




10th. Thursday. Big Storm threatened last night but didn't come to anything. Cooler today. Dear Father's birthday. He would have been 76 had he been spared. Wrote to Ma. Dear little Mother. How different she must be from other girls mothers - even this here. I can't understand one's mother being cold[underlined]. Annie, Evelyn & Jessie Gibson went with the rest of their family en route for Brisbane. Shall have only 4 now - twill be bliss till next Wednesday perhaps. The schools all broke up yesterday. W. & M. went to Christian Endeavour inaugurative meeting. I went not. Seems such a quiet holiday - never worked before on one. Had quiet meditation this afternoon. B. will be surprised when he finds out I'm in B : Girls gave me pretty Xmas cards yesterday. 11th. Friday. We girls had quite a religious talk last night. I like M. better the more I know of her. She seems to miss the companionship of her Mother I fancy. She is a genuine girl I believe tho' she does put on airs sometimes. Had lazy day at school. Only 5 more days & then "Home sweet Home". 12th. Saturday. Katie & I went for a long ride to the Cedars before breakfast this morning. Went to cricket match this afternoon after going to see Mrs. Robertson (Miss Quirk that was) Terribly hot but lovely day. Match not finished yet. Married men only made 55 runs. W. G. & Mr. Wilde & Jim S. went to Wantana riding before sundown. They stay tomorrow. We shall be quiet. Wrote to Edith at night. Eyes feel well to-day. Saw the photo. We[underlined] look well. I bought one & Mr. G. gave me a Souvenir of Bingera - views in with others 13th. Sunday. Church this morning. Mrs. James G. invited me to tea this evening. M. said I ought to consider it a great honour. Read in the verandah till nearly 5. with Mr. G. We two only ones at home. Went over about 5. Enjoyed it pretty well. Always feel as though I was being criticised. Church. Eyes splendid today 14th. Monday. My darling little Mother's birthday 68th. ... Dieu la blesse. My last Sunday here Haven't been away before from her on her birthday. Hope we shall spend the next one together. Feel terrible disinclined for school to-day - we all did - lazy & languid. 15th. Tuesday. Asked Mr. G. to day should be break up to morrow. He said yes. Lovely moonlight night. Sat outside for long time to night. Asked T. Gibson for her horse to ride to-morrow. She said I could with pleasure. 16th. Wednesday. Breaking up day. A penny all round. We ~ 7 of us - started out for our ride about 1/2-5. Jessie is a bit rough but she can go over the ground - takes long strides - but is very safe. We went about 8 miles. All round the Cedars. Got home at 8. Twas lovely had been writing to elsewhere. I shall miss these rides ~ & the milk - we two went to bed early - in to town today - We yarned till all hours. I told her about B. writing to me. She seemed quite amused over it. Glad I told her as she might hear it elsewhere 17th. Thursday. Up early & got things packed .. Went over to Office after 8. Feel a bit sorry to leave Bingera. Am getting a bit fond of it now. Went down 2nd. class with Miss Bendle who was going down too. Got home at 10. Found "Home" a haven of rest as it always is. Found too that the Mother has made up her mind to go to live with Will & Janet. W. is going to put a room up for her & a place for her things. It will be about the only thing we can do unless she can come to Bingera. I must see what Arthur means in April & then see if he has changed his mind - whether Mr. G. can let us have a place to live in. It will take all this next years rent to pay off the expenses of it. Loafed about all day 18th. Friday. Loafed about again all day. Feel terribly tired & sleepy these days. Wrote to H. telling him I was thinking of coming town. Am afraid we shall quarrel if No 3. should appear on the scene. Don't care. Must have an understanding somehow. Went down & got cards for some of our friends. Some will have to go without

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19th. Saturday. Lovely quiet day. Went up to Grace's in the cool of evening after tea. Then walked down town with Joe. Then to Miss F's & home. 20th. Sunday. Church this morning & played. Folks think I look fat & well. Tell them its the milk. Out at night. Didn't play. Not going to strain my eyes there any more. Wonder why my boy[underlined] doesn't write. Told him to write at the middle of Dec. Perhaps I shall get something this week. 21st. Monday. Washed & ironed all today. Haven't forgotten how to work yet. Cards from Jim 22nd. Tuesday. Baked our cakes this morning. Wrote to Alice P. asking if I might stay there 23rd. Wednesday. Were going down to Skyring's to see Eunice this afternoon but it threatened rain so must go to-morrow. 24th. Thursday. Xmas Eve. Not the happiest I've spent either. Got cards from good many - among them one from H. ~ none from my own [...] B. Can't forgive C. for not remembering me nor writing. He has spoilt my Xmas if he only knew it. If I[underlined] had been in his place dear me I'd have written if anything before[underlined] the time I asked him to. Most likely he has changed as I thought & doesn't like to own it. Oh well it will save me the trouble of ~ lots of things ~ Letters from Alf. Jim & one from H. He has evidently not taken my hint & thinks I believe that I'm coming down ostensibly to see him. What ructions there'll if someone else appears on the scene. Don't care ~ must put a stop to it somehow. Went down town early to S's. Saw E. & the new baby. He is a nice little thing - pretty too like Eddie D. Mildred is a nice child & so like Jack. Went not out at night. Sick of tramping about Had a warm time to day with M. Why do folks needlessly worry themselves over trifles. Surely I am old enough & sensible enough I hope to know my own mind & act. 25th. Friday. Xmas Day. Nice quiet day. Will Janet & the children up Joe wouldn't come so Grace coundn't. She came up later on. We sang &c. enjoyed ourselves on the whole pretty well. Were going to service to night per the truck but I was indisposed[underlined] & Ma too so we went to bed early. So ended our first Xmas Day without poor old Jim. They thought about us I guess. Wonder where we'll spend our next. 26th. Saturday. Lovely quiet day. Just amused myself all day. Started pair of booties for Eunice's baby. Quite forgot before to make any. 27th. Sunday. Church & played. Mr. Gibson preached & a very nice sermon too : Good many there. Mrs. B. came with him. Just saw him going out & sent my piece "Don't marry a man to save him" to Lizzie. It may do her good as it did me. Sent Lou. W. & Katie & Elsie cards & Lizzie on Xmas Eve. Rained heavy shower at night : we couldn't go out. Had nice quiet time this afternoon alone with my thoughts. Thought a good deal of a certain one. Perhaps he too was thinking of me. 28th. Monday. Did no extra work to day. Mrs. Reddan sent me word that Miss Southey would be married at 11. so I hurried down & saw the ceremony. She looked very pretty - in fact they made a good-looking couple. Good number were there to see her. She made a blooming[underlined] bride but by no means a blushing[underlined] one. We went over to see Mrs. Reddan at night. Got a pleasant surprise by a New Year's Card from Bob. Nice of the boy to think of me. Wrote to him this afternoon saying I was coming down. Expect a letter from Alice to morrow. Got card from Amy B. & enclosed was a letter from H. saying he was getting 3 more days leave & wouldn't be down till Sunday. Expects to see me at this place but makes a big mistake if he thinks I'm going to look for him there 29th. Tuesday. Washed. Expected letter from Alice P. to-day but none came Wrote to Mrs. Allanby asking if she could accomodate[sic] me. Asked her to telegraph Thursday if she could. P's must all be away. Had New Year's cards from Mrs. T. & C. They much have been stirred up on receiving ours - not until. Can't understand it at all his not writing. This puts the finish on my scruples. Got a surprise by a pretty

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card too from B. It was good of him to think of me. Wrote to him this afternoon saying I was coming down Friday. 30th. Wednesday. Busy. Got letter from Sarah M. saying Alice was away but her letter had gone to her & she had written to say tell me to be sure to come there. Things will be a bit mixed when I get there. 31st. Thursday. Last day of old Year. A good year it has been to us ~ & to me ~ what a strange one. Full of the goodness of loving-kindness of the Lord above & over all. It has brought me much of joy & sorrow too but He was with me & for the future I can trust & not be afraid. Got tel. from Mrs. A. saying to come & stay as long as possible ~ Good ~ But I shall have to explain. Went down town this morning to get things. This afternoon went to see Florrie Castle's wedding in the C. church. W.G. & Miss G. there. Nice wedding & good number there. Afterwards went up to see Grace & J's. Stayed for tea. J. bad with my old enemy. Packed up after I got back. 1896 Vale Vale 1896 1st. January 1897. Friday. Left this morning for Brisbane. Had hot day. felt sick before I go to journey's end. Sarah, Boque, Mr. A. & Meme all there to meet me. Had to explain as best I could to S. Didn't sight anyone else. Felt glad to get settled at A's. Bessie Curtis came down too. Had rather nice time. 2nd. Saturday. Went down to Dr. T's this morning first thing with Mrs A. Shame I haven't felt any headache or pain whatever since leaving home. He examined my eyes thoroughly. Asked me if any of my family had a cast or squinted. Said I ought to have had a squint from the trouble in my left eye. He was very nice. Nice-looking too. Paid to wash them several times a day with boracic acid & do without the dark glasses for a week : must come to him next Friday & he will order glasses. Wondered I had done without them so long. We strolled down town then I went back to see S. M. She came over in the afternoon & stayed till tea & afterwards we 3 took her home & went down town to do the city. Kept a good look out for that youngster but did see a glimpse of him. May be he kept out of the way on purpose. 3rd. Sunday. Went over to S's & she went to church with me. We went to Albert St. church. Didn't enjoy the service much. Had a bad pain. Went to P's for dinner & stayed till about 5. Meme & I went to Dr. Frackleton's church opposite Albert St. It was a very nice service. I enjoyed it. Sang for them this morning before church Mr. A. thinks I have a very nice voice. 4th. Monday. Wrote to Ma. & to Phelps at Fernvale. Would like to go there on Wed. Then Meme & I called at P's. S. & I arranged to go to Sherwood & see Pollock's to-morrow Sent them post card. We went up to the Observatory afterwards. 5th. Tuesday. Started at 10 this morning for Sherwood. Reached P's at 11. They evidently did not expect us as we soon found out - hadn't got my post card at all - wouldn't get it for 2 or 3 days - nice place. ~ however they were very kind & made us welcome - asked us to stay for dinner - a gentleman was there so we had quite a lively time Mr. P. is a dear man ~ just the same as ever ~ Mrs. P. reminded me of Mrs. Brassington. She is very nice & sensible & her sister was there so we were quite a lively company. It was terribly hot & a storm was threatening. so we went to see Mrs. Werkerell - had

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to stay there till the storm was over - it was not a very big one. Mrs. W. is a superior woman & her girl plays remarkably well considering she only has had a quarter's tuition. Had to race to catch our home train & reached home at 6 - Stayed at P's for tea ~ then Mr. Taylor escorted S. & I over to Allanby's. There I found a tel. from Phelps awaiting me - To come by 8 a.m. train to-morrow. 6th. Wednesday. Started at 1/2-7 from home & reached the station at 10 to 8 to be informed that the Ispwich train would not go out till 10. So I had to stalk around town till train town[sic]. Thought of going in to see H. but didn't like to. Got on board & reached Ipswich to be informed there that my Esk train had left an hour before & no more till 1/4 to 6. What I felt like can be imagined. No friends precious little money & in a strange place. However made the best I could of things so roamed around in search of a restaurant to have some dinner. Found one & had a good one for [?4/-] Saw John Gibson there but he didn't recognise me don't think. Rested a bit there then set out to look for a cool spot ~ it was[underlined] hot ~ Found what was called The Park & went in & climbed to the top of a ridge I saw & it was lovely there. That was 1/2-1 ~ I stayed there resting & enjoying the view & the breeze till 1/2-4. Was sorry to leave the spot. Caught a bus & rode to town. Went then to Railway Station & waited for my train & reached Fernvale at 7. Lillie met me. The house was not far off. Glad to get to a place of refuge after the day's adventures. 7th. Thursday. Terribly sleepy all morning. Rather nice place here : the outlook reminds one of Westwood. Lillie looks better. The two girls Olive & Violet are regular country girls. Violet is the more interesting of the two. Mr. P. is a nice man ~ nice-looking too. Four boys altogether staying here. In the afternoon they arranged to take me for a drive so we started about 1/2-6. Had lovely drive all around Fernvale. It was a lovely cool moonlight evening. Got back at 8. Played for them after tea. Sorry to have to go back tomorrow. Would like to stay longer but then I promised togo[sic] to Dr. T. tomorrow & must be in. Pity I lost yesterday. 8th. Friday. Got back at 1/2 -11 to A's. Had bit of fun with a young man on the way down I saw him in the train the day we went to Sherwood. He recognised me too. We struck up an acquaintance at once & had quite an entertainment until a lady got in & spoilt it. After dinner Mrs. A. & I went to Dr. T's & he gave me the order for the glasses. We went then to Greenfield & Barracloughs. Then to another place & I had to scoot home by myself. Got letter this morning from Ma & also news to the effect that a gentleman was very anxious to see me. He had come to Preston's Wednesday & I had come over to A's to tell Mrs. A. so she left an invite for him to come to tea to-night. Of course it was H. What has become of the other I know not. He evidently doesn't care to see me. So it came to pass that Meme & I had some fun before H. came. When he did[underlined] come I hardly knew him. he had changed a good deal ~ for the better - & so well dressed too. I was agreeably surprised. We had a yarn together till after 10. Didn't like him staying so long but he wouldn't take my hints togo[sic] & I had a pain in my eye too. Strange I can think of him so calmly now when once the thought of meeting him again would have been untold bliss to me ~ now I don't care if I never saw him again. 9th. Saturday. Stayed at A's for dinner & went over to P's after - It was raining pretty much this morning. S. & I had arranged to go to "Fairfield" Wilkins' place this afternoon. It held up so we decided to go by the 1/4 past 3 bus. Had a nice 2 mile ride to the place. We had a nice afternoon. They were very kind the girls - we had an immense bunch of grapes each & nice tea before we left. They have a lovely home & a beautiful fruit garden - all sorts of things there. It rained some as we were going home. Reached home about 20 past 7. Herbert came up at 1/2 past & stayed till 10 & past. Alice came home from Southport about 9. She looks thin. She seemed to be rather cool towards me. Don't know what for. S. is as nice as can be - just like the Sarah I used to know years ago. She asked H. to tea tomorrow night & to stay for the night. She seems to have taken quite a fancy to him. Thirteen years to-day since dear Papa died. What a small life-time.

