been gradually going down for months. Letter from H. 22nd. Wednesday. Only the 5 girls at school today. They are wondering Bob G's wedding day. Strange - 1 dying - another marrying. [2 illegible words] A. will be buried in December in Maryboro 23rd. Thursday. Mr. G. came back today & told May on his way home that A. was buried in Waverley, Sydney. 24th. Friday. Letters last night (so May says) said A. had not a drop of blood in his body at the last & the nerves were all gone. Another week gone - only two clear ones now. 25th. Saturday. Studied some this morning. Hot today. Threatened storm, rained a bit. Went out for ride on Kate's horse - she took Eric home to town - Had nice ride & didn't get a storm. It came on a bit after tea. Letters from H & Ma. Ivy is silly again over that boy. She must encourage him or he wouldn't be so persistent. I guess I would soon have sent him about his business when I was her age. She's too foolish tho. What a beauty he is too. 26th. Sunday. Church this morning & played. Had nice read this afternoon. Mr. Snell preached. He took back parcel for Ma with a letter in which I gave my opinions very candidly as regards Ivy. Hope she sees it. 27th. Monday. School - only one more clear week after this. Wrote to H. 28th. Tuesday. We took our lunch. Gave the three big girls a good talking to this afternoon. They were very defiant (for them) & wouldn't get on with their work atall so I gave them a bit of my tongue after Ray had gone. They'll see I'm no softy. Told them I'd complain about them if there was any more of this till school finished 29th. Wednesday. Treated them very distantly all day. It will do them good. Took my lunch today. Feel quite tired tonight 30th. Thursday. Am beginning to feel rather done-up now - not much longer now thanks be. Another month gone - it has gone faster than any this year. Some wedding cake from B.G. came this week but touched it not. 1st. December Friday. Got through our work pretty well today & we all went for a ride as far as Splitter's Creek. Got back before dusk. I enjoyed it muchly. "Laddie" went very well & raced them all coming home. Miss Tredwin who is still at W.G's was going to drive out there but they changed their minds at the last. 2nd. Saturday. Tired some today. Went over to the school this morning & fixed things up for next week - am going to try & get through as much as possible. Then sewed a bit after dinner & went up & spent the rest of the afternoon with Mrs. W.G. She's better but not able to go about much yet. In H's last letter he mentioned being at Mrs. Peter Campbell's & found out there that she was Mrs. W's aunt & also she found out through Fred Willes that he was engaged to me at Bingera - so - Mrs. C. wrote to Jean G. this week informing her of the fact & remarking that she was a fortunate girl who had Mr. H.W She esteemed him very highly & he was a great friend of hers. So - quoth Mrs. Jean. I'm going to say I esteem Miss P. very highly & he's a lucky fellow who gets her. She says it's a great compliment from Mrs. P.C. as she's very hard to please. M. & I went down to the Siding for a run. Letter from H. He thinks he can get to Westwood at Xmas. They here intend
going to Pialba at New Year & M. suggested to me "Why not you & your mother go to the Hotel there with Mr. W." So it set me a-thinking. Believe I try & arrange it thusly. Ma & I go there for a week. It would be much nicer there than at the Coast here - more lively for him too & an ideal place for 'us two'. I'll suggest it him on Monday. Letter from Ma. She's still troubled about the cottages &c. so this too will ease her somewhat. A very dry week this & hot. Expect it will end up in floods next New Year. 3rd. Sunday. Home all day. Felt so tired when I got up this morning - felt so all day. Cough nasty again. Should not have gone out last night. Read John Halifax again. It's a dear old book. 4th. Monday. This will have to be a busy week. Wrote to Ma this morning. To H. this afternoon. Asked them both what they thought about going to Pialba. Feel not nice today. Couldn't sleep much last night 5th. Tuesday. No sleep last night. Tightness came on & is on all day. One of the busy days too. However - managed to get through it somehow. Told Ma to get Davidson to send up some of my medicine to take to Sharon. Glad I'll have it. Won't go to Sharon atall this week - nor home. It would only bring the thing on again. worse than ever. Will go next Monday (10th). Letter from H. Must have got fresh cold. 6th. Wednesday. No sleep last night either - this is the 3rd. night. Feel half dead today. Another busy day. Freer tho' than yesterday. The medicine didn't arrive till today. Katie may be going to the Maryboro Grammar School too 7th. Thursday. Good sleep last night. Nice today. Letter from Art tonight. Dear old boy - he seems brighter than he was. Thank God things are better than I thought with him 8th. Friday. Got through all I wanted to this week. Can rest on my oars now. Mrs. G. thinks she'll sent Kate to Melbourne. I would be better pleased if she went there. She would do no good at Maryboro with M. & A. Half expected letter from Jim S. 9th. Saturday. Went over to school this morning & got the Grammar marks added up. (Elsie highest) & also work ready for next week. Got my music gathered up after dinner & practised a bit. D. wanted M. & I to go over to Walkers' tonight but I thought I'd better not. Wouldn't be able to walk that far & then the night air besides - so stayed home. M. & D. went & some of the young fry - in the boat. A.W. came up as usual. Letters from Ma & H. They both seem to relish the idea of going to Pialba. How lovely. Only 4 days more school!! The last six weeks have flown by - Wish now I'd done more work with the girls but I did my best considering my health. 10th. Sunday. Church & played. Last Sunday for long time. Dear father's birthday - 79 - if he had lived. 11th. Monday. Separation Day held holiday. Kate Annie & I rode to Sharon - we left later than we thought as K had to get her saddle mended. Meant to leave at 8 but it was 20 past 9 before we started. It was very hot & dusty going down - we were very tired when we got there. Got there in an hour & a half. They were very pleased to see us. We had a nice day. & Ben rode back with us at night
