3rd. Sunday. Chruch twice & S.S. Hospital Sunday. Collections for that. Choral Service at night. Got there. Wore my smocked blouse. All red & black. Might be my last Sunday here, Played well I believe. Had lot of it to do anyway. "They" spoke to Ma coming out of church tonight. She told them I was coming up to see them. 4th . Monday. W. Don't know whether to go to Gladstone this week or next. 5th. Tuesday. Getting my things all ship-shape. Mr. Gibson was to see me most likely yesterday according to Ellisons but he didn't turnup[sic]. I was down town this afternoon & whilst in Marsh's he telephoned up to Bingera but Mr. G. was not in & might not be for some time so I didn't bother. Studying &c. Feel husky 6th. Wednesday. Miserable day. Hardly any sleep all night & all aches today & tight as can be with fearful pain in my chest. Haven't felt like this since I was in Gympie. Ma went down town & got me podopholin[sic] pill which I took. Mrs. Reddan called while she was out. Tried hard to study & get ready to go to Benbow's but felt so utterly miserable that I gave it up & had to send Ma up with a note to him asking to come on Saturday. morning. Feel down & terrible downspirited. Suppose I'm in for a sick bout. Sent Marsh said not to bother Gibson's any more until they say something. Wrote to Jim 7th. Thursday. Wretched night. In bed all today. Threatens rain. Nasty day. A note came from Dick Totten wanting to know if I could go to Bingera with Mr. Ellison this afternoon & interview Mr. Gibson as he wished it. Of course I had to say Can't go before Saturday or Monday. 8th. Friday. Didn't get up till late. Grace & Winnie up. Felt lot better after dinner. Gave 3 lessons & went to bed early. Letter from (he didn't get mine asking for the money to take me to Heidelberg) He wrote. "Drop these fantastic gambols & start at once for H." Wish I could but can't go now before Tuesday. Mrs. Reddan over. Good kind soul she is. Sent over all sorts of things. We were to go to see our mutual friends this afternoon. Have to leave it until Tuesday. "Clouds" all gone now. I must have been bad all over. 9th. Saturday. Better but feel very weak. No Rosedale acceptance yet. Hope it don't come. 10th. Sunday. Didn't go out all day. Feel better but weak. Ma went up to S.B with letter & parcel for Jim. She stayed in at night. 11th. Monday. Better. Washing & getting things ready for going away. Letter from Government. requesting me to communicate with Inspector Harrap to be examined by him. Walked down as far as Marsh's & got him to ask Gibson's through the telephone about whether they would wait a fortnight for me. The answer was that they had not decided yet till the ladies came home but they were in no hurry. Then I got a cat & went up to Benbow's & showed him the letter & he said it could stand over till I came home. He gave me a list to study. Then went to Grace's & waited for cat-man. Then home. Mrs. Reddan came in at night & brought me a nice [?erlbonne] bag for Edith. Good of her. 12th. Tuesday. Very busy day. Ma flying around getting things ready. I feel better but horribly weak & miserable. Got cab to call for me & Mrs. Reddan & together we went up to see Mrs. Young. She looks well & the house seems very nice & tasky. She was very nice to me & I felt glad that I had gone. Went then to Janet's & a few minutes to Mrs. Mellor's & then walked home. Didn't feel so bad after all. Had tea the Ma fidgitted till we got down to the train. Mr. McCann himself was there going up. Willie Curtis came in to my carriage & kept me company all the way up for which I was glad. A pretty smart storm came on going up. Got my boots wet getting up to the Hotel. Mr. Curtis sent me in copies of letters to-day that Mr. Charles had sent him. They are squabbling nicely with the Gov. It seems the Gov. has offered it (?) to a Miss Fraser (sister to Fraser who married Miss Jones.) not taking any notice of the committee's request for me. When I got to the Hotel had nice cup of tea & bread & butter. Then Willie Curtis came & said Mr. Charles would like to see me & have a talk so we went down to his office. He seems a very nice man & kind. He said they have tried hard to get me & are scaring Miss F. all they can. They are not going to put themselves out of the way to accomodate her but they would me. Left him my address so that if Miss F. doesn't take it & they offer it to me he'll let me know. Feel sorry now I had not made sure of things before. Got up to Hotel again quite late. 13th. Wednesday. Slept well all night : nice & quiet in my verandah-room but wasn't it cold. Up early this morning & breakfasted. Off in coach at 1/2-6. Old Bob Hay had a word to say to me. Only another passenger. A Mrs. Theodore going to Miriam Vale. Saw the school going along. Very nice building. Everyone seems kind to me & anxious that I should get it somehow. Very cold going along. Kept my cloak on till 1 o'clock. Rather enjoyed the drive along though it was[underlined] rough. Very pretty
views of country as far as Rodd's Bay. Got out at Miriam Vale & had a cup of tea at the tel. masters' place. There I was greeted with a tel. from McCann. My parcel was there. Would send it along next coach. Edith's lovely things!!! I do hope it is safe. I never missed the thing. It was careless of me. Didn't have to stay 2 nights out after all. Stopped at Dalton's for dinner - rather late - & left my little bill Passed Christie's about 6 o'clock. Got the coachman to blow his bugle for good way before we came to Heidelberg. Very glad to get safely housed at last. My head felt bad tho' I didn't feel so bad as I thought after 12 hrs ride. Went to bed early. Everyone seems to have been so kind to me all along. Edie came down with lantern. Charlie was out fishing. Had to drag my things up the hill somehow. 14th. Thursday. Got up at 11.30. Slept hard all night. Didn't so bad only stiff back. Cough bothers me a bit but the air is very cold & keen to day. Lovely day clear & bright. 15th. Friday. Amused myself to-day. Went for walk down to river bank with Edie in the afternoon. Singing at night. Charlie had to fly off at daylight this morning to catch the coachman & give him a telegram to take to Miriam Vale. 16th. Saturday. Feel terribly lazy. Tried to study but didn't do much. Edie & I went down to the coach at night for the box & got it. The things were all right. They were delighted with them. Think they are so lovely. Long yarn with Edie this morning. She thinks 30th. June best for the wedding. Is going to write [?Mamis]. Has all her clothes made & wedding-dress so must write & tell Jim. It will comfort him. 17th. Sunday. Quiet day. Read & yarned all day. Wrote to Ma & scrap to Jim. Went for short walk with Edie. before dusk. She is a dear good girl. Sang at night. Haven't seen much of Charlie yet. 18th. Monday. Finished writing to Ma this morning. Studied bit. Went for my first ride over the river & as far as the coach stage with Charlie. Very nice ride. Passed Frank McCray on the way. He must have been a thoroughly [?impure up led] scamp. Enjoyed the ride very much. Had good yarn with Charlie. He is a nice boy. 19th. Tuesday. Studied. Edie & I went over on horseback to Eagle Farm. Got a shock over there. No-one came to meet us. Rosie came over from her place & said they had gone out fishing. Sarah hurried off after dinner saying she didn't suppose they wanted to see us[underlined]. Felt quite insulted. Never thought they would treat me[underlined] like that for Ma's sake. She & all the rest would take such treatment as given to themselves too. Edie & Rosie were indignant. However we strolled around. Felt better after a while. Don't feel like going there again but we go to see Rosie anyway. I'll give them one more trial. Had musical evening & yarn beforehand on the front steps. 20th. Wednesday. Don't feel so bad. Hope Sarah's conscience accuses her as it might. Thought of going into town to the picnic to-morrow (Sunday School) but it looked so threatening all the afternoon that we gave up the idea. Studied good bit to-day. Were going to write Sarah too. 21st. Thursday. Studied & practised this morning. Got ourselves ready & set out for town about 8 o'clock. Didn't hurry ourselves & reached town at dusk. Nice ride & not too long. Stayed at Nina Mann's. Elsie has grown a big girl. 22nd. Friday. Went down to post office & found letters from Ma. She's all right. Says there's a parcel for me at Ferris Conan's. Went there after going into Friend's & one or two others. Annie C. sick in bed with quinsy. We had gone to Morley's on our way up & seen[sic] Mrs. M. She said Ferris & Annie were both to be married on Monday (25th) but they only laughed when we spoke of it. It won't be for another month. We also went up to the school & saw Mr. M. He didn't know me at first. Said I had altered so much & grown so thin. Rosie Watt mistook us for the Misses Jones as we going to town & came rushing down. She said that Rosie Wibelin was there so after dinner we came up & saw Ada F. & then went into Watt's. Saw Rosie. Said she was going home next week. Only waiting for Spinster's Ball on Monday. We all went down there to Tennis Court & stayed there for a while. Nina & Elsie had taken our horses for the afternoon & were not home when we came back. After tea. Edie & I went over to Sol Wanmer's & talked to him about the house. Must see over it to-morrow morning. Went we returned over to see the Gibson girls for a while. They live alone since their father died. Cold night. 23rd. Saturday. Saw John Mann for a while this morning. He brought a note from Sarah. saying she was sorry she was out when we called that day. Had she known we were coming she would have stayed in[whole sentence underlined]. That is[underlined] a cool fib. Both C. & R. Told them we were coming. However she is coming over next Monday to see me. Must have repented. Went over to the house with
Sol Wanmer. It does not look so : the building is as firm as ever. but it wants new windows & a new fence. not a whole one like the old one but just near the house. Wish we had that place in B-g. Went then over to town & saw Annie C. again. She is still in bed. Went to Reading Room & then home. Saw Mrs. Levy. She didn't know me either. I had got so thin. Neither did Mr. Watt. Invited us out to see her. Next time we come in we are going to stay over Sunday. Left Nina's about 1/2-2. Then called to see McCray's. They have a nice house. Didn't see Esther. She felt too shy to see me now[2 words underlined]. Poor girl - a thousand pities she should have thrown herself away on that fellow. Left there about 3 - & on our way out went over to the Meat Works & had a squint at them. Looks nice place. Then we started for home. Had lovely moonlight ride. About a mile from Heidelberg we met the coach & after we had passed it a bit they sang out to us. I went beck & was informed that there was a letter for Miss Powe at Chreshie. Felt all in a fever to know what it was. Can't till to-morrow. Charlie was out fishing when we got home. Felt rather tired & sore but as free as air. Felt bit tight in town. 1/2-7 when we got home. 24th. Sunday. Lovely day & very cold. Feel no worse after my exposure last night. would have been half dead at home about being out till 7-1/2 on cold night in a thin jacket. This place must agree well with me. Charlie went over & got my note this morning. It was - that Miss Fraser had declined & I was under consideration. - From Mr. Charles. Feel rather tired to-day. Rested all day. & read. 25th. Monday. Queen's Birthday. Will be a gala day at home. Wrote to Mr. C. to-day by mail saying that I would have to decline also unless they were willing to put up a place however small where I could have my mother with me. Don't see why they can't. It is often done when they do not need it. That settles it for me. Wrote to Ma too & comforