




19th. Monday. Not much sleep last night. Up early & off about sunrise with Ma to North Side. Had to wait there nearly an hour for the cane-train. Got up here in time for breakfast. Am going to speak to them about Art's coming up here for a night. Think he might come on Thursday afternoon & go back Friday morn. Feel terribly sleepy. Went off to roost early. 20th. Tuesday. Great excitement. Mrs. Wilde the happy posssessor of a son. Fine boy they say it is. - about 1/2-2 to-day. Youngsters highly excited. Glad she's safe 21st. Wednesday. We M. & I went up this afternoon to see the wonderful child. He is a fine bright knowing looking youngster. Very like Mr. Wilde. Miss Woodgate, T. Gibson. A. G. & Jim Walker up tonight. We had some fun with "consequences". No letter from home. Thought there'd be one 22nd. Thursday. Asked Mrs G. about Art. She said "Certainly". I telephoned down to come & awaited an answer but none came. When I came from school in the afternoon lo! here he was. Ma had mistaken about my tel. Poor chap & there was no one to meet him We had a good confab on the side verandah & I gave him lots of music. Mrs. Nielson of the "Royal" & another lady were here too. Mr. G. was away. After tea we had some more music in the drawing room. Art sang part of "Anchored" & "The Wolf" splendidly. His throat seems funny. Otherwise he has an uncommon voice. They all seemed astonished. W. G. seemed to like him & so did Art him. Twas a lovely moonlight night & we did not go to bed till late I had toget[sic] Art a hot bottle & a bread-poultice. 23rd. Thursday. Did not start school till about 1/4 to 10 this morning. Art seemed out of sorts. Said he didn't sleep & blamed my doctoring. However think he enjoyed his visit & would have liked to stay longer. Mrs. G. asked him to come again but he can't because of those old packs. He with the other two ladies went with Mrs. G. over the Mill & then came back to me & bade me Good-bye at school. He has quite a little scheme ready he says for Ma & I. Had a miserable night of it though. Old Sam informed me last Monday that any time I was going down on Sat. he would bring the buggy for me on Sun. afternoon to the ferry. I said well Sam the next thing you can do is to take me down on Friday afternoon if you can & on horseback. Oh of course says he "I'll take you". So I thought in my innocence it was all right. But lo : he came to me this morning & said the ladies wanted to be driven out this afternoon & later on we could go. So I waited & waited for him until they all came home for tea in such a stew. Mr. G. called me aside & quietly sat on me by informing me that Sam could not do as he liked & that might cause much annoyance if he were to take the buggy down with me. I never felt so small in my life and mad!! it's not the word. After my telling Ma & Art I was coming down & it was too late to say I wasn't coming. I hardly could keep myself straight for tea & afterwards went to my room & had a good howl & went to bed. W. came & asked me to come for the mail with him & to meet Mary but I said - Didn't want to. He is a good old sort. Believe he knew just what I felt like & tried to make me feel better. I like him now all the more. Shall ask for a holiday Monday or get the sack. 24th. Saturday. Off by early train. They can keep their old buggers if they are so very precious. Bearded the lion in his den. Asked Mr.G. for Monday instead of 9th. Nov. He said yes at once & I forgave him on the spot. Art met me at the train. Gave me a good blowing-up for scaring Ma last night. Poor Ma was in such a stew as I thought she would be & it made me so mad last night. I told them Mr. G. wouldn't let me come when it was so late. Poked around yarning all morning. Afternoon went up to S. B. Janet had a daughter yesterday Was hoping it would be a son ~ 7 nieces - Whew! At night Art & I roamed about town a bit. He seems & looks a deal better but is terribly irritable. Good sign perhaps, wants Ma & I to come up to him for six weeks trial next April or May. I would only be too thankful. Don't think I can exist much longer away from home & Mother. Then he thinks we ought to put our Gladstone house & land in the market & get at least 800 or £900 for it. Buy ourselves a little home say in the suburbs of Brisbane. Good! It would suit somebody I know to a T! & bank the rest & live on the interest. Very nice in prospect. But will it ever be realised. Anyway shall not be sorry to leave Bundaberg. Joe home from G. Is selling his[underlined] land there & most likely will take the family

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25th. Sunday. Went to Pres. Church this morning. Hot day & dusty. Art hates this "beastly dusty dry hot depressing hole" We went not but all day after. Small thunderstorm came up at tea-time. Promised heaps of rain & big storm but not much fell. Sang &c R R Road 26th. Monday. Busy helping Art pack His things & Joe up helping & Grace too. Art & I went for a stroll down town in the afternoon. Poor old chap he is great old grumbler but a soft-hearted creature withal. Ma doesn't seem to get on with him at all. I could. Seems to feel his parting with us. Seems to have quite set his heart on having us up there. Hope he won't be disappointed. Hopes to send for us in April. Twill be just the thing. My term will finish 27th. April ~ 9 months - He has strong affections there's no doubt Left town at 6. He came down with me to station. Hope we may be spared to meet again & that he may keep still better. D. V. Gave me some brotherly talk to-day. Doesn't want me to get anybody yet. Thinks I'm not wise to be writing to fellows. Got home here just as they were all leaving for Mr. James G's to spend the evening. Mrs. Uhlman & Mrs. Franklin staying here now. The young Miss Stirling came up with me & Mr. John G. 27th. Tuesday. Youngsters had great grumble about my doing them out of 9th. Nov. They want the Sat. before to be school. Went to B. of H weekly & they got me into playing a thing 28th. Wednesday. Went up to see the new baby again this afternoon. It is getting on & is a cute[underlined] youngster. Art will be leaving this morning. Poor old chap. Wish we were going too. 29th. Thursday. S S S S School. Hot. Had to entertain Mrs. Uhlman & Mrs Franklin last night. They both went down on their way home to-day. Nice old lady Mrs. F. 30th Friday. School. Going home in the morn. Going to ask for my pay. 31st. Saturday. Went down to Office early & got my pay. Took the lot ~ £15. into town & paid bills. Just £7-14-0 to work on. Have to pay £7/16/- for my board Mean old thing. He might let me have the whole of that considering how I work for it but suppose I must consider the way I'm taken into the bosum of the family 1st. November. Sunday. Just got to church but it came on to rain just after dinner. Not very nice outlook for to-morrow morning. Poor little Mother got very sick just after dinner. She must have caught a thorough cold. I rubbed her with hot packs & went over & asked Mrs. Neddan to send Jack up with a note for Grace. Do wish I could stay over to-morrow. If it keeps on raining I shall. Don't like leaving her. 2nd. Monday. Half inclined to stay this morning but as it stopped raining I seemed to feel that Iought[sic] togo[sic]. & there was just time so I scouted[sic]. Didn't like leaving the poor little Mother a bit but she promised to stay in bed & Ivy was here & Grace was staying so as duty called me I went. if I hadn't taken that other holiday could have stayed. Caught the cane-train on the other side & came up. It didn't rain any more. They had had a good deal here too. Got word through telephone to-night to say she was better & G. was going to stay. 3rd. Tuesday. Went over to see if any tel. message for me but none. Lovely day & bright Feel well & bright too. Mary G. in town all week. She went in with a visitor on Sunday. W. was going to call round for me to bring me back at 8 o'clock. Good thing he didn't. Couldn't have come - God will look after my little Mother. 4th. Wednesday. Went up to see the Wilde boy to-night with W. Finished letter to Bob when I came back. Told him not to write to me any more here & not to answer that unless he sent it to G. [...] with his photo. Told him all I could. Not going to write to him any more whilst here. May see him if I go to Brisbane next April. 5th. Thursday. M. came home this afternoon. She got a shock in town. It was all over the place that she was engaged to Fred Castles. We had singing at night. Quite cold. 6th. Friday. S. Feel so well this week. It is cool for this time of the year. News by tel. that Ma still better. Glad & thankful. Have to have school tomorrow to make up for that lost day 7th. Saturday. School. Threatening rain & showers. Felt very tired. Glad I felt so well this week. As [...] day &c. Mr. G came down home last night bringing with him Young Angus. & Allie Corrie & her cousin from Brisbane - two good-sized girls. It rained all night. Wish I could have got home to

