




I'd have to get my old one done. They all seemed so hearty over it. I felt quite overcome. Jack C. was there beside me & responded. Mr. Ellison spoke too quite flatteringly. Had practice afterwards 18th. Saturday. Feel out of sorts to-day. Suppose it's the reaction of the strain on my mind. Carrie H. came up after dinner & Mr. Noynes came up too. Studying. Have lots to do next week. My last. 19th. Sunday. Raining. Didn't get out all day. Mrs. Phillips from Knockroe came in the afternoon to see if "we knew anything about Jack". Mr. P. had been in such a state about him ever since he left Knockroe. Believe she came up on purpose to hear news of him. She was quite delighted when she heard he was "married & a!" She had dreamt that he was just the Sunday night following the Sat. they were married. My last Sunday at home. 20th. Monday. Wrote to Mrs. Brassington. Feel sad to-day. Ma & I had an argument 21st. Tuesday. Washing everything & ironed too. Grace & Janet & the kiddies up. Wrote to my dear boy. Poor Laddie : he won't like what I have written. Ma doesn't seem to remember that she was ever young. I had to tell him that I thought it better not[underlined] to-write until Xmas. Told him he had better ask her beforehand what her objectives are. Perhaps when he knows he won't come down. Anyway she sees things in the same was as I did viz. that it would be anything but pleasant for two[underlined] to be mistresses of Heidelberg. It may be years though before he can afford another home. 28th. Wednesday. Studying. Grace came up to say that Mr. Benbow couldn't give me my lesson to-night. Bother him & I wanted to get the Time-table written out too. Intended to have Marsh's, Ellison's & Young's up to-morrow night but the two first cannot come : they are busy with the bazaar work. We were down town & saw then. Saw Willie Y. too. he suggested that he & his missis[sic] should come : so they did & we had a rather nice evening. Very cold Shall have to go to Benbow's to-morrow night now. Put the announcement of "our wedding" in the "Mail" of to-day. It looks quite elegant - short & sweet. I[underlined] too am in the Courier - a little piece. Got one of my photos to-day. It does not look so bad only too[underlined] mournful. altogether but I think it's light enough. 23rd. Thursday. Studying some. Getting my things in straight order. Bicycle Sports to-day. Holidays. Went up to Marsh's to tea. Didn't get from there till nearly 7. Got all I wanted from Mr. Benbow - Time-table from the school. Glad that is settled. 24th. Friday. Busy all morning, tidying round & writing. Wrote to Ada Y. & Sarah M. Enclosed slip, for Mrs. M. Sarah. Lessons. last ones. Mr. Boyle will make a good thing from me. Couldn't get out till after 4. Had to go to photo man & choose another photo for C. Sent it Got to Bazaar about 5. Stayed there for tea & till 9. Spent 12/- & said "Good-bye" to everybody. Feel sad, now I'm going off at last. However as Ma seems not to feel so much on her own account as on mine it won't worry me so much. Still I don't know how I'll get on up there. It bothers me. But after I'm started it will be all right. My last day. Poor little mother. God bless her. Letter this morning from Jim. They seem to be having a [?deirsy] time of it up there. Have been to [different pen underlined rest of day]Westwood - wonder of wonders - It will do them both good. They are staying with Alf. It will do him good too to have them. Mr. W. was trying to impress upon Jim that Herbert was quite clear from all consumption & Mrs W. the opposite so he did not know what they meant. It does not make any difference now. 25th. Saturday. Got things all ready. went over to say Good-bye to Mackenzies. then to Reddans. Then cab came for us & we went down to the station. Got off at 2. Home never seems so pleasant as when one is leaving it. Poor little mother. But they will be home next week some time. One of Gibson's girls was going up in the train too so I had her company all the way up. We reaching the end of our journey about 1/2-4. They are very kind to me I have a nice sized room all to myself. Suppose I'll be all right when settled down. Went up to Mrs. Wild's to-night. 26th Sunday. Went to church at Kolan in the truck this morning. Mr. Ellison preached Mrs. was with him. They went back again after dinner. Home all afternoon. reading. but to church at night at the Hall. Feel lonely now. But am not going to worry any more than I can help. Ought to be thankful that the lines have fallen to me in such pleasant places.

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27th. Monday A day of days. Went over to the school with the boys. they helped me to set things straight. Didn't start till about 1/2-9 or more. Got home to dinner after the rest had finished. Shall have to start at 9. to suit their dinner-hour - 12 - that will mean 1/28 really. Couldn't find my Time-Table book - must have left it behind. Didn't have anything to go by. Felt worried all day. Glad when the close came. Glad this day is over. 28th. Tuesday. Started with music-lessons yesterday too : Started school at 9 this morning. That will be better. Lessons at 1/2-1 & after school. Ma sent my book last night. Glad to get it. Feel very comfortable now & happy enough. They are very kind to me. Treat me like one of themselves. Ought to be very glad to be so comfortable. 29th. Wednesday. Cold. Getting into school-routine now. They are not bad youngsters atall[sic] - the little one. Jessie is a little giggler but I think I'll manage them all all right. One of the masters from the Boy's Grammar School Maryboro : came up to-night to spend a couple of days. We entertained him in the Drawing Room. Then a Mrs. Hirsch - a lady journalist who came up to take notes & is staying with Mrs. Wild came too later on. Then Mr. Ellison. So we had a rather lively evening. I feel bit more happy now & comfortable now things are getting straight. 30th. Thursday. Off early. home 12 - school 1 marking exercises at school 2. home nearly 5. I am making a proper time-table out now. Jack D. is up. He came in this afternoon. So did Mr. Ellison this morning. We went over to church to-night Mr. Fowles preached. A nice service. I had to play as Mary. G. had a boil on her face. Sat talking after 31st. Friday. School. Think I have got hold of the righr management now. Finished bit earlier. After tea went over to Mrs. Wild's to spend the evening. Had cards. music &c. Very cold day - windy. Mary G. went to B-g on her way to Brisbane to-day. She'll be away a fortnight. Mr. Fowles goes in the morning. He is a lively card. 1st. August. Saturday. Feel bit lonely to-day. First day I've had time to think. Poked round all day. My first school week Glad it's over. It has been a long one seems weeks[2 sentences highlighted in pink] since I left home. 2nd. Sunday. Church this morning. Drove in the buggy & pair. Cold day & windy. I played Mr. Hogg : preached. I had to choose my hymns. Felt mopy all afternoon : homesick - & longing for my boy. went down to the river & poked about there for about 2 hrs. Didn't go to church at night 3rd. Monday. School. children bit troublesome this afternoon. I must be strict. Letter from Ma. Dear old Mother. Jim nor Edith not home yet. Expects them to-morrow night[2 words underlined]. They must be having a nice time. Glad. It will do them both good 4th. Tuesday. School. Amused myself after. Reading &c. Two gentlemen visitors for dinner today (One son of Sir A. Palmer. 5th. Wednesday. S. children troublesome this afternoon. Had to keep them all in till nearly 5. They think they can play on me. but they'll find their mistake. Mrs. James Gibson came in to see me for a few minutes after school & invited me over any time I cared to come. Must go on Sat. Another visitor to-day. a gent. from Marybro. Wrote to Ma. 6th. Thursday. Mr. & Mrs. Boreham & two visitors up for dinner. just saw them for a few moments youngsters better to-day. Will have the [?drence]. Miss Bevington going home to-morrow. Shall miss her 7th. Friday. Miss B. went off to B-g. this morning. Poor thing. she is very weak & ill. Don't think she'll live long. Believe she is something like what I was only she doesn't get the care & attention that I got. Long letter from Edie to-night. They arrived home last Tuesday. Seemed to have enjoyed themselves immensely. 'Twill do them both good. Didn't think Jim would go round the country like that. Had exam-day at school to-day. Marks - & it went well. Mrs. [?J.]. G. came in. & was giving me hints 8th. Saturday. Practised all morning. me only. Intended going over to Mrs. James's but it was raining off & on & then was too late to go over so I stayed & helped Mrs. G. darn. Feel quite happy today. When I think of all that God had done for me my heart swells in gratitude a bit. Hope to get home perhaps next Sunday. Think I am gaining favours a little now with his lordship. Went for a stroll with Katie. Home at night 10th. Monday. School. youngsters good to-day always are on Monday. Mrs. Gibson went to Maryboro. this morning. We two & the kids had dinner together. Mrs & Mr. Wild coming to chaperone us. 11th. Tuesday. Mr. G. went to town en route for Brisbane to-day. our family is gradually.

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diminishing. Visitor last night & this morning. the same one that was here with young Palmer. We were making a fearful row last night in the drawing room before tea. I had forgotten all about his coming. Wrote to Alf & Alice P. 12th. Wednesday. Work. Wrote to Amy W : her birthday to-day[from beginning of sentence highlighted in pink] 23rd. Mr. Wilde is going to town on Saturday returning Sunday so I have a chance to go home. Good. 13th Thursday. Jack D. up & (brought me little parcel. Sent back my flannel & told them I would be coming in. We are quite all at home now. I like Mrs. W. very much. She is so plain & sincere. I like him too - much better than someone else. 14th. Friday. Raining all day. School all same. Glad when this day comes. Mr. G. came back quite unexpectedly to-night. He is not well. Sorry our little party will be broken up now. I have got to like them so much. Going home in the morning by train. Might stay till Monday early. but it will be from North Side at 1/2 past 6 Revd. Mr Neil - the celebrated preacher will be preaching - would like to hear him. 15th. Saturday. Started early this mroning to catch truck - got home at 9.30. Jim & Edie met me. They are[underlined] fat there's no mistake. Seems to have agreed with them both so far : They seem very happy too. God has been good. Every time I looked at them my heart seem[sic] to swell with gratitude. Dear little Mother looks well too. It is[underlined] nice to be home again. Feel as though I could stay for good. Ma & I went down town this afternoon. They[underlined] went down at night. Jim has nothing to do. I advised him to write to Penny again first. He talks of building but I think it would hardly be wise. Didn't have a chance to talk to Edie. Not going to mention P's name anyway. McNeil not coming. So I'll go home with Mr. W. Lovely day. 16th. Sunday. Lovely day. Mr. W. & a young chap called for me long before I was ready. Hadn't had breakfast. Would feel very strange now at home. It would not be the same. Can understand better now why young folks ought to be alone. Beautiful drive up. Had great old confab with Mr. W. Got there too late for the truck so we drove straight to church. got just in time - had to play - We all came home together. Stroll again this afternoon. Feel homesick now. It hasn't agreed with me - going home. Home at night. Felt very sad. They are all against me. My darling boy. I shall have to give him up I can see plainly now. It is not right of me to wish him to take me so much older than himself. I must do it tho. it break my heart. Shall offer him his freedom. No wonder he didn't want to wait. The longer we wait the older I'll get, Alas! I can but love thee. May God bless thee my beloved. May God bless thee. 17th. Monday. School. Feel bit better to-day. Miss G. came home to-night. 18th. Tuesday. Youngsters very tiresome to-day. Shall have to shake them together somehow. Didn't get home till late this afternoon fiddling about with them. 19th. Wednesday. Had row with Norman & Elsie to-day. Threatening that I would tell on them if they didn't return better as as[sic] they wasted all the afternoon. I wrote a note to Mr. James & told Elsie I would tell her father as soon as he came home. They none of them thought I would do it but I said I always did a thing when I said I would they all got a scare. Intended being home early this evening & there I was till 10 past 5 - too bad. They were all very vexed here about this. Next time she is to have a punishment. Miss G. & I went over to Mill to-night. It was very nice. Young Mr. Sherling & W. G. took us over. The electric light is very interesting. Was weighed. 8st 5 !!! That's wrong I'm sure 20th. Thursday. Norman got it properly last night & they are all wonderfully good. They all got a lesson. If I once lose my control over them it will be all lost time teaching them at all Miss G. wants badly to go to Butterfly Spinster's Mall in town to-morrow night. She seems to be fond of gaiety now as much as any town girl. I think it's a pity that in a Christian household like this is supposed to be that the world has such a hold upon them. I told her I would play for her at the Concert & Social to be

