class - Mrs. W.G. coming now - took M's class. Out again at night Only 3 Sundays left to me now. Got glasses yesterday. The [?booley] of a boy was waiting for someone to call for them & Mac was sick 19th. Monday. Little Mother's Golden[underlined] Anniversary. I left 1/- to Janet to send a telegram to her. Not many live to see that. I wont. Hate that hat of mine now I've got it. Showed it them tonight but they all thought it very pretty & suitable to me so I suppose I must keep it : intended to change it. Mr. G. says it's just the thing for Queen St. Holiday today. Went over to the office - after I had practised. Couldn't do much this morning. The black girl didn't turn up so M. & I had to do some. Went in & saw Mrs. Stirling & had nice afternoon with her. Jean S. comes home to-morrow night I like a chat with her : she's so kind. Wrote to H. & Ma. 20th. Tuesday. School No letter from H. Studied this afternoon & night Letter from Min. W. Says they can't come - boys too busy & she can't ride that far 21st. Wednesday. Letters (3) from H. (it must have been mislaid Jim S. & Minnie (our) Thought we might have had a ride this afternoon but Mr. G. had the horse & there was no other. Mrs. Alick (Maud) the happy possessor of a daughter - arrived this morning 22nd Thursday. Had good ride this afternoon. It threatened & looked very dark all day but we had a lovely cool ride Mr. Snell was to have come & brought his 2 friends but he was sick - W.G's down for tea & we had some music. 23rd. Friday. Mrs. W.G. wants me to come for a ride with them tomorrow. I promised Mrs. Harvey we were coming & wanted the girls to ride out & tell her but they had no time. Thought my dress & riding skirt would arrive this afternoon but they didn't 24th. Saturday. Threatened rain again & rained some. We went out however a little after 4 & had a nice ride. Went round by Nolan's Pocket - I'd never been there before - reminded me of Heidelberg - Mrs. W. got knocked up on Tom so I changed her coming back on Nancy - I enjoyed the ride back on old Tom. They wanted me to stay & have tea but I scooted home & had a sitz-bath. Did what I never did before - riding twice this week when I was -"-"-" Letter from H. short & not very sweet. My dress & skirt arrived. Both look nice. No letter from Ma this week. Shall get it on Monday I suppose. Practised some & studied 28th. Sunday. Church & played. Mr Snell preached. Home this afternoon. It was very hot out this morning. Rain all gone again. M. sick - bad with [?marly] dysentery again - I shouldn't to worry like she is - she ate cold meat on Friday - & was very bad all yesterday : I ate it too but it only affected me once. 26th. Monday. M. went to town this morning & came back tonight. Wrote to H. & Ma. Studied good bit today. No letter from Ma. 27th. Tuesday. Letter from H. such a scrap. Got my books today! 'Intermediate.' They look stiff. I'm afraid I can't get through them[underlined] without a teacher. Practised tonight. 28th. Wednesday. Had good ride this evening. Laddie went terribly hard - nearly pulled my arms out - he does race along when there are a lot - 6 altogether tonight. Letter from the dear Mother before I went out : Poor little thing - she's in it properly. A nephew[underlined] arrived last Sunday - unexpectedly - & the poor mother has those two bad children to look after & she says they are enough for one - they have telegraphed for Mrs. Turich to come up at once but they don't know if she'll come. I do hope so - as the
little Mother will be quite worn out. I'm glad it's a boy. change from so many girls - 10 nieces & 5 nephews - only - if all had lived there would have been 20. Am feeling so well now. Haven't felt like this for months & months - Thank God - Do wish it would rain 29th. Thursday. Had good study again this evening - & practice. 30th. Friday. The long wished-for rain has come at last. Thank God. It came on early this morning & then after a stop started on properly & rained very hard all morning. - didn't go to school - treat to have a holiday for rain : it's lovely to see it again - for 9 weeks we haven't had a shower - Went over after dinner & had half-day holiday - Had 3 parsons for dinner - Revd. Rivers - Revd. Tyrrel (such a comical man) & a young fellow - such a pretty boy - with a lovely complexion - milk & roses - & lovely grey eyes - studied all morning - that second book will overcome me - Letter from Alf (as I thought) but on opening it found the letter that the mother had from Arthur - that she said was so strange. - It certainly is a most remarkable letter & clearly shows what great things God does do for us - Praise His holy name. He does beg of her to come up - me too - says he can't come down to my wedding - Min might - & Blaney - wants us to come up instead Wish we could. M's wedding fixed for 24th. April - they want me to come up for the day : suppose I'll have to ; wouldn't like to miss it. They have Teask's house I think. We want to go to Bucca Crossing to-morrow for a picnic if it clears - wont get the chance again - Sharon next Sat. 12 months today was Good Friday & I got my ring. 31st. Saturday. We had a great day today. Left early this morning for Bucca Crossing picnic. It threatened rain some before we left but it cleared beautifully little showers wandered round. We had to take our time going up as the roads were muddy. We had a very nice time took some lunch with us & got ginger beer from the Hotel. We left about 3 to come home intending to call on Mrs. Harvey on the way. but - we got caught in a beautiful shower - & wet through to the skin. had cloak & cape with me but both got soaked We were like drowned rats. Had to the remaining 8 mile in wet clothes - Suppose I'll be laid up after this alright. Changed everything getting home - We got here at 4. Two boys
came to-night | Furness & McMurray. Laddie was not in good form today. |
5th. Thursday. Studied lots today. 6th. Friday. Busy helping Jessie finish her pinafore for the Bazaar Elsie is writing too. Went over & had tea & Mr. John G's. 7th. Saturday. Went down to Workman's & had a nice day. started early & so had a long day ; had Mr. Martin for escort as far as the turn-off. Minnie & Ben came back with us & we reached here at 9. It was so nice moonlight as I had hoped : threatened rain some. No letter from H. 8th. Sunday. Church twice & played. Had dinner & Mrs. W.G's & spent the afternoon. Went in & saw Maud's baby & said 'Good bye' to her. then with the W.G's to see old Grandpa Gibson. Mrs. Billy & I had good old talk lying down this afternoon. She says now I'm going people like me!!! There's going to be a Presentation to M. on Monday tomorrow night & a party in my honour on Tuesday. night. 9th. Monday. Had ride as far as Machin's to say Good-bye to Mrs. M. Never got such a shock in my life!! Noone told me a thing about it not even the girls hinted at anything. I trotted over calmly to the Hall tonight to see M. presented with something : they [?shuffed] me all along not to say anything as. they didn't think she knew : so -(Elsie said going down on Saturday that M.'s presentation was to be this Monday instead of Easter Monday) I played a duet with Elsie & some of the accompts. Mrs. W.G. sang "God be with you" & M. played at which I wondered. Then after a while W.G. got up & started to state the reason of the meeting & out it all came. I nearly collapsed altogether. We had been laughing over the presents - two articles on the table M. said one must be for her. the other for me - they were both for me. I never was so taken in. Had to go up & receive them - & wait till Mr. G. responded for me. I couldn't go back without thanking them. Such a lovely cake basket from the Cricket Club & a beautiful diamond & sapphire brooch from South Kolan. Got telephone today to say that the little Mother was coming home tomorrow. 10th. Tuesday. Last day of my school life. Finishing up work : got Jessie's garment finished & Ev's. printing. cleared up all books &c. Went up to say Goodbye to Mrs. Porter but she was just out. Home & started packing. Seems so strange that I should have come to the very end[2 underlined]. Left most to do in the morning. Couldn't get back my equilibrium for a good while today. In fact don't think I'll be myself for a long time. My 'Farewell' party tonight. Got more tokens of good-will & esteem. All the heads of the families were there & the Sterlings. After a while Mr. G. got up (when they had arranged a table with the following) & spoke a few words in praise of me & my work there. & then presented me with - a silver tea service & salver from Mrs. Angus & John - a dear-little cruet from James G.'s - a handsome set of carvers in case from William G's senior & the pair of pictures from W.G's. & a little work-bag from Jean S. I felt too full to say anything this time. Their kindness quite overpowered me. I'm sure I haven't deserved it. No
letter from H. Can't make it out. It spoilt the otherwise unclouded happiness of the evening. Letter from Katie. Got telephone message to say that Ma would be home tonight. 11th. Wednesday. Up at 5 & had bath by candle-light. Mrs. G. taking M. to Maryboro this morning by early train to see Dr. Garde. If he says so they are going to postpone the wedding. Said Goodbye to them & then went & packed up & got everything ready for the cart at 9. Mrs. W.G. came down & packed the pictures for me. Said Goodbye to them all at the Office. Thanked Mr. G. especially for all his kindness to me. I got paid the whole month. Got to town early Ma there to meet me. Mrs. G. had packed all my presents last night before she went to bed in a dress-basket but - today when I undid the basket to show them here the things there was no cakebasket. So I went down to Macleod with the salver (they told me to leave it there to be engraved) & left the basket there - then a while after met Evelyn. I told her about the silver article & to tell them to leave it at Macleod's. Got another had - a dress-basket &c.&c. to take tomorrow. Got home dreadfully tired & out of sorts - suppose all the excitement of the week told on me. Had to leave the packing till the morning. Have had a long day. 12th. Thursday. Up early this morning & finished packing & got away by the train. Felt very nasty but got better as we went on. I had the carriage (a long one) - to myself all the way nearly to Gympie but after that they squashed in & in until we were like the proverbial herrings when we arrived at Brisbane. Mrs. Archie G. got in at North Pine & with her one whom I couldn't very well be mistaken in - Jessie Stirling. Such a voice. She reminded me of Jim in her looks. I was nearly squashed by the time we got to the end & my head did ache. The crowd was so great that I thought it best just to stand still on the platform till someone saw me - : Alice & H. came along then. We walked home. We two couldn't get any time together tonight as I felt too tired & out of sorts & they poked about us. 13th. Friday. Good Friday. My boy came along for a few minutes this morning & then called for me in the afternoon & we went down to his rooms as he wanted to re-stop my tooth but - I couldn't stand any more than having some of the stopping out. It was dreadfully painful & jarred on my nerves terribly or else I must have been out of sorts generally & my nerves having received such a shock this week. He came home to tea & we went to Albert St Church to hear a sacred Cantata. Lovely moonlight 14th. Saturday. Alice & I went to hunt up Benson at his rooms but he wasn't there. Paling's was shut so I gave up. Went over to Allanby's & spent the afternoon & stayed to tea - they had asked H. to come too so he got round a bit late. We had a nice evening & I think my boy made a good impression. Ethel Willes H's cousin wants me to come over tomorrow & stay the night if I like. 15th. Easter Sunday. Met H. at the corner of Spring Hill St. & we went to Albert St. church together. Wore my new costume. They thought it looked pretty. Hot day tho' & I felt it too much. After church caught a tram & went to Willes' place for dinner. Rested after until after 4 then went for walk with H. to Highgate Hill Gladstone Road that Tunly talks so much of. certainly the view is lovely but it wont
be rather a client for the little Mother. & would take up too much of H's time. Coming along we saw Mrs. Tunly & her new baby being carried by someone : she must be strong - only this day fortnight. On our way home saw an empty house & went in to look. It was very dusty - the view from there was lovely but it would be rather cold in winter & too far from town. The Willis's - both - think we ought live the South Side. She & her cousin who built close by have quarreled already. Lottie K. is away & wont be home till Tuesday. We went to Mr. Ashton, Church of England at night. I enjoyed the sermon but not the preceding service much - can't bear intonings. While we were in I heard the wind getting up - & when we came out such a gale of wind was blowing & dust!! my hat flew off first thing. I felt cold too - was glad to get home : so tired too. 16th. Easter Monday. Most horrible night. Must have caught a chill somehow last night & when I got into bed I knew I was in for something & of course got gradually worse - & nothing to relieve me. The French light door blew open too & I was too sick to get up & shut it & it blew very cold towards morning. I did long for daylight : felt wretchedly sick - slept none until about 4.20 when Will. W's alarm went off - then I dozed a little. As soon as Ethel came I told her to ask H. to go for a packet of the cigarettes for me. He begged so to see me that I had to let him come to the door : I must have given them a fright - sitting up gasping. He got them pretty soon & oh! never was anything more welcome. Ethel helped me to dress - in her gowns &c. I was shivering with cold & then I sat in a lounge by the fire all day. They were so kind. Ethel reminded me of Alice (ours) H. went out & got me some oysters & these I ate - nothing else - He went & told Alice P. too that I couldn't get home & brought some things. He's a good dear fellow : stayed with me all day. I wrote a letter to Ma - a sort of one - They [?Fussied] me by the fire for the night - It was too cold to go into Lottie's room 17th. Tuesday. Had good night. H. got up about 2. this morning & rebuilt the fire & fixed me up afresh. He's as tender & gentle as a woman. I love him all the more after last night. Then I slept & didn't hear him come out again before 5 as he was going out early to work before breakfast. He said I looked so nice sleeping - never woke for about 1/2 an hour after he came out. Got started for home about 11 or so - Lottie came before I left & sang me "Goodbye". Felt horrid when I started but to better when the tram dropped me - walked home : found Alice & the girls gone to a wedding at the Tabernacle. Took it easy all afternoon : H. came early. Nous nous avons baisé beaucoup plus de fois ce temps - ci : nous sommes venu plus près l'un à l'autre. 18th. Wednesday. Went over to Mrs. Allanby : & spent the morning : Meme gone out to help get ready the carnival in aid of the Indian Famine Fund in the Exhibition Grounds tonight. Alice & I went to the Nurse's Home to see Lizzie Wetherell. She received us in the drawing room of the Lady Lamington Home as it is called - a beautiful place - built specially for the nurses by Dr. Mayne who has been left a lot of money for use on condition that he never marries. She took us all over - a lovely view from the balcony can see nearly all over Brisbane. Lizzie doesn't look half the girl she used to. Got home so tired & cold. H. didn't come till late so A. & I walked down to see the procession pass Brunswick St. & there as we turned back H. spotted us. First evening we've been let alone in peace. 19th. Thursday. Was going down this morning to see Benson but Alice persuaded me to wait she could come in the afternoon better so I slept about 1.30 & went down : did all I wanted - spent every penny now - then went into Art Gallery & waited a good hour for Alice then got tired waiting & went down slowly Queen St. but saw no Alice - got dead tired & went into H's rooms - felt quite done up - stayed there till he had time to look at my tooth again but I couldn't bear to have it touched. believe it'll have to stop as it is or come out. Came home with him & found them at tea. Mr. P. cross because H. has been stopping some teeth for Boyne & broke one of his instruments in it : he got out the piece of steel but the tooth still aches. My poor boy felt bad over it I know : he'll be at the expense of fixing it : they might know he does his work well & wont cheat them. Sent telegram home to Ma saying I'll come home on Saturday af. We had a good time tonight 30th. Friday. Went down early & saw Benson. H. came up & told me