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dear little Mother. Miss Wiles from Maryboro. came up this afternoon. We all went up to see the boy. Had a nice afternoon. Miss W. seems a nice girl. Perhaps I shall get home to-morrow afternoon with Mr. Morris he is coming up for to-morrow. Intended riding home to-day if all had been well 8th. Sunday. Rather hot & very windy. Didn't go to church this morning. Felt down Head bad. M. G. came home with the news that Mr. Morris would drive me down if I went at once to meet him. So hurried up & went off down to Sterling's gate & ate some lunch there : After about 1/2 an hour the old gent came along & picked me - he was waiting on me & I on him. Had nice drive down - nice kind old chap. Went to Gouburrum[sic Gooburrum] to church. Got home after 5. Little Mother got a shock. She is better but weak. 9th. Monday. Holiday. Home all day. Fearfully windy. Went back in 6 o'clock train. Wished I could have stayed on. It seems to hurt me more each time I come having to leave home. Only five or 4 weeks more & then holidays. Good -!! 10th. Tuesday. School. Don't seem to mind it so much now I can get home all Sunday. Poked round at night & amused ourselves. M. & I had a great private yarn last Friday What that girl doesn't know isn't worth knowing. She told me things I never heard or thought of 11th. Wednesday. Miserable head all day. Those two talked in the room next mine last night till after 12. Must have got cold in my head too I think : sore throat these two days & now it has gone to my head. Didn't get rid of it till after tea. We three sat out in the verandah for over an hour. Lovely moonlight night. Visitors were expected but didn't arrive. I feel quite neglected now. M. quite [...] me. Had our photos taken on the lawn this morning. 12th. Thursday. Revd. O'Burne here lecturing to-night on missions in Fiji. Mr. Ellison with him. Good meeting. It was very interesting - we all enjoyed it. Miss W. sang a song - I accompanied. Good number there. Choir coming up next Thursday 13th. Friday. Went down to rehearsal for dialogue at the Hall. Mrs. Boreham came up tonight. Going home in the morning. Last chance I'll have of coming home on Monday. 14th. Saturday. Down this morning. Mrs Davidson went down with us. Little Mother still better but weak. Glad to get home. Down town this afternoon. Went over to Mrs. Reddan's after tea. She is a good soul : sends over all sorts of nice things. Lovely night. They will have a nice drive back to Bingera to-night ~ buggy going back. Got glassses to-day from Ma all good. 15th. Sunday. Home this morning. Grace & Joe came down in the afternoon & then we went up there for tea & to see Will & Janet. Baby all right but very thin - poor little mite. Sad to be starved yet doctor M. says better that than indigestion. Church to-night. Choir can't come up Thursday ~ puut[sic] off from Wed. till Sat. ~ unless Mr. G. can get permission to send them back by his [?tengine - train engine] but don't think that can be I wore my glasses to-day. sight glasses or not : anyway I got a pair of day ones. Fearful pain yesterday & today in my head. Had brain poultice on last night. 16th. Monday. Out by early train this morn. Last. Sorry too. Wish they had lasted till Xmas. The guard spoke to me & told me he knew who I was & he had known my folkes[sic] in Gladstone. Had lovely moonlight excursion up the river to-night. Nine of us went. Five boys. W.G. Aleck Alf. Jim Shirley & Jim Walker & four girls, Marg. Miss W. Jessie & myself. It came overcast when we first started but cleared beautifully after. We went about 2 miles up the river. It was lovely. We sang &c. & enjoyed ourselves thoroughly. It will be one of the pleasant things in my life to remember. 17th. Tuesday. M. & Miss Wiles went down to Sharon this morning by train & W. Aleck & I drove down after tea. We had a lovely moonlight drive down. sang &c. Got down to Workman's at 8. Mr. & Mrs. Boreham there too. We had music & singing (they left us to entertain them) till after 10 then turned our steps homeward 2 months to-night exactly since I had a similar moonlight drive with someone. Wonder if he remembers it. They have a fine house & seem nice people too.

