first thing this morning that he met B. who told him he had been out of town & only just got his letter & if I came at 10. or 1/2 past he would see me so I went & had an interview. Says I can't go for the 'Senior' now : It would take 12 months study. - I might do what I can this time He advised me to get as many certificates as I can for Theory. I said I'd study under him when I came to Brisbane. He looked very dubious when I said a minute after that I was going to be married. Went to the Furniture shops Hicks' & priced things. It's a splendid place for furnishing. Then to H's & stayed there till he finished my tooth : just stopped it for the time ; took out all the tartar - my guns bled muchly too. stayed & had some lunch with him ; then home ; he has fixed Boyne's tooth now: He came up early after tea : & we had our last talk together till the day[underlined] itself : wonder if that day will ever come. We fixed things up at last : I gave up all thoughts of broaching it myself but somehow it came out unexpectedly & then the ice was broken. He said he tried to make me come out with it - he guessed partly what was on my mind. The dear fellow thinks the same as I do about things. I'm so[underlined] glad. I was afraid [?he - see note below] wouldn't : [?he] & W.G. are 2 in a thousand in perhaps more than that - that think that way. I do thank God that he has given me a dear good fellow as he is & for the unselfish love that he bears me. May He in His love & mercy spare us both to see the day that makes us one - He has a cold & so I suppose I'll get it too. We read the 103rd Psalm together. before saying good night 21st. Saturday. Up early. Feel so thankful that we had that talk together : he mentioned again going along & I said that if we could look each other in the face in the daylight there was nothing to be ashamed of - & I felt I could - he too. Says he loves & respects me all the more for it & sure his father would too. Left at 8. Mr. P. & Lilly to see us off : Felt sick all along in the train. Mr Maxwell on board wanted me to come into his carriage but I preferred a long one : Had quiet time all way - H. gave me a Courier & the first thing I saw was the announcement of M's wedding to take place on the 24th. - so I'll see it after all. It seemed such a long day. Got home at 6.30. Ivy & Will were there. First news was that Ma was sick in bed. She must have got a chill last week too. Poor little Mother. 22nd. Sunday. Out this morning. to church. Mr. G. preaching. Gave him M's present. Arthur W. there : Mr. & Mrs. Wilde too. Arthur W. says I'm to come to Wilde's at 12.30 on Tuesday to get up. Little Mother in bed - she would get up & dress some but couldn't hold her head up. Nellie Dawson came up to see Ma & the talking made her worse - was sorry she came. 23rd. Monday. Little Mother bad. Grace rubbed her : her back bad. I got sore throat too : must have got H's cold. Went down town & got cake-basket at Macleod's - he hasn't sent the salver yet - lazy thing. Feel heavy headed & nasty today. 24th. Tuesday. Wrote to H. Sneezing all morning - Got ready & went up to Wilde's - found the Wiles' family & relations there 2 Curtis girls too. Two lots of us went up : a cab & the buggy & pair. Got up at 3. Went to W.G's. - the others had to get dressed - too busy at the house to dress there - I started sneezing again directly we got to W.G's - draughts I suppose they were ready about 5 to 4 : Workman's (Tom & Min) were there too. Mrs. Snell & her little girl. They drove us to the Hall at 4. It was beautifully decorated & on the platform was a carpet square. Overhead was a floral bell. Outside were 2 pillars made of canvas looked like stone from a distance : it formed a triumphal arch
M. looked very nice & as calm as possible & went through it all very well : old Mr. Wiles married them. Mr. Snell finished up - Albert Wiles & Dave were best men & Alice W. Jean S. Elsie & Ethel W. bridesmaids. It was a very pretty wedding altogether : It seemed so long since I had seen anyone from Bingera or left there. After the ceremony we went back to the house & in a little while sat down to breakfast. I couldn't see the presents : mine was quite a puzzle - there was a great crowd in the drawing-room .- Mr. Boreham took me in to the breakfast. I enjoyed it but the old cold I could feel getting worse every minute with the draughts. I took Mr & Mrs. Snell up to W.G's to get ready for going back before the breakfast was quite over. Gathered my things together & came down to be ready togo for the first chance - didn't want to stay all night. Got a seat in one of the cabs at last with Trissy Curtis : We got to the station at 1/4 - 8. The other cab was just ahead of us all the way - so I just stayed to say Good bye to M. & A. but I was dying to get home - the night air didn't improve me. Found the little Mother alright. Glad I didn't miss the wedding. Got no cake tho' A very hurried affair altogether it seemed. Florrie Wiles & Ethel went back by the train too. I like F.W. 25th. Wednesday. Felt horrible today. Sneezed all day long & my head felt dreadful - as if I had been crying for hours. Got letter today from H. my dear old boy. God bless & reward him for all his love for me. & kindness to me Little Mother in bed still : she feels better but light headed. 26th. Thursday. Little mother better & up a little today. She has got a good shaking. I wrote to Alf & Sarah M. Better in my head but dreadfully heavy & stupid - nose running still. 27th. Friday. Mother better still & up. Mr. Snell called this morning & Nellie D. this afternoon. We meant to get all things packed this week but I can't do anything [?nor] can the mother so they must go. 28th. Saturday. Got news today which didn't make me feel very birght : plague in Brisbane at last. May God in His mercy stay the destroying angel & keep my dear one safe from this evil & let not harm come to him now the future looks so bright to both of us. Got some things together today. Must do all next week. Skyrings coming to see us Monday. Little Muriel's 1st. birthday. Little Mother much better but still weak. Little Mother much better but still weak. 29th. Sunday. Went to church this morning. Anniversary Services (flower children's) very pretty & the children were ranged high each side the pulpit : the singing was nice too. didn't half like going with this old cough but it stopped while we were there : we sat at the back - little Mother better : the talking seemed to make her worse[underlined]; saw the Workman's this morning. They want to know when we are coming out : want us to come for a week. 30th. Monday. Little Mother much better only weak. I feel horrible : took good dose of castor oil : pains all over me : I must have got the Mother's cold on top of mine. Skyring's came this afternoon. We go there on Thursday to spend the day. 1st. May Tuesday. Feel pains gone somewhat only my back is horrible, can't do anything - this horrid tickling in the throat too is tormenting me again. Wrote to H. Letter from him today. yesterday too which should have come Saturday. Great piece of news Boynie Preston has apprenticed himself to him for 2 years paid his premium of £50!!!! Who'd have thought it now he'll not have to work so hard not so long & will be able to take a longer honeymoon. We should have left today.
[3 doodles across top] 2nd Wednesday. This horrid cough worries me & the dreadful pains in my back. Got mustard plaster on my back last night & slept a bit decently; but still the cough goes on. Can't get any packing done. 3rd. Thursday. Dull raw day : We got ready & waited till 11 for them & as they didn't appear we walked on our way to the station to see Mr. Maxwell about our luggage : I felt the old pains afresh today but we managed to get as far as Mrs. Thomas when Mehan's cab stopped us with Miss S. in it; so we hopped in : their horse had got funny & they couldn't come. Saw Mr. M. Says we had better send our things by boat : costs too much by rail. Then we drove to S's & had a nice Day there only I felt so dreadfully tired & dull & the old cough was worse. They gave me such nice presents : Mrs. S - a 1/2 doz. silver spoons & sugar tongs in case : Lillie - silver butter knife - pickle fork & jam spoon in case - Rose & Emily - 3 Dresden china ornaments - so pretty. Miss S. is working me a cushion - on a frame - on plush - It'll be lovely as her work always is. It was very kind of them. I asked Miss & Lillie to come up. 4th. Friday. Felt worse today : both of us : yesterday was too raw to be out. Nellie D. came round again to see Ma & say Good-bye. 8 yrs today since I first saw H. the day he came from Bowen Downs. Wrote to Minnie W. asking her to see me on Tuesday as we can't come out. 5th. Saturday. Spoke to Will & J. last night about the piano. They are going to take it @ £30 - so I'll get it tuned for them. Glad that matter is settled. We managed to get a bit of packing done. but this abominable cough gives me no peace : Ma is better thanks be. 6th. Sunday. Ma went to church. I not. - cough too bad - Sent my birthday book & little Opinion Book for Ben to put his opinions in & a note to Minnie bidding them all Good-bye. Ma saw them : Min wasn't in - the boy sick : They sent me a set of pillow shams - nightdress bag in darned net & 3 little toilet mats & note from Min. Had some hymns this evening. 7th. Monday. Made up our minds to leave on Thursday. Wrote to Sarah M. she'll get it Wednesday. Rained some today ; meant to go to Wilde's & round there. M. & Archer home : were out last night Letter from H : should have got it Saturday. Wonder how that is. Janet gave me £15 on piano - great help to us. 8th. Tuesday. Went down town this morning & paid bills : got things : then went to Wilde's - baby sick & cross : had dinner there : said goodbye to Alf W. he said to write sometimes & let them know how I was getting on : they said they wanted me to stay a week with them before going. Mrs. W. said as I went to be sure & write & let them know when the 'event' was as she wanted to send me something : I took little Eric round to Nellie D.'s to play & left him there : said farewell to them : went to Mrs. Reddan's : then to [?Marg's or Mary's]: found Mr. Snell there who wanted to drive me home then but I said in half an hour so he went away & came back after I had had a look round M's home. she looks well & has everything so comfortable - not too much of things - wants me to come there to-morrow for dinner - Mr. S. drove me home at sundown. 9th. Wednesday. Got our 2 tin boxes. but box & my violin rolled up in blankets as a package - taken up to train this morning : I went up then & saw Maxwell : he wouldn't let me book them or pay for them - said he would get Gladstone ticket on them & they would go there & be alright till we came. Thought it rather risky but said nothing. Then went to M's for dinner & stayed till 2.30. It seemed so strange to see them so practiced & funny about housekeeping. She seems very well & happy. She gave me some advice. Went home & Ma & I went & said Goodbye to Mrs. Hussey - 10th. Thursday. Up early & off by 7 - train left at 7.30. We had only a lady in our carriage as far as Annandale. Maxwell nodded to me on leaving that the boxes were alright but when we got out of the train the guard asked us if we had more, so we said they were going to be put out at Gladstone but he said they would not but would most probably be taken on to Rockhampton. So our faith in Mr. M. was not realised. Sarah drove us home in the buggy. We rested all day after : it was hot too : felt nasty & coughed more than ever
11th. Friday. Coughed nearly all night. Mrs. M. gave me some of Mr. M's cough mixture to take tonight. They have no dairy now, & it seems - so nice & quiet. Rose & the children away too. Mrs. T. came back a week ago. 12th. Saturday. Sent telegram in by John to give to Mr. Watt to send to Alf 're' boxes. Cough still no better : this horrid irritation keeps on : kept out as much as possible today. They were dipping cattle this afternoon at the yards & late in the evening Sarah & I were standing admiring the sunset : someone went over to John for a horse & coming back stopped at the gate & hesitated a while as if he were not sure who I was then raised his hat. S. said it was Charlie S. He couldn't have thought we were going to run down to him. 13th. Sunday. Had a walk early : then we had service amongst ourselves. It's lovely here now : so quiet & restful. Had another walk in the afternoon. Didn't cough so much last night nor today but every evening at sundown it seems to come on worse. 14th. Monday. Had great ride to-day with John & Sarah. Was afraid I was doomed to none as Prince was poked badly with a beast. We went to Rodds Bay paddock for a cow & calf. Got home at 3.20. Cough better today. We had lovely view from top of hill Wrote to H. before we left. 4 yrs today since I settled at Heidelberg 15th. Tuesday. Practised some today. & had walks. Eating as much cream & oranges as possible. Raining some. 16th. Wednesday. Letter today from H. Got word to say from Alf that the boxes were safe in his car so that's right. Cold. John went to Milton. C. came here but didn't come up to speak to us. He seems to be as desirous - to see me as I him. 17th. Thursday. Cold again. Lovely day. Stayed out as much as possible. It's lovely here. Cough much better now 18th. Friday. Took a ride over to see Mrs. Turich. Lovely day & cold : thought I was getting a fresh cold with sneezing &c. Saw Mr. T. & Rose & her two boys : they are very big. Mrs. T. greeted us very stiffly at first but was alright afterwards. It seems so strange to be here again after 4 years. I do[underlined] like this place somehow : it satisfies me so being up so high & the air seems so clear & nice but - - - I wouldn't change my Dear boy for all the Heidelbergs in creation. . She said she might come over next week & see Ma. 19th. Saturday. Most lovely day & cold. We miss our clothes now : Ma & I took a walk over to Annandale station to see about the parcel & post Maxwell the £1. Poor little Mother got knocked up coming back & had to go to bed before tea. & have hot flannels. &c. She must not have any more exertion : Mrs. Mann thinks it's a rupture she has & I shouldn't wonder. 