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10th. Tuesday. A memorable day for me. It threatened rain this morning but in spite of that & my getting up at 10 min to 9 S & I went to the Tabernacle. Mr. W. preached a lovely sermon. "As they[sic] days so shall thy strength be". I was so glad I went. H. turned up for dinner at 10 past 1. Then after dinner Mr. Taylor asked me to make up flowers for the hospital. Got ready after that for walk to the Gardens with H. Guessed what he wished that for all along. Thought it best for both of us to arrive at a clear understanding else I wouldn't have gone. It was a lovely soft cloudy cool afternoon ~ just lovely for a walk. Lots of people in the Gardens but none I knew except Lillie Pugh. After strolling around for a bit we got a seat down by the bamboos & there I heard what I knew was coming & would have to come. I felt so calm ~ too cold & calm ~ How different from the last time. However he spoke in a manly way ~ told me he loved me & asked if I loved him in return. My answer was "You've come too late Herbert" Then he asked if I was engaged or loved someone else - I said No to the former & Yes to the latter. Then asked if I had any other objections when I said that Mother's objection was his constitution. I asked him if he would care for things I cared for. Poor fellow I felt so sorry for him. His voice broke ~ the tears filled his eyes & I would have given anything to have felt more tenderhearted. He evidently felt my question keenly. together with my disappointing answer. He said he would very soon learn to like what I did & sincerely desired to follow right. We walked home a little before 6. Went out to Tab. at night S. H & I : he stayed all night. Feel so strange. He asked if we might remain as we are for the next 18 months & then if he might ask me again. 11th. Monday. Woke this morning under a cloud : il me demanda s'il pouvait me baises. Je lui des qu'oue. Said he couldn't think of me in any other way than he had done. Poor boy : my heart ached for him. Meme & I had a walk all over town this morning ~ getting things to take home. Went & had my photo taken for 10/6 at Hogg & Co's ~ H. had his taken Saturday Saw the proof on glass. Suppose it will be a sight. Boyne escorted us round town. up Treasury Buildings. Picture Gallery &c. I to ease my conscience sent him with a scrawl into "Telegraph" Office telling B. I would be down in Picture Gallery at 12 if he cared to see me. Boyne took it in but the boss told him he was busy & mustn't be disturbed. Suppose it is all for the best but I would have liked to have seen him for a few minutes. Can't help it. He should have come & looked for me. Had lovely excursion up river this afternoon. Mr. Taylor, Boyne, Herbert Sarah & I went. They hired a boat & we left at 1/4-3. H. didn't know whether he could come or not but they let him & he got my glasses on the way. We left the 3 bathing about 5 miles up & S. & I went farther up on our own account - about 2 miles till we came to a bend in the river where we had a lovely view. It was lovely altogether : the boys admired our rowing We had water-melon when we came back & picked them up. Then left for home at 6 & reached the wharf at early 7. Twas a lovely afternoon - a green spot - Felt terribly tired when we reached home. Had tea & went with H. to say Good-bye to Mrs. A. Had nice moonlight walk. Mon pauvre garçon. 12th. Tuesday. Missed my train this morning ~ by just a 1/2 minute. 'Twasn't my fault anyway. I stayed up till 12 last night getting everything ready. But S. & Boyne were such a time getting away ~ B. just got to the top of the steps when he called out "It's gone" & we didn't believe him till we got there too & saw the provoking thing sailing away. H. was just going on to Brunswick St. when he caught sight of us, jumped off the end carriage - he had only just come to the station in a cab. We just stood & looked at each other for long enough. Then I got my things into the cloak room till tomorrow & we wended our way down town. Mooched around photo-rooms - windows &c. then went to sit in the church opposite the Museum to wait till it was open at 10 - went over it ~ then to Picture Gallery ~ then home. Alice had got a fright wondering where we had got to. We all had a good laugh then[underlined] over my adventure. Had a bath & rested & snoozed all afternoon. H. came at 6 We had a good old talk & [...] together this evening. Vraiment il m'aime beaucoup mon pauvre garçon et j'en suis très fâché. S. asked him to stay the night. She seems to have

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