in the moonlight. It was lovely. We got home at 9.30 - Long while before I'm there again - & never with the girls - We had a good laugh over last year at Pialba. Seems a funny day - like Saturday 12th. Tuesday. School. Stayed in for dinner. Want to get through this week like last. & get through all if I can. Letter from H. 13th. Wednesday. Another busy day. Hard to get them along these days - they seem lazy - wont bother about the young ones after today - Exam. general to day 14th. Thursday. Busy day. had Exam in music to-day for May. Ev. & Jess. - Got through nearly all work today - finished with 3 young ones. Gathered most of my things together. Shall be thankful when tomorrow is over. Feel better these days tho' - but have to keep myself up at high pressure. Dear little Mother's birthday 71st. Would like to have sent her a nice message but had no time for that even. God bless her & give her to me for a long while yet. Got marks all added up 15th. Friday. Last day. Can hardly realise it. Got through almost all today - principal part anyway - they have worked well today considering it's the last. Finished music - May got 7 1/2 for exam - Els. 5. Annie 8. but she was behind in those before - they are all close - M. 59 1/2 - An. 59 - Els. 60. We finished up with a little sing-song then went over the mill all together. I haven't been over it for over 2yers & will not see again in crushing - Finished packing tonight. Mrs. A.S. gave me a nice pair of her linen pillow-slips - & Kate & Elsie a Chinese cup & saucer each - have such a dose of things to take down. 16th. Saturday. Finished packing this morning - had to squash the things through somehow. Got my business all finished at the office too - got my £10. clear & 3/00/- from Earnest's music. Asked Mr. G. to provide the prizes this time as I couldn't afford it so he readily assented. Got home at 12.30 - it is a sickening train now - we have to leave the Siding so dreadfully late Felt so tired & quite done up when I got home. Home at last & rest. Seems too good to be true. Through much tribulation have I come through this year. but "Hitherto hath the Lord helped us". Went down town. this afternoon & chose the prizes at Youngs'. Came home half dead. Letter from H. He intends leaving next week for Westwood. 17th. Sunday. Stayed in all day & had rest & quiet. Am going in now for systematic rubbings with oil. Wrote to Pialba yesterday to Point Vernon Hotel to see if we could stop there. 18th. Monday. Went down town again today & finished up getting the prizes & sent them off by train. Paid for 3 pieces of music myself for A.E. & May. So - that's off my mind. Wrote to H. too. Fearfully tired & pains in back. 19th. Tuesday. Home all day - resting - Letter from H. He will be passing through on Friday morning. 20th. Wednesday. Making H. a silk handkerchief with my own hair. Finished it : it looks real nice - it will be an uncommon present anyway & he ought appreciate it. got him nice booklet too. & I've the satchet[sic] M. made 21st. Thursday. Letter from H : he leaves tonight by the mail train - there's one running every night this week from Brisbane. Feel so much better 22nd. Friday. Up early this morning & to the train - she came in at 7 sharp & brought my dear old boy - he looks thin & has a cold. Glad I got him this holiday. told him I stuck out for it. only saw 20 minutes of him - gave him his parcel : gave with it 2 of the things we drew 2 years ago at Westwood for Percy - marked on them Merry Xmas &c. he ought remember them & have a bit of fun. Saw Mrs. W.G. [?Senior] - and - the 2 boys & Maggie & Eva - Asked Mrs. G. to see about our getting the rooms at Pialba - they haven't answered me yet. "au revoirs". Don't care. don't care who saw. Mr. Maxwell winked at me & after gave me the old big umbrella that I thought lost. Quoth he
"I know now what you wanted this for. To hook him with" .. Felt quite lost all day after - Seeing him just upset me & made me want him. 23rd. Saturday. Letter from Pialba. The Hotel will be full till the 2nd. week we are gathering [last 2 sentences inserted] Xmas Eve. Went down town this afternoon. Whilst waiting for Ma outside Reiss's came across M G. & F. M says they not going to Pialba & I said we were not either. I didn't get time to ask her why as Mrs. B. & Gwen Shirley came up & then Nellie D. & I wnet to speak to her. I felt quite comforted however that they were disappointed too. Perhaps it's all for the best. We'll have to amuse ourselves here. Janet & the children will be going to the coast on the 29th. - that most likely will be the day he comes. Nellie D. looks bright - she asked me to bring H. along while he was here - so I will. We stayed in at night & I wrote to H. telling him. Will & Janet & the kiddies went down the city Good