8th Sunday. Stayed in again all day. This lovely north wind still continues hot too. Seems like gathering for bad weather. Glad the mother had such good weather when she was up. Says she never enjoyed herself more anywhere than here. Mrs. G. seemed pleased. She was to have gone to Edie yesterday. told her she was coming Tuesday. wonder if they got the telegram. Did nothing again today. 9th. Monday. Got ready again & went off by the 2 o'clock train. Ma going to-morrow morning. Glad she is going to have a holiday there. It will do her good. Got up here all right. Had to keep my cloak on all the way. This horrid cough gives me no peace - Ma has made me a mixture from Mrs. Davidson's recipe. I've swallowed about a jugful of linseed & liquorice. This rest will do me good. 10th. Tuesday. Took things easy to-day. Feel shaky on my pins. Didn't go home to dinner. Letter from H. waiting me here yesterday : such a pathetic epistle : didn't know what had become of me. Another tonight : he had got my scrawl yesterday & so felt better. 11th. Wednesday. That medicine of Mrs. D's is wonderful for a cough. It acts like magic on me : last night & the night before I slept well : it seemed just to touch the very spot & ease it Mrs. G. & I all alone these days. Mr. G. comes home tomorrow. 12th. Thursday. Threatens rain. Wind changed - thanks be feel better already. Mr. G. came home. Thinks I must have something wrong with my kidneys or liver rings under my eyes betoken that. 13th. Friday. Wrote to Ma last night. She ought get it tomorrow. if someone is in Gladstone. Glad this is another week gone How slowly they are crawling tho'. 9 weeks more - the Hall was scrubbed out today - wonderful item - a presentation tonight to Archie G. sort of variety entertainment songs &c. I had to go to play the accompts. didn't want to go out but they had specially expected me to come so I had to. It was a great mixture. The present was a beauty. Silver tea service - very pretty. worth £12/-/- Noone knew why he got it as he is not a favourite & doesn't do anything here but for his father's sake they gave it him. 14th. Saturday. Felt no wose[sic=worse] for my outing. Poked round all day. Mrs. W. & the children came up in the afternoon & Mr. later on. We all went overabout 7.30. They had 7 dances besides songs games I played "Lancers" twice & Highland Schottische & was asked to dance the other 4 but declined - all but the last polka Alf W. asked me so I went : gracious : I thought I'd have expired what with eating supper beforehand & long boots on & not dancing for so long. I thought I never would get calmed down - don't know what I looked like We broke up at 11.30 or so. Don't expect I'll feel much improved by my outing. Got letter from H. whilst there. Thinks if he did as well next year as he has done lately he would be able to build by the end of the year if he remained single. He doesn't know how I'd like that tho'. I want to be married next September or not till the next year. Don't want to be married at Xmas if I can help it. 15th. Sunday. Went not out all day. Feel quite tired after my exertions last night. Kept Mrs. W. company all afternoon - then she went up to W.G's to tea. Alf. W. went back this afternoon. He's just the same now with me : I'm very glad. Must have been last night that did it. I'm going to spend next Saturday night week with them. good chance while Ma's away. Arthur W went back this morning - short & sweet visit 16th. Monday. Wrote to H. - good long one this time. Had letter from Ma too
& one from Edie thanking me for the things. they are "lovely". She wants me to come up there if even for a few says - but - I can't - after so much lost time & so near the holidays ; besides - I wouldn't enjoy it : it would remind me too much of old times & then I'm sure C. would not be there if I was. Then there's the expense. I just preached to-day to H. about my expense going down to him & telling him I couldn't go down at Xmas. Wouldn't mind a holiday there in one way - it would do me a world of good. 17th. Tueaday. All the W.G's down tonight for tea. Maryboro. to-morrow to the wedding. Mr. G. is not going to B. this week I didn't look forward to that item with much pleasure - but - he went to town today. Good enough : Letter from the dear old chap. He bemoans the fact that he had no letter last Wednes. nor after. Mr. Mr. H. W. Mr Mr 18th. Wednesday. Archie's wedding day. I hope he gets through it. Glad my boy doesn't look like he did. Mr. Snell here today. Came last night. Glad of his company this time. I was going out to his service to night but Archie S. came in this afternoon with a message from the P.M. Model Band who are coming up here to-morrow night