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18th. Wednesday. Felt sleepy & tired all day after our dissipation. Wrote to Art. & Ma. 19th. Thursday. Went nowhere & did nothing in particular. 20th. Friday. Went for a grand ride this afternoon after school on Bob. He seemed to go ever so much better than before & perhaps bacause I girthed him tightly. It threatened a storm but still Tom & I had a good ride. Played games in the verandah after tea. It did come on a slight shower. I shall not get home to-morrow. 21st. Saturday. Poked round all day. Started to learn fascinator stitch from Miss W. After tea went up to Wilde's & spent the evening. Mr. Ellison came but brought nothing from Ma. Wonder if she's all right. Don't feel nice about it. 22nd. Tuesday. Threatened rain : didn't go to church : all the others went. Read good bit today. Suppose I shall suffer to-morrow. Went to church at night. Thought lot of home & Mother to-day. Don't let myself think too much of anything relating to any tender feelings. Mustn't look at letters of any sort if I want to keep calm. Went for walk after church. I played. 23rd. Monday. School. After tidying up went over to the Office to see if any message but word by Mr. E. this morning asking Ma to let me know. Word came that she was well so I felt happy. Out to B. of H. meeting to-night. The wonderful "Dialogue" was given. It went off well. Good number there - crowded. I played a "March". Miss W. sang but was not a success. It was a nice sort of time together. 24th. Tuesday. Quiet day & evening. Miss G. & Miss W. went to spend the day at Trebaren's W. went to the Isis early & returns to-morrow. Mr. G. was away too so Mrs. G. I & the children were all at home. Tom's father sick & going to Brisbane to-morrow. Mrs. G. & I yarned after tea & then the youngsters sang ... The girls returned late 25th. Wednesday. Miss Jones from "Tegege" & her young man came to-day & stay over night. He seems rather a taken individual & a flirt I should think. She seems nicer than I at first thought. They are a very cool engaged pair. We all went up to Mrs. W. G's place for the evening first calling at Wilde's. There we met Mr. Miller & badly wanted him to come with us but he wouldn't come as he "was not invited". His eyes have nearly recovered. We had a jolly time coming home. 26th. Thursday. Choir arrive at 5. I stopped school at 3. Marsh came to dinner & brought me parcel with my white dress in. He gave me a letter to read from Alf. Poor Alf. his heart is surely broken. He seems to have opened his heart to Marsh. He blames himself for not attending to little Jack sooner & the doctor for not attending & letting them know things were so serious : he told them he was getting along splendidly & all the time the child must have been dying. Concert went off fairly well they did not sing so well as they have done. Mrs. M. sang "The Toilers" splendidly & was encored. so was Miss Wiles : she sang Good-bye. I like that song better every time I hear it 27th. Friday. We couldn't get into our school till late this morning so stayed outside. Feel tired. No home for me to-morrow. Mr. & Mrs. Ellison stayed overnight & went back this morning. Took a note home for me. Most likely shall break up week after 28th. Saturday. Threatened rain. Loren Katie & I went out for long ride before breakfast this morning. It was lovely. We started at 6 & got back at 7.30. Felt tired all day. Raining at night but we all went up to Wilde's to spend the evening. Mr. Miller there & others : had a nice evening : they went off & left me going home - just to tease me & make me go with Mr. M. I gave it to them. Poor man it is enough to make him scared of me. He is[underlined] like C. there's always something in his face that brings back my boy's face to me ~ nationally the same I suppose. Harold Little went home to-day. He didn't come to say to Good-bye to me. Must have become offended somehow unless they over at James G's have put him against me - most likely. Mrs. G. sick in bed today - dysentry. Mr. S. came up from town to see her. Says [...] pills. 29th. Sunday. Church this morning. threatened rain. Came down in the afternoon