few cards today. Feel so much better. Strange! - but I knew all I wanted was rest & care. 24th. Sunday. Church this morning. It was hot. Mr. G. preached so I felt glad we came. Workman's were there too. M. was asking me about my holidays so I told her I was obliged to settle down here : She told me to come out & spend the day while H. was here - bring him out. I was glad & thanked her. That will be one place to go. Stayed in at night 25th. Monday. [3 lines superimposed here in blacker ink] Went to church this morning. Nice "service". Good many there. Mr. Snell was pleased. two babies Christened & all at 7 - posted H's letter after Xmas Day. Nice day too we had. All had dinner together here at Will's - Joe too. After tea we hopped round a bit - all of us - & gave Joe some martial music. He seemed to enjoy it muchly. It has been a nice cool day too. One of the nicest Xmases we've spent. Suppose it will be our last here. The youngsters fired off crackers & enjoyed themselves to their hearts content. Felt nice all day. Better than I've done for weeks. 26th. Tuesday. Boxing Day & my dear old sweetheart's birthday (35) & I never mentioned it in my letter. - forgot - Thought there might have been letter form him today but none - Cards from M. W. Mrs. Brassington - Jim & Edie - Alf. - Letter from Edie. Jim not well. She says Alf has a beautiful house - must have cost £400. Well he deserves it. They seem to think here that he's very fortunate but he has had ill health & doctors bills to contend with & no benefit society to help him. Had nice quiet day at home. Asked Carrie & Beattie over to spend the afternoon - showed them my "yellow-box" & we had some singing. 27th. Wednesday. He ought have my letter today. Was just wondering today whether we might not go to Sharon while H. is here. It would be so nice to get out there on Friday afternoon & stay all night & come home on Saturday. As I was considering the matter a letter arrived from Minnie asking me to come out either on Friday or Tuesday as she would be away Sat. & Sunday. Just the thing I wanted. Must reply tomorrow & ask her about staying over night. Threatens rain. Wrote tonight to Min. Letter from H. Leaves tomorrow. 28th. Thursday. Stormy looking all day. Will posted my letter so she ought get it tonight. Blew very hard last night & rained torrents. I hardly slept any - thinking of my dear old chap on the high seas. Didn't know whether or no to expect him as perhaps the Premier might not leave in such weather. regularly cyclonic wind. However Will went up at train time = sure enough the boy was there. It had not been so bad as I thought They had the storm up there yesterday. He looks better than before.
29th. Friday. Janet getting ready to go to the coast but till the time we left for the coast Matthewson had not come for them H. & I went down the city this morning. Fine today but hot. We left for Sharon at 2. & after waiting a little at the Siding were met by Jane with the dogcart & were driven along. They made us very welcome & H. soon was at home with them all. We had music after tea. Went to bed at 11. We behaved ourselves very seemly I reckon. Can't say we're a spoony pair. 30th. Saturday. Lovely day. We two had a walk after breakfast down to the river & a long talk there & got rid of a little stiffness between us - . We were to drive over & catch the train but she was extra early as just as we were stepping into the buggy we heard the whistle - they decided to take the buggy in then with Tom driving & Min & the boy with us. I never thought of Splitter's Creek being up as the river was with the rains yesterday but we got over safely - had to drive right through the water about 50ft long & just 6in off the bed of the buggy. I felt scared. Don't suppose old Mr. W. would have let us come had he thought of S. Creek. We got to the North side & found the punt off so had to go over in an open truck - got over at 20 past 3 & then walked home. M. told me she liked H. & his face too. - the others seemed to too. Tom & he slept together last night & I told him all his troubles. H. evidently enjoyed himself & nearly fell in love with Esther who was laid up with a bad foot. We found Janet gone - M. came yesterday at 3 - We had a nice quiet time to ourselves tonight. It's great with no youngsters around. Got lot of our business settled. 31st. Sunday. Went out to church this morning. Good many there. Mrs W. was out & two visitors - didn't chance to introduce her to H. but I did Nellie D. & Mr. W. Mr. Snell wanted me to play tonight but it poured a heavy shower before church time so saved me from going. I didn't want to. We had a nice quiet afternoon & sang hymns after tea & had an hour to ourselves. The last day of the old year. It has been a good year. God has been very good to us both & all. It has been the longest year of my life tho : but He helped me hitherto It was nice to be together on this occasion. It has been a year of trials & vexations & ill health but it's all left behind now. It has had much happiness too. ! Vale 1899 !!! Vale 1899 !!! Vale 1899 !!! [all underlined] 1st. January 1900. A new number altogether to write now. Not many are left who were privileged to see 1800 I'm sure & not many will live to see 2000. so we who live now have something uncommon to record. Wonder if my descendants will ever be reading this 100 years hence. It rained some this morning but kept up in the afternoon. H. & I went up to the Caledonian Sports. It's long since I was at such before. We had a seat in the Grand Stand