to give a concert wanting to know if I would play their accompt. for them - theirs wasn't coming. I hadn't meant to go out at all wanting to get rid of this old cough which bothers me so every night but I couldn't very well refuse so couldn't go out tonight too. Mr. G. wanted to know if we could accomodate the lot of them at tea tomorrow night so I said 'yes' if Alice was willing. He said she was & so she seemed so that was all right - about 22 are coming. Don't know what Mrs. G. & M. would say but says Mr. G. We'll do it without them. Wrote to Jim S. tonight[sentence underlined] 19th. Thursday. Finished school earlier a bit this afternoon. Helped to get things fixed up. Mrs. W.G. & Maud were down. We got things all serene 3 tables set in all - Mrs. Marsh. Mrs. Totter - the 2 Sherringtons & Annie Thomas came first. We had to start tea without the rest who came along about 7 the tables were all packed - about 28 came. The Concert wasn't bad. Mr. Maxwell sang - he has a nice voice & thanked me after & asked me after to come round & have a musical evening at his house. I thanked him. He is[underlined] nice-looking - Just my 'ideal'. Bit of a flirt I should think. I was[underlined] tired after it was all over. Played 14 accompts. in all. Folks pitied me I think. This sort of thing tires me now. Miss Sher.'s voice has[underlined] improved. She was encored. So was Dave & Mr. Maxwell. 20th. Friday. Quite tired to-day. Glad this is last day - Letter from Mrs. Brassington congratulating me. Says there must be true love[2 underlined] on his side or he deserves to have me after waiting so long. Said again about Mr. Evans being in Rockhampton & wonders if he has got over his little weakness of Xmas. Poor chap. I always feel sorry when I think of that day on the wharf. Letter from Jim [...]. this afternoon. Fanny & I wrote this week too. We must have been thinking of each other. Says the girls are gone so he must feel lonely & wants my letters again. Told him what was said about me not mentioned names. Going to Workman's tomorrow [...] of Archie's wedding also F. Stephens who was married at 9 same day 21st. Saturday. Meant to start early this morning for Sharon but the horses were not ready. Got away nearly 10 - got there at 11. They were all glad to see us. The boy has improved & is running about. Wanted us to stay till tomorrow but I had made up my mind to go home today I had nothing with me & was afraid of this old thing back again - cough is bad enough without the other. Ben came home with us & we had a good yarn on the way. Says he doesn't know where Jack is. now. hasn't heard from him for a while. M. seems set on Jack now - don't know why Esther has been having a go at him too. I like Ben : he's a genuine boy. Tom was very funny this time : they think the world of Mr. Snell there & like him better than Mr. E. I was speaking up for the latter & T. was going for me.
22nd. Sunday. Mr. Snell's Sunday here. I went twice to church & played twice Letter from my dear old boy last night. Is doing well still Thank God. I told him last time I wrote my ideas on my future plans so he knows now 23rd. Monday. Wrote to H. Jack W. too. Letter from Ma. She's having a good time there so I'm glad. M. & Jean are coming home next week Good enough : The time hasn't been so bad tho : only this week now & I'll be in town on Sat. Mr. G. goes to B. this morning. Mrs. Boreham & Frank were up with Sam. 24th. Tuesday. Busy day. Hot too - headache - result - Am afraid to put on cool clothes - No letter tonight. Mail went on in train 25th. Wednesday. Letter today at dinner-time. 26th. Thursday. Hot today. Not often I've felt hot this year but it was 100/0 in the verandah today. 27th. Friday. Last of another week thanks be : Raining all morning. Cleared this afternoon beautifully. 28th. Saturday. Went down town this morning. Ivy was there to meet me. Turned out a lovely day but cold. I went home first & washed my hair - then went down & did what I wanted before going up to Wilde's. Got there about 5 - Felt real tired : walked up. Like old times having tea with them again A.W. went out after tea so we two had a long confab together. Miss the little mother. Quite cold today. 