first series - to start with. Says M' B. says I would do more in 1/2 an hour's converse with him than a week's study by myself. H. thinks I ought come at Easter - 11th. Sunday. Went not out all day. M. sick so she stayed in too - Knew if I went to church I'd have to play & I couldn't with this stiff knew[sic=knee]. A Miss Shanks from Gympie staying with Mrs. W.G. played this morning. They were down last night. I remember her staying or singing at a concert given when we were in G. in '91. 12th. Monday. S. Another corner turned. Wrote to H. & Ina this afternoon. Started to study my music books. Jo W. went back this morning. 13th. Tuesday. M. went to town this morning. Staying till Thursday night. Ethel Wiles went too. Rob going tomorrow so there'll be few here directly - Dave away too in town. Letter from H. 14th. Wednesday. Mr. Caufield here this morning. Mr. G. not home today either. I'm not sorry - don't like to be here by myself when there's noone to talk to except ourselves - always dread it. Very hot day. Went in & spent an hour with Mrs. Stirling this afternoon. She gave me [?Jim's] old photo 15th. Thursday. Another hotter day. Haven't felt like this except last 9th. Nov. Poor little Mammy will be feeling it up there. I told her she would be having the heat. 16th. Friday. Hot day too - no breeze or air anywhere. Strange it doesn't rain - it will be serious for the cane if they don't get rain soon. Suppose it will all come in God's good time. Another week gone. Only 7 more left. M. came home this afternoon not last night. They are not going to have a house built. Will cost too much. Want £500 for a house the size of W.G.'s which cost £350 complete. Willie Young's they contemplated buying or letting but someone else had taken it just before they went to see it. - bought it on time payment scheme. Now they have Mack Shield's home in view - his wife is supposed to be dying of consumption in Roma & he's selling the house for £600. A lot - when it's only rebuilt. Lovely moonlight this week. I feel so well these days. 17th. Saturday. Hot again. Still no sign of rain. Practised some this morning & did jobs of repairing &c. Wrote this afternoon to Art & Jim & Blaney - printed him a bit - Art. would be pleased. Sent down my coloured blouse by Elsie to Grace to do up. Wrote to her yesterday - they would think I was sick - as they did in a note that Ivy sent back. Letter from H. I thank God for this love. News latest today of the war is that Kimberley has been relieved. Grand if it is true. The first bright news so far. G. sent letter from Sarah M. She says the Heidelberg family were over for Xmas. Wonder of wonders!!! I'm very glad. It must be 5 or 6 years since that happened before. - Steve Maitland has got the sack from Hill End. Got himself into a fuss with a German girl there - What nice respect for his dear wife's memory. He was going to marry a friend of hers too in Brisbane shortly. Bad news from Maryboro. Mrs. John G. went down on Thursday to see Annie - she was getting some teeth out under gas. They had had news previously that May was sick but the doctors didn't know what it was. She found M. had been taken to the Hospital & noone allowed to see her. not even Eva who left here on Thursday 'en route' for Sydney. She - nice loving sister went on her way & folks were terribly disgusted at her. I hope for the parents
sakes nothing serious ensues. They have been so unfortunate. May got over her furniture today from the Mill - originally Archie's I couldn't help feeling sad looking at it - It went up to Thornhill - was unpacked there & made all ready for their return which never came. Poor Lydia. I saw a letter here the other night from her to M. Such a despairing remorseful letter. She realises now what she has lost & how he loved her. She was too cold-hearted. This is her baptism of fire. Mrs. G. went to Watana. with Dave & Archie S. D. away for fortnight 18th. Sunday. Jim's birthday. 38 I think. Didn't go out this morning. Was fixing up H's letters this afternoon & I have just 100[underlined]!!! for the year beginning 29th. Jan. 1998 ending 26th of same this year. Not many girls can boast of that many in a year. Dear old chap. May God bless him & reward him for all his love and faithfulness to me. Rained slightly. 19th. Monday. Wrote to H. & put a little of the above in to him. Wrote to Ma too. Letter from H. Mrs. W.G. down to-night & wants M. & Elsie to come down with her to Pialba for a week. She goes to morrow. She'll leave on Friday. Her brother is going with the 3rd. contingent to the Transvaal. - also Norman Davidson & Willie Clarke. 21st. Wednesday. Another letter from Ma. She's very much concerned lest I get Jim to buy the land. I don't want him to by any means - would rather sell it by auction. Went for nice ride this evening - very hot again today. Mr. Snell here preaching tonight. Gave a fine address[underlined] it was re the war. 22nd. Thursday. They & Willie left this afternoon for town. Elsie comes [doodles PP &] back on Monday. It seems so quiet with only the three remaining [doodles PPP] girls 23rd. Friday. Went for another ride this afternoon on Nancy - short but quick - had Harold with us .- Going out tomorrow morning early to try the organ at the church for Sunday. Only Mr & Mrs. G. & I here now. [4 doodles] 24th. Saturday. Out at 7.30 this morning & had a nice ride. It was so fresh going out : went as far as Martensen's the stopped at the church coming back & tried the organ. Got back here at 9.30 - got some items from the store first. Had nice bath then & did odds & ends the rest of the day but it was so very hot : I never felt it so ; not a breath : Maggie G. & Una Davidson came in for a while [2 doodles] We had our tea early as a gentleman was here from Gin Gin. we've been having meals on a small table in the verandah this week. Letter tonight from H. & encolsed a receipt for 10/6 - my fee (entrance) to the Trinity Coll. Exam to be held on 9th. June!!! Mercy!! only barely 3 months : I'm booked for the Senior too & have the 2 worst books yet to master. The entries had all to be in on Feb 22nd. so H. thought he had better secure me at once. It will mean hard graft for me for the next 3 months. Believe I'll have to go to Brisbane & see Benson at Easter. I see he lost a boy 9 yrs old this week suddenly. 25th Sunday. Kept myself busy all day keeping troublesome thoughts away. Played this morning & night - Mr. Snell preached. Tom W. drove him up to the church out here & then back to Sharon - he came back here for tea. Went to S.S. too & taught M's class. played there too - was glad I went they would have had no organist & scarcely a teacher there. Felt tired at night. Feel so well tho : Glad I can have the baths again in the morning. they refresh one so. Another very hot day. Strange there's no rain
[multiple W's doodled over page] 26th. Monday. Elsie & Will came back late tonight. Wrote to Ma. H. & Jim S. Must go to work now God helping me & granting me health & strangth. Archie S. over every night nearly now learning The Absent-minded Beggar" : a very un[underlined]-taking air & hard to learn. There's another setting but Blaitne doesn't sell it. I'll be real glad when this week is out with its interruptions. Concert on Friday : folks coming from town too. Had dreadful headache all today. Must have been working so hard yesterday. Threatened rain all day but hardly any fell. Mr. G. got word from Polly Haworth's Aunt in Brisbane to let her father have a telegraph message she was sending him, as soon as possible viz : that he was to give his consent to Polly's marriage. Charlie P. was going off with the Contingent on Thursday Fancy the wickedness of that pair making folks believe all along that they were married. She (P.) told her aunt that she forgot the name of the minister who married them - (at first) then when the aunt questioned her more to the point she saw she had no marriage lines - that her father wouldn't give this consent & she had been deceiving her father & mother all along making them believe thay got married as soon as they got to Brisbane. What a goose & a fool she is - she would let that fellow go & she'd never see him again & soon the poor old father & Lizzie too would be burdened with her & her legacy. She'll suffer later on I'm sure. 27th. Tuesday. Letter from H. Not nice today - have 'visitatings' - must be the change in the weather. It's much cooler & rain all gone. 28th. Wednesday. Had ride this evening to the Falls : didn't start till late - humbugging with horses &c. & so it was late when started to come home - then it took them about 5 min. opening gates as we had no boys with us & Jess. lost her bathing pants & had to go back & look for them so it was nearly 8 when we got home. I was so hungry : had to practise with Archie afterwards. Practice last night at the Hall for songs for the concert - going to have Stirling's piano. Called in to see her as I came from school - Letters came from Kate last night : one for me too therin : she says she's the highest in her class (an intermediate (one between 4th. & 5th.) for arithmatic - so that's one[underlined] for me : I pleased that they here can see I did my best with her. Mrs. G. sick this week : wish Mr. were home. Elsie said she was staying till Monday but she writes to say Saturday. Mr. G. went to Brisbane yesterday : Will is here staying now. May G. getting on well at the Hospital 1st. March Thursday. Sent to ask Bessie Curtis to play the opening piece tomorrow night - I don't want to : I generally have enough to do - says she will, so that's alright. I altered the neck of my pink silk - took off the collar. [doodles P.P.] 2nd Friday. They were decorating this afternoon so we had to finish up under the trees outside. Mr. & Mrs. Boreham, Miss Curtis, & Mrs. McGaw came this afternoon : Dave came home so we had a full teatable. I had to do the flowers - what I could fish up - Good crowd at the Hall tonight. Crissy P. played for Mr. Ewart Mrs. McG. & Mrs. B. & she who sang a Duet. Mr. E. apologised in a sort of way afterwards - said he didn't know I was still here but I was rather offhand I think in my answer - said I didn't mind in the least - was glad to have someone - to help me - Concert not so long this time : but it was too hot. Crissy P. & I sat outside all the time afterwards - News today that Ladysmith is relieved. We got home about 11.30. Tom W. & Minnie were up. Tom sang. 3rd. Saturday. Left for town with the crowd this morning. It was 12.30 before we got in. I went to Peat's for lunch : then did shopping at Mellor's & got dress : riding skirt &c. & paid for the lot : my pay is just the same - thank God. Paid Davidson too. Got home [Inserted line] General Buller entered Ladysmith & Roberts captured Cronje & 6000 Boers.!!!!
at 3. After resting went & hunted up Miss McNemay but she has left & gone to Bush. I'm sorry as I wanted her to make this dress ready Had to go to the Gordon girl again : & left my measure there. Saw Grace Went back to the Station with Ivy & Mabel. Got home here with Arthur W. & May very tired. Letter from H - I mentioned the 1/2 hrs talk[all underlined] last letter : he feels quite apprehensive he says Great joy everywhere over the relief of Ladysmith & capture of Cronje. Only Pretoria now & those other towns in Transvaal. Thanksgiving Services to-morrow for the successes of the British. I do think there ought be a special thanks to God for it's His arm who has gotten them the victory - their numbers were practically weaker than the Boers - who are splendid soldiers : hardy & robust & tall : & clever too a battered old rag, so-called a flag was presented to Arthur Little yesterday he's a pro-Boer. 4th. Sunday. Home this morning. Went not out to S.S. either as I thought Dolly Button would be there : went out at night & played - Mr. B. looked very reproachfully-looking at me & said why were you not out & I told him why & he said that his girl was not there either so I promised to come next Sunday. Had rather a distracting time tonight with the cat she came & created great amusement during the service : I'm afraid we didn't hear much of Mr. Butler's discourse servicestop today. Ma gave me my 1 doz [tea?rkies] - like hers. 5th. Monday. Wrote to Ma. H. & Jack W. had half-holiday this afternoon - holiday all over the country to commemorate the victories. Went over & spent the afternoon with Mrs. John - M. & I commenced bootees for Mrs Ferries. P. 6th. Tuesday. Had ride - short one -, this afternoon - instead of tomorrow : as I don't want to be uncomfortable on Saturday going to Workman's. Letter from H. He hasn't seen Benson yet : had good study today. Dressmaker from Maryboro. came tonight to make M's dresses. 7th. Wednesday. Made up my mind to go up & spend the afternoon with Maud T. - It threatened rain some & I couldn't start as early as I wanted : (came out at 3.30 on purpose) & when I got up there she wasn't home : I knocked till I was tired - Mrs. G. told me some time after that (she had been with her to Mrs. Willie's - so - my duty is performed but my time wasted. Studied at night. 8th. Thursday. Nasty today - diarrhoea all day : started early this morning. I thought I would have had to leave off this afternoon. must be the water - it's bad & smells bad & I was so thirsty the other night after riding : It has been hanging about me for a week or two. My music books came tonight from H : one Scales & the other Studies but I felt too sick to look at them : Mrs. G. gave me a dose of chlorodine - long time since I had one. 9th. Friday. Had very restless night : the stuff last night didn't stop it after all - it started afresh this morning & such pains - was sick at stomach too : Mrs. G. told me to stay in from school which I did & let the youngsters go on by [insert] & she dosed me with castor oil. themselves. Laid down all morning & slept some : laid down again this afternoon. Think I've had a narrow escape of dystenry[sic] feel about : the same as I did years ago after the One Tree Hill picnic Wrote to Ma this morning instead of next Monday Grace sent-up my dress last night - done - & the dark blouse made too 10th. Saturday. Better today. Stayed in bed till about 10 - this morning. Intended going to W's today. it would have been so lovely coming home tonight in the moonlight. Must go next Sat. instead & go into town the same time. Only 1 month[2 underlined] exactly left Letter from H. Benson will be in Brisbane at Easter so I must go down No letter from Ma yesterday. - Hope she's not sick. The horrid plague is [...]
Brisbane now amongst the rats. I'll be scared to go there now : Tried my music today : The Studies are not difficult atall but the Scales will need a deal of practice. 11th. Sunday. Stayed in this morning. Went to S.S. Stayed in at night. Allright now thanks be ; taught Elsie's class - nice one - My glasses broke again! so sent them down tonight by Arthur W. 12th. Monday. Wrote to Ma. H. Alice P. & Sarah Nex. My glasses didn't come this afternoon. I do miss them. Went in & saw Mrs. Stirlling this evening. 13th. Tuesday. No letter from H. no glasses yet - Shant be able to do any studying this week. Wrote to Katie too this morning 14th. Wednesday. Had good ride this afternoon. Went round & home by the railway station. Got cuffs & collars from Ma. Quick answer & I only wrote last Friday. Out tonight to B. of H practice 15th. Thursday. Got invite to go to the Hall to-morrow night to a 'Farewell' social to Mr. Roebuck. They are leaving Bingera. No glasses yet. I've [...] to give them up altogether. Letter from H. He has a cold. Got it on Monday night going to the great Carnival in Brisbane instead of writing to me. Wrote to Minnie W. asking her if Ben could come with us to Watana & one of the girls. We might go on March 31st. 16th. Friday. Great Demonstration tonight in town - chief item of interest being the Chinese procession ; same as I saw in Rockn. I suppose. The children went down with Mr. G. after [insert] Letter from Ma. She wants to stay till after Easter. I'll say "No" dinner today so I had the afternoon off. Had good 2 hours practice. Didn't want to go in to town today - can't do anything & town is horrible now : do wish it would rain. Lovely moonlight nights all this week but no signs of rain Went out to the Hall. Had quite impromptu entertainment with the graphophone by young Jack. &c. &c. They gave him some lovely presents : a silver tea service & salver engraved - a beautiful silver fish knife & fork with pearl handle & a cheque from W.G. Things have not worked smoothly between him & the firm so he was asked to resign : they have been here about 9 years nearly. 17th. Saturday. Went to town today. Had such a race round too : wished I had gone yesterday afternoon : had my lunch at Peat's - saw the Workman's - Mr. - Tom - & Martha - Harrie came down from Mt. Perry in the train but it swas[sic] so crowded I couldn't speak to her - Florrie Rowland & I had to stand on the platform all the way to Sharon : All well at home : did all my business in town first : got a hat at Cullinane's - I didn't care much for it : but the girl saw it suited me : it will match my dress ; went to see Curtis but he was out : Fred C. said he had written to Jim 're' the land - wants him to sell his - may not be able to sell mine without his. Went round to Miss Gordon's &. then - had just time to get back & have tea & [...] town to collect [?ord] things & to the train. Seems such a hurried day. hardly saw them at Will's. Mr. & Mrs. Mackenzie on the train. Arthur W. came up too. Got here so tired. Letter from H. 18th. Sunday. Church this morning & played. S.S. too - had another