




Only Trust Me[all underlined] Only trust Me, do the shadows darkly & 'er thy pathways lie? Was there ever earthly shadow that could hide thee from mine eye? Dost thou shrink, and fear, and waver? Look upon mine outstreteched arm, waiting through all shades to lead thee, onward to a better land. Only trust Me, dost thou ask me why the way should be so rough Thou wilt know the need hereafter, here my word must be enough. When I tell thee all is working but to make theee[sic] meet for heaven, wilt thou not accept thy portion, take thy lot in wisdom given? There's a place within My temple, for long ages kept for thee I must fashion thee to fill it through a bright eternity. From the quarry I take heron thee, ruffed, hard, and sin-defiled I must change, and I must cleanse thee, would's't thou stay the work, my child? Ask it not, 'twill soon be over, then thou'lt thank Me for the pain, see how every pain was needed, not one stroke bestowed in vain ; tools of earth, sharp axe and chisel, will have ceased their work at last, perfect to thy place I'll bring theee[sic] every tear and trial past. -"-"-"- = In ways we know not[all underlined]= I sometimes think God lets our sorrows gather, Till joy is hidden by pain's heavy cloud, That in the darkness we may find Our Father, We need His so, when heart and head are bowed - -"- I sometimes think He lets friends fail and falter, To show us earthly props are insecure, The broken hearts we lay upon His altar, Of healing and of solace may be sure. -"- I sometimes think He strews our path with roses, And when we find that each one hides a thorn, He takes us by the hand and gently shows us - That not to live to self has man been born. -"- I sometimes think when He seems all unheeding, Turning deaf ears unto our wild request, In silent pity His great heart is bleeding, Because to grant us it were not the best. -"- I always think, in His divine compassion, Not one will perish from His loving hand ; knowing our weakness and the strength of passion, He pities us - because He understands. -"- Many Many Many[ all upside down]

Last edit 10 days ago by Taase


Hygiene in une femme inceinte[all underlined] Sponge or towel bath taken in the morning two or three times a week is stimulating & invigotating. Then for 5 minutes take deep inspirations of fresh[underlined] air The sitz-bath[underlined] is one of the most desirable baths. Tepid water is most beneficial. Remain in from 3 to 8 minutes then have towel & hand friction followed by rest in the reclining positions & sleep if possible From 10 to 12 in the morning is the best time to take this bath. Diet[underlined]. Nourishing. Avoid fluids while eating. Little meat & no condiments & little fats & sweets. Food & drink should be chosen that lack in boneforming materials. Feast on fruits freely. All garden vegetables save beans. Eggs wheat & milk can be used moderately. Next to lemons & oranges apples, peaches & plums should be chosen. For supper[underlined] simply rice or corn gruel. Fruit & rice diet. Fruit & rice diet. Fruit & rice diet the best[all underlined] Dress naturally & freely : Live much of the time out of doors : have abundance of fresh air in the house : let exercise be sufficient & systematic pursue a diet of fruit rice & vegetables. regular rest must be taken. abstain from the sexual relation. If the first experiment be not altogether successful it will however prove the beginning of sound health. Motherhood will be deemed the choicest of earth's blessings : women will rejoice in glad maternity & for any self denial will be compensated by healthy, happy, buoyant grateful children. For insufficient milk[2 underlined] drink freely of new warm milk. Next is cocoa with plenty milk. Depend upon grains & fruits mainly. Use honey instead of butter. When a child is weaned feed it upon oatmeal, maizemeal, bread & milk, rice, & ripe fruits. Meats & condiments, tea & coffee & foods containing fats are to be avoided & most vegetables. Incontinence of urine[3 underlined] Give the child a light supper devoid of liquids. Take it up once or twice in the night. Bathe the spine with equal parts of alcohol & ammonia followed by hand friction. Trust[underlined] I cannot understand the why and wherefore of a thousand things - The crosses, the annoyances, the daily stings : I cannot understand but I can trust, for perfect trusting perfect comfort brings. I cannot clearly see why life to one brings joys, unlooked for gain, while to another bitter-heartaches come, and pain : I cannot clearly see but I can trust and by-and-by my Father will explain. I cannot see the end, the hidden meaning of each trial sent, the pattern into which each tangled thread is [?plent or tlent or taut] : I connot see the end. but I can trust, and in His changeless love I am content. I cannot grasp the whole of life's great symphony, not find the key to these strange minor cadences perplexing me : I cannot grasp the whole, but I will trust in Him whose ways are perfect harmony.

Last edit 9 days ago by Taase
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33412 from "TOKOLOGY."[underlined] =Cures for Constipation=[all underlined] Do not resort to drugs even tof temporary relief.[all underlined] In constipation until premanent benefits can be obtained if it is necessary to have temporary relief resort to enemas in preference to drugs. Retaining a pint of warm water over night

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Last edit 9 days ago by Taase
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