29th. Sunday. Lovely day. Didn't have much sleep last night. babies cried some & I was funny but not bad[underlined] this morning. We went to church Mrs. W. & I & Eric Old cough bothered me a bit in church. Mr. Snell gave a fine sermon. All Workman's there Min wanted to know if I was coming down on 9th but think not. will wait till 10th. Dec. Went home with the children from church & spent the rest of the day there. Got hold of sore throat again somehow. Suppose it's change of the weather. Going to bed at 7.30 30th. Monday. Up early as per usual - before half past three. Ivy slept with me last night to be ready for this morning. I slept so well. Best sleep I've had for long time. Ivy got me cup of stuff & we wandered out just at daylight. Mr. Maxwell was up at the station & talked to us till the train left. He is a very nice fellow. Just my "ideal"[underlined] of a man[underlined] - in looks - Got up at station & hadn't to wait long - the engine was down so was up here before 7. Letter here from H. He hadn't time to write to catch the mail for Bundg. Got through today all right. My throat is very sore tho : quite raw-like. Wrote to H. My pen had gone "crank" so must send it to him to-morrow. Letter from little Mother. She's all serene & having a good time. I told H. what she said re. the house building question 31st. Tuesday. Mrs. G. goes to Thornhill today & will be away till Friday. M. & Jean S. are expected home this week some time. No letter tonight. Couldn't speak hardly today. 1st. November Wednesday. Another corner turned. Mr. G. informed us tonight that he was to go to Melbourne tomorrow & wanted his things got ready so Kate & I had to poke round & get things together for him. Such a nuisance it was not knowing where to find anything but we did it somehow & Mrs. W.G. came down to inspect. Mr. Davies (Stratford) & his insurance doctor were here tonight I had to be mistress. Still bit hoarse - must have got cold in my voice. 2nd. Thursday. Mr. G. went off serenely this morning. Mrs. G. had intended going with him so she will be rather disappointed. The two Mr. D. & his doctor were here again tonight & D. & I had to do the honours between us. My letter arrove tonight. Didn't know how to take my view & Ma's - I put in a slip with what she said viz. that unless we had a home free from debt to start with - which might mean a longer waiting - otherwise it would be a drag on us - so think I - then on the other hand we could rent a house for a while until we look round & see the most suitable spot. Told him I'd be neither happy nor healthy in a low situation. Don't want to go to Brisbane this year either. Wont if I can help it.
Ma thinks E. too that the rest & quiet at the coast would be better for me than travelling about when I'm not well. So - he won't like all this. Can't help it. Am at liberty to please myself now[underlined]. Besides he[underlined] wants a holiday. 3rd. Friday. Not bad week this. May went to Maryboro. today - to meet her mother. I'm not sorry. It's rather a relief than otherwise when she's not here. Letter from Jim S. Thank God - He has decided to take my advice re the smoking as he has done the other.[5 underlined] I'm sure I never advised him atall only told him how much I hated it even disliked those I loved at the time I smelt it on them. Did say I thought too much smoking wasn't good. He hasn't tasted a drop. since going back tho' it has been offered him every night. I do pray that he may keep this resolve for this whole life. God grant it. It would add to my future happiness to know that. His was quite a confidential letter all through. It was as I thought. He didn't like to treat me too warmly for my own sake - knowing what remarks would be made. Dear old Jim. 4th. Saturday. The girls - Mr. & Mrs. Jessie & the baby girl came up here yesterday. J. stayed here the night & kept the baby here till 4 this afternoon. I rather wished it otherwise as I had to entertain her but couldn't do anything else. Mrs. W.G. had all the old folks there to tea. & asked me to come up after & helped to entertain them so I did tho' I'd rather have stayed in. However we had a rather jolly evening. Mrs. John asked me my intentions as to staying on - so I told her I'd rather like to stay till Easter - she was very glad If I would so - that's settled. This sore throat has left me a horrid [?hukling] cough - it nearly chokes me - poor me - I'm quite a martyr - M. & J. are expected home on Monday. 5th. Sunday. Home all day. Nice read. Mr. Tunly here & the Airds for dinner & the afternoon. 