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& kept us from going out at night. I told my age as we were gaming to-night thought I was older I think .. my old eye pains & I only read a little today 30th. Monday . Wish this was the last week. Believe I'll go on longer ~ another week & then have extra after Xmas - perhaps till 28th. Jan. Went nowhere. The girls went over to J. G's. Got letter from Min : they seem all right. She doesn't say how Art is 1st. December. Tuesday. Miss W. going away to-morrow. Shall miss her. She was nice[underlined]. Got great fright last night reading the Courier my eye caught. "Mysterious Disappearance" & the name "Preston". On reading properly was shocked to find that poor Arthur Preston is supposed to have decayed away & murdered by a man advertising for a mate to go prospecting. Two other men are supposed to have met the same fate. Poor Arthur what a horrible ending to a bright young life. No news was received from him at home since the 15th. October - 6 weeks! They are searching everywhere to find him have found several articles of his. Poor Mr. P. [...] him must. It will crush him. Why should such a death be a Christian's. Went over yesterday & got paid[underlined] £5. 2nd. Wednesday. Went nowhere & did nothing. Miss Miss W. We yarned a while.~ we two. I got letter from Herbert : Wants me to come to Brisbane after New Year to see about my eyes. He will be away home for about 10 days. Poor old chap ~ he offers to lend me money to come. Kind of him. Old friends are[underlined] the best. Wrote to Alice P. Didn't know what to say. Wrote to Ma too 3rd. Thursday. Letter from Jim. They seem to be jogging along very comfortably. & are very happy. Very glad & thankful. Poor Alf he must be suffering little Jack's loss terribly. Can never be the same again. 4th. Friday. Saw by to-night's paper a late telegram. The body of a man supposed to be Preston has been found in the river at Linden. Poor Arthur. May God comfort & uphold them in this terrible trial. Parcel from Ma & should have got it Wednesday. Letter from Jim in it. Poor dear Alf. His heart must be broken. Jim says no other child could ever fill Jack's place. Little Mother expects me next week .. She will be disappointed. 5th. Saturday. Poked round all morning. Went over to Office this afternoon & then to cricket match. "Married Men versus Single". We made pink bows for all the youths. Enjoyed watching them. The single played their 1st. innings only that afternoon & made 185 runs - good - Mr. & Mrs. Boreham came up about 6. Read account of the finding of poor Arthur's body. He was found under the riverbank squeezed into a shallow grave ~ must have been there 5 weeks - poor unfortunate boy - his head was shot through with gun-shots - death was instantaneous it is to be hoped. Made me feel quite sick to read the account Letter from Ma. Why should a Christian suffer such a horrible death as that. 6th. Sunday. Church this morning. Had to go in truck. Very hot. Had nice afternoon's read outside. No bad head to-day - quite a relief. Church at night Mr. & Mrs. Wilde were down for tea 7th. Monday. S. Poor Arthur was buried in Sydney on Sat. afternoon. They have found the body of Capt Lee Weller just in the same circumstances & treated the same way not far from where Arthur was murdered[underlined] - Poor boy I can't bear to think of him as that - Goodness knows how many that monster has treated in the same way. Strange that I should have had that vivid dream on the 30th. Oct night. Thought I saw distinctly the words "Arthur is dead" Thought it was our Arthur. Must have been somehow a presentiment 8th. Tuesday. Mr. & Mrs. G. & Mrs. Wilde went to Watana to-day - staying for a week. Very hot. Didn't have much sleep last night thinking of those things I read. Could picture them all. 9th. Wednesday. Very hot night last night. I slept with Mary - been not offended after all. Letter from Bob. sent to Mum but Ma sent it on.

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