20th. Sunday. Church this morning to ourselves. Had nice walk to river first. It's lovely here. Had quiet ride this afternoon & another walk. 21st. Monday. Threatens rain. S. & I rode over to see Eumine. Didn't start very early so were a long time going on these brumbies Wrote to H. before I went. Eumine was all there to meet us. & we spent till 4.30 there. Says the plague is scaring them all up there in Rockn. Poor Alf is in a great state over it. Little Mildred has a verandah at walled in to herself : she's so dreadfully mischevious they've had to do it. Poor child it seemed so sad to see her shut up there : but she seemed quite happy playing with all her toys & swing : she is such a big child I was quite struck with her : as big as our Winnie & so strong looking - only 4 1/2. She seems to have developed the animal nature at the expense of the mental We reached here at 4.30. It kept up after all. 22nd. Tuesday. John came back this afternoon from Milton : it started to rain after he came & rained hard at night. Ma showed them all my presents today & they thought them lovely. I'm just Nell's age now[5 underlined] exactly what she was when she died. 29 yrs. 4 months nearly. [whole line underlined]
23rd. Wednesday. Clear again. No letters today from anywhere : they ought to write us from Bund-g. Practised good lot this morning. 24th. Thursday. Queens' Birthday - Had lovely ride with John 8 miles on his way to Milton : all among the hills : we went as far as the river crossing with him. then went further on on the other way to where we could see the hills better : got off & rested the horses : poor old [?Dio] knocked up so we just had to walk them home : It was a beautiful day & altogether I enjoyed it thoroughly: away from plagues & disagreable things of all sorts. I was meant to live in the bush. Got home before sundown & found a letter from H. in the letter-box : the mailman had overlooked it in his bag yesterday. 25th. Friday. Wrote to Ivy & Minnie Workman. short one. Have come to the end of my wool for Edie baby's jacket : asked her to match it in B. Practised some Revd Wilson Rush. minister from Gladstone came out this evening & held service tonight. A man about 38 or so : plain & homely. Would do nicely for Sarah. Mrs. M. informed him almost immediately that I was engaged. 26th. Saturday. Mr. W. went back this morning. Started to rain after dinner & rained hard all evening. Cold & raw. 27th. Sunday. Raining nearly all day : cleared a bit towards evening & we went mushroom hunting. S & I & got a lot of nice ones up near the big gate. Letter from my dear boy. Service this morning. 28th. Monday. cleared today. Cold too. Wrote to H. Practised lot. 29th. Tuesday. John came back tonight & brought the horse so now we'll be able to get some drives : 30th. Wednesday. Letter from H. dear old sort. I always thank God for granting me this dear [?wonderful] love. Alf too. Says we can please ourselves now about coming along - plague subsiding. Gave us instructions what to ask Ma & Mrs. M. going into town tomorrow stay till Saturday. 31st. Thursday. They went off this morning to the train. John took S & I over the river for cattle. I rode Prince who is quite better again from his poke. He's a lazy animal though. Joe's birthday Dieu le blesse. Elsie & I & the children went over the river fishing but caught 0 1st. June Friday. Willie & I rode over to Annandale for their 2 cows to be dipped. Got letter from Ivy & my wool too. She says Janet & her mother wrote to us [...] Jock Willie did go to Brisbane to the encampment. He saw N. for a few minutes at the station Bertie is better & they had a great day on the 24th. Took back the cows again in the afternoon. Plenty of sunshine today. 2nd. Saturday. Practised 3 hours today. Went for a walk over past the scrub to meet them coming in the buggy but lo !! Mr. M. came back alone. Post card to say that they would be coming by morning train. Monday. Gay old parties. It's Mrs. M. who wants to stay. Ma doesn't I know. Feel husky today Walked over the river in bare feet yesterday evening. It was cold. 3rd. Sunday. Alf's birthday. Dull day : Had nice service this morning This evening S & I & the children went for a long walk over by the scrub Thought the walk would clear my huskiness. May go to Sea Beach Monday if fine 4th. Monday. Turned out lovely day. We were all up early & got things done up & ready to start by 9.30. Just as we were leaving they arrived from the station. so Ma got in the cart & came too. S. & the children came - S. drove & we picked up Poppet on the way : Elsie & I rode It seemed a very long way over but it was a lovely day. Got over the crossing before the cart : it was quite shallow - got down at 1. stayed till 4 - they did - Elsie & I didn't leave for 1/2 an hr - had a paddle first. It is pretty down there - need a clear day too - couldn't have been better - Saw Miss Wyndham - she's very ladylike. The water was shallow over the crossing again - we got home at 7 : such a pretty moonlight coming along but a big halo round the moon. Had a nice lovely day altogether. God was very kind to us. Glad Ma went too. It must be 12 miles there.