6th. Monday. M. & J. came home. M. looks not much fatter but stronger & seems brighter. Brought me nice good white linen table cloth. Letter from Ma Wrote to H. } Ehe thinks of coming home on Sat. 11th. might stay another week. 7th. Tuesday. Got H's Sat. letter yesterday morning. Archie S. didn't bother about bringing the letters when Mr. G. away. Letter from Ivy yesterday too. Doesn't think we can have Mellor's house as she says she wants it all the holidays but she may change her mind. Don't suppose we can get Matthewson's He's too much nuisance anyway. Perhaps I may have to go down to Brisbane after all as there's no place to bring him too it seems. Wish tho' that we could have 2 or 3 weeks of the sea again. It would do me good. 8th. Wednesday. Went down to Dr. Jack's - coughed all night nearly last night - every night this week in fact. He looked into my throat & said it was much conjested & that I needed a tonic too. Gave me some stuff to inhale in hot water - also to take it - I tried even to kerosene - 9th. Thursday. Prince of Wales' birthday. Very hot day. Must be hot for me to feel it - Had school this morning. Off this afternoon. Blessing too - I was nearly dead today with this cough. It started about 9 this morning. Must have got a chill getting fitted by Miss Beatson this morning. Went up to Kidd's house. Coughed from that out. I was quite sick at the stomach & ached all over. Inhaled the stuff before going to bed. M. away in town at Sham fight - went yesterday. Glad I'm not in B-g today. Wrote to Jim & Artie as well as possible with this beastly thing. No peace anyway. It's well I'm patient. 10th. Friday. Better today. Slept well last night. Am sore all through my chest tho' with yesterday's coughing. Another hot day - hard[underlined] day too. Hope God gives me the grace I do[underlined] need. Only 4 more clear weeks. 11th. Saturday. Went down to Hall this morning & studied some till 12. Did odd jobs all afternoon. Letter from H. Suggests that his cousins want him to buy an allotment next them - but I'm going to say No flatly. Want not to live in such close quarters with my relations.
12th. Sunday. Home all day. Had nice quiet time. Threatens rain. Feel stuffy today. 13th. Monday. Raining some. Nice & cool tho' feel better. Wrote re telephone message to say that Ma would be home tomorrow night 14th. Tuesday. M. went to town again today. Believe if I have no more going out at night I'd get rid of this but - there's Friday coming again & I've got to be out. Letter from H. Funny one : Perhaps I'm funny. 15th. Wednesday. Pollitt up from town tuning the Hall piano - so we had to have school outside this morning. He's bringing it up to concert pitch for Friday night so we'll not have to touch it till then. Mr. Snell here preaching tonight. I wrote to S. & Alick 16th. Thursday. Had rehearsal tonight here for the singers - No word yet from Ma - whether she has arrived home or no. 17th. Friday. Letter from Ma. She need not have come home .. they wanted her to stay at the Farm till S. came. I'm not going down till the holidays so she might as well have stayed. Dave told me Wed-night when we were home here alone with Katie that he was meditating going to S. Africa next year. Another week gone. Bliss!! 18th. Saturday. Home all day. Out last night to the Concert. Lots there. I had to play all but two accompts. - May & Annie played their duet at the first instead of me. I went home straight after the concert. Hope I don't get any harm. News today from Sydney that Archie G. is seriously ill & advised his father to come down. Mr. A. G. is there so when he thinks that it must be serious. Mrs. James went too - they couldn't keep her back. They were all dreadfully cut up about it. It's sad - poor fellow away from home - he longs to come home. - If his wife has any conscience she ought feel remorse now for not caring as she should - if she had cared - she would not have married him in that state - She[underlined]'ll be alright should any thing happen to him. Girls down playing tennis this afternoon. Wanted M. & I to go up to Mrs. W.'s for the evening, but M. has a bad cold & wont go & I'm not going out at night any more now - no matter what's on. Letters from H. He thinks now he might take a week's holiday home. Hope he does. Wrote to Ma & sent by Katie to town. 19th. Sunday. Home all day. Nice quiet day. Hot. 20th. Monday. Wrote to H. 21st. Tuesday. Hot day. Took our lunch with us. I got through more than if I had gone home. About 1.30 Evelyn came over & said her Mother had got a telegram to say Archie was dying. I didn't want anything said to May just there as I would tell her myself as soon as Leslie went. But about 1/4 past 3 - a man came in wanting the Union Jack flag. "What for" asked May. "Oh. for Mr. Archie ; he's dead" said the man : died at 12.30 today. Poor May collapsed & I sent her home. I wished I had told her before it was a shock to her. Could get no good out of anybody after that so we closed up. So : Archie is gone. He must have been dying when he was married. Influenza hastened the end but I'm sure he would have died all the same - The drs. book says it last from 5 or 6 weeks (pernicious anemia) to as many months - A pity he didn't see a doctor long ago. Tunly looked as bad as he - worse in fact - but was looked after in time. The poor boy must have