Friday. M. went to town this morning so I sent a parcel with my jacket & skirt & my brooch & a note by her to Mr. Marsh. Mrs. G. & Miss W. went to Watana by to night's train - they met Mr. G. there & went on I thought I should have had to be general housekeeper & entertainer - all to myself but Mrs. W. came down to wait for him & stayed all night. Must have a ride tomorrow. 7th. Saturday. Katie & I & Tom & Albert G. went out riding this morning & stayed roaming around Lizzie's place - 4 miles out ~ & didn't get home till 20 past 10. 8 miles ride. I presided at dinner. Not so bad after all. M. came back at 4. It rained a lot. 8th. Sunday. Mr. & Mrs. W. here spending the day. Had nice quiet afternoon. Very hot & close. Went to church in truck this morning. Feel stiff after yesterday. 9th. Monday. S. Mr. & Mrs. G. & Miss W. came back from Watana this morning 10th. Tuesday. Mr. Horsely the Qn. Agent & his son here again. The old gent came to stay after tea. Mr. W. young H. & Jim S. came down too. M & W. were out at Bible Class. I stayed home with the intention of writing a letter to A. but beyond the commencement I couldn't get further with the noise of the children So nothing loth[sic] I accompanied the boys back to the house where we played cards till 1/2-9 & Miss W. came back with me. Young H. is lively company 11th. Wednesday. Old Mr. H. here still. They evidently don't want him either. He didn't even ask to come & stay. Mr. Ellison here to night. He didn't bring any word from Ma & hadn't seen her at church last Sunday all day. She must be sick surely. She wouldn't miss all day. Wonder she hasn't written. Finished Alice's letter this morning. Her birthday to day 12th. Thursday. Raining some. Service tonight. Mr. E. went back after it. We two girls seem to hit it better than ever. I like M. She is a bit hard to understand but there is a lott[sic] of good in her. She does put on frill sometimes. Mrs. G. goes to Brisbane next week. Felt bad tempered to-day 13th Friday. Last day. Glad. Felt "narky" these two days. Had a musical evening to-night. Jim W. & the Wildes here. Telephone message from Ma (I wrote to her this morning) wanting to know if I got any parcel Wednesday. Certainly didn't. It must have gone on to Bingera station as per usual. Must be a letter inside. Glad she's all right 14th. Saturday. Thought to go home to-day but as Mr. Ellison said he would drive me up next Sunday I thought better to wait till then. It threatened rain a lot. M. arranged to drive down to Workman's tonight so about six - we six - Jim S. Jim W. Jean Sterling Miss W. M. & I went off W. & Arthur G. rode down. We had great fun. Jim S. was simply terrible the things he came out with. We nearly died. It was a lovely moonlight night & we brought Miss W. back with us. Tom W. rode over to Bingera sure enough was my parcel & 3 letters in - two from Artie & one from the little Mother. Glad she right. Art sent back the £3 he borrowed - good. She is well & everything seems right & happy - thank God - Art is fairly well Wrote long letter to Edie. Had happy day.

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Make a little fence of Trust Around to-day Fill the space with loving work And therein stay Look not through the sheltering bars Upon to-morrow God will help thee bear what comes Of joy or sorrow 14th. Sunday. Church twice. 15th. Monday. School. It doesn't seem so obnoxious to me now 16th. Tuesday. 17th. Wednesday. Mrs. G. went down to go to Brisbane. Mrs. Gillies very ill. She'll be away a month probably. 18th. Thursday. 19th. Friday. Miss G. & Miss Workman went down this morning. I left to mind things. M. came back to-night. & brought a young lady from Maryboro a Miss Harrington. I going home to-morrow. Coming back with Mr. E. on Sunday 20th. Saturday. Went down this morning. Very late getting in. Hot too. Ivy & Mabel met me and we walked it home to Will's. Found them all serene. Little mother was sick that time whe I thought so. She seems very comfortable : her room is nice. Stayed in all day & finished booties. Went down town at night & got things. Glad to be able to get every thing settled so well. Owe hardly anything now. Thank God. Everybody right 21st. Sunday. Didn't go out this morning - too hot & glad to stay & talk to the little Mother. Mr. E. called for me about 1/2-3. Sorry indeed to leave : though it's not "Home" still where the dear mother is is home - May the Lord spare her to me yet a long while. We reached Bingera at tea-time 22nd. Monday. Very hot. We went up to Wilde's after tea. 23rd. Tuesday. Still hot. Everybody nearly went out to-night to hear the Lightning Calculator : We three stayed in. 24th. Wednesday. Awfully hot day. We had singing &c. tonight. Miss H. stays till Friday & then goes down with M. to town - She stays till Sat. 25th. Thursday. Terrible night last night - Those two talked till past midnight & kept me awake & then they came & scared me by saying (Miss H.) that someone was trying to get into their room & wanted me to come & sleep with them which I did & we slept - 3 in one bed - it was simply awful. I slept hardly at all for the heat & the nightmare. Got up feeling like a jelly-fish. We all went over to James G's at night. 26th. Friday. Another hot day but not so bad as yesterday. Strange that no storms come & it so hot. M. & Miss. H. went down this morning. I had to preside at table. Mr. G. going to Brisbane to morrow 27th. Saturday. Miss Wilde came & slept with me last night. She & I exchanged confidences & it was amusing how we two were alike in our [...] She said B.G. has a girl ~ has had her all alone. How dare he write to me as he did in his knowing how he must have been regardless by her. That explains the strange silence at Xmas. He must have been ashamed. I'd like to talk straight to him. Bob - I'm ashamed of you - You're a flirt - no better than W. Y. Home all day minding things in general. Mr. G. went away early - We two elders left to ourselves

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28th. Sunday. Church morning. Night storm came on. Not very big Awfully hot. Wildes down spending the day & Jim P. here for tea. 1st. March. Monday. Bit cooler : raining some &. 2nd. Tuesday. S. hot. Got great surprise this afternoon by a letter from Bob. Ma enclosed it. Was awfully sorry &c. that he didn't see me at Xmas but why didn't the goat come & see me[underlined] I'm not going to answer it for an age 3rd. Wednesday. School. 4th. Thursday. Up at W's tonight. Had great game of eucre. Hot again 5th. Friday. Mrs. W. & Miss went to Brisbane this morning. Going to be away a month. Mr. W. asked me to-night if I felt equal to a ride to Watana tomorrow afternoon & back on Sunday. I thought over it & asked M. She was a bit shocked. Thought we would want a chaperone then on reflection said it wouldn't matter W. G. up there was engaged. Mr. W. was married & Jim S. was too young 6th. Saturday. Thought I would go up by train this afternoon & ride down to-morrow. They asked for Mr. W. Gibson's grey for me to ride. So up I went by train. Cost me 3/11. 20 miles ride Aleck G. got bit of a start when I got there. However we entertained each other till the other two arrived - 1/4-9. Then we played eucre till 1/4 to 12. Miss Cleary that was is housekeeper there. It is a pretty place - high too. reminded me some of Westwood 7th. Sunday. Went for ride in the truck to the top of the plant. this morning. Pretty view but a bit hazy. Hot out too. Rested & had a bathe after dinner. then set out for home about 5. Got home in exactly 3 hrs - 22 miles. We did speed along that first 19 miles then it got dark & the road was sloppy - It had rained a good bit some parts - luckily we got none. Didn't feel tired scarcely at all. Such a lovely horse tho - to ride - could have gone as far again on him. Had a very nice time. Jim paid me a compliment too - said I had a very good seat for a lady. he could say that truely. Highly edified to hear that from him 8th. Monday. Bit stiff to day but have felt worse riding only a few miles on the other horses. Wrote to Ma. Told her Raining nearly all day. Much cooler. 9th. Tuesday. Cleared. Cold last night Mrs. Boreham & Miss Walker Mrs. Manchester's sister came up this afternoon. 10th. Wednesday. Cold to day. Such a change. I felt it too last night. Amused ourselves at home tonight. Gave Jessie G. a hammering this afternoon. The youngungs annoyed me so much. 11th. Thursday. Mrs. Martin came in on Tuesday afternoon to ask me to come out for a rehearsal to night so as all the others were going to Stirling's to spend the evening I didn't ask anyone to accompany me - only Tom & Albert G. I rode Daisy & got out all right Mr. & Mrs. Porter were there & Mr. Webb from Sharon. the latter has a very nice voice. We had a nice evening only their clock was slow outmore[sic] than an hour & we didn't leave till the moon was nearly down & the saddle rolled coming along - fortunately Mr. Porter wasn't far behind & he fixed it right. We got home serene. 12th. Friday. Another week ended - joy. Letter & parcel from Ma yesterday. Poor little Mother was dreadfully shocked at last Sunday must try & get in tomorrow week for 3 days. Going riding tomorrow with Mr. W. & Jim S. Miss W.

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