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held at South Kolan church to-morrow night. She's supposed to play. We went over to John G's to-night to try a song over with him. Lovely moonlight night. 21st. Friday. Thank goodness this week is over. It has been a trying one. I feel quite weary. Miss G. went off this morning. We all went out to the Social in the truck - 2 of them with about 60 in. Had nice time & got on all right. I had to play all. 22nd. Saturday Willie G. said at breakfast that he was going down to town of course I said I'd go. Left about 2.30. Quite objects of interest as we drove off. Had the buggy & pair black horses. Had very nice drive down. Got home little after 4. They were surprised at my coming though I had telephoned to Marsh & he let them know. Surprised to find Jim gone to Rockn. He went to Knockrow on Monday but finding nobody there came home & there was a letter from Alf offering work at Mt Morgan for some weeks so he shot off in double quick time & so Edie is where she was two months ago. However they (she & Jim) seem quite comfortable. Had nice time with them & then went down town & met my escort at Blackie's at the appointed time 8.30. Mary G. waited in town to go back with us. We has a nice lively time coming back. Lovely moonlight. Feel homesick going home doesn't agree with me. Ought to feel myself highly flattered I suppose[all underlined] but I don't. I can't forget my own boy. Met such a number of folks to-night. Wrote to H. 23rd. Sunday. Church. Poked round all afternoon. Laid down & rested my legs. Went out at night. Feel always very "heimweh" after being home. 24th. Monday. School. Il me demanda de sortir ce soir mais je ne voulais pas. Am going down to-morrow in the buggy with the Wildes & Miss G. Shall get Wednesday off 25th. Tuesday. Not much schooling done to-day. Started at 1/4 to 9 this morning & left off at 1/4-12. Then went in at 1/4 to 2. & left off at 20 to 3. Changed my mind at dinner. Miss Walker from over the river sent over wanting to come with them so I thought there would be too many & suggested going with Miss G. & Florence G. by the Cane-train. So I did. We were driven over to the ferry by Mr. Gostling & cab. He came down with us in the train & very kindly put us into his cab. Got home before 4. Nobody home till after 5. Gave them a fright. Started to rain & kept on all evening Would have liked to have seen the hall from the Gallery. Don't reckon much on folks Christianity who can mix up with bulls &c. Something queer. Miss Hupart & another Maryboro. girl are coming to B. after the Show : Special favourites of W. G's especially Mrs S. 26th. Wednesday. Were getting ready this morning Edie & I to go down & see the procession for Lord Lamington when who should appear on the scenes but Mrs. Wilde & Miss Hupart. They asked me to play for them to-night at the Caledonian Concert. I consented. Have to go home to-morrow morning by special train. We went down first & saw the proc. It looked very well only everything was quiet. Then had to go to Theatre & practice the songs. Miss S. & Miss McGhie sang 2 songs each & a duet. Miss S. is a rather nice looking girl not good-looking but a very open face. Saw his royal highness too. We then went home to dinner. Then out afterwards to Show-grounds. It was very nice. Missed my boy so much to-day. Saw other girls there with their boys & did wish my Laddie could have been there He would have enjoyed everything so much. Edie & I yarned till nearly 12 last night : Came home nearly dead-tired from Show. Nice cool day after the rain last night. Suddenly recollected this morning that I had no evening dress in which to appear before royalty. Mentioned it to them this morning. Mrs. Boreham offered to lend me a pink silk blouse which ~ thankfully accepted. It fitted me grandly. Just had time to practise accompt. & get tea & get ready & go down to Theatre. Gov. appeared at 8.30. Crowded house. But such a thing of a concert. It was[underlined] a mixture. Miss S. & McG. sang well. both encored. Everyone said had they known I would be played[sic] they would have had me. Felt too tired to do any more than I did. It turned out very cold. Stayed & watched the third dance after & (only saw the back of the Gov.'s head. Mrs. James G. said I looked nicer than anyone there : 27th. Thursday. Went down town to ask Davidson about my eyes but he was in such a hurry I could not see him. Hurried up to the station at 10.10. We left in the august compan

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of the gov. & party together with a lot more at 10.30. The train went straight through. The carriage we were in was lovely. All plush cushioned & so comfortable. And I{underlined] was in the presence of his Majesty[underlined] & didn't know it. I asked Flore. Gibson beside me who was the gent. in grey clothes with a white rose in his coat sitting nearly opposite & she misunderstood me & said I don't know. What was my surprise on reaching Bingera to find Mr G. introducing him to Mr Markin as His Excellency. He is not a bit like his photo - that made him dark & he is a fair man. However Mrs. G. was as bad as I. She didn't know it was he either. I might have said all sorts of things. I went straight home & found a young cousin there. Bob Gillies from Brisbane come up for a holiday. All the others staid[sic] down there & entertained the Gov. for a couple of hours & then nearly all went back to town with him. I need not have come up either for Mrs. John doesn't want her children to have any school this week any more than the school children so I'll go home to-morrow morning. Went over to Mrs. John's with Mrs. Wilde & spent the afternoon. Mrs. McGhie comes back to-night with Mr. & Miss G. 28th Friday. Started home this morning after giving the girls music lessons. Gave them a fright just at dinner. Had to wait for the train so did not get in till late. We went up to S.B. in the afternoon. Called at Ellison's on the way to see if Mr. E could take me home on Sunday but as he was waiting to take his father-in-law : he couldn't. Shall have to go by train now to-morrow. Called at Young's too & she invited us to come back for tea which we did Edie & I after we had been to Hussey's to try on my blouses. Got home about 9.30. 29th. Saturday. Enjoyed myself till train-time. Mr. John G. was coming up & he would insist on paying my fare & nothing loth I let him. Got back at 1/2-4. The S.S. treat was being held at the Hall. I had a pain & couldn't enjoy it much. W. G. went down to town & bought Miss Hupart & with Miss McG. up. We had a musical evening. They are a lively pair. He is certainly much smitten. Feel homesick again 30th. Sunday. Church this morning. Went to bed this afternoon. Feel homesick again 31st. Monday. School. 1st. September Tuesday. School. All the folks went driving. We all went over to the Mill after tea to-night & had the greatest fun out. Coming home we were like a pack of larrikins. Miss S. is awful. The two are a funny pair. I think he worships her but apparently she doesn't care a pin for him but I think she hides her feelings 2nd. Wednesday. Off school early this afternoon. We had an "evening" here as the "girls" are going away in the morning. Music singing &c. very nice. Were to have a dance only man wasn't well. Shall miss those 2. they are nice. 3rd. Thursday. They went off early this morning : the two[underlined] had an early walk this morning so things must be pretty square between them. The house feels quite quiet without them. We three sat out in the side verandah next the river all evening after tea. I like young Gillies. He seems a nice sensible sort. 4th. Friday. Thank goodness another week is over. Feel quite a relief. Mr & Mrs. G. went to Watana this afternoon & the three young folks had to keep house. Two gentlemen visitors arrive viz. a Mr. Thorn & Revd. Lake from S.A. they are to stay over Sunday eve were wishing no visitors would come while we were just to ourselves but we managed to entertain them in the drawing room somehow after they had tea. They are both married men old enough to be our fathers. We Bob & I had our fortunes told tonight. Mine was remarkable ~ It was so striking that Mary asked if I were engaged ~ A fair[underlined] man was very fond of me but I was to stick to him in spite of the difficulties with which we were surrounded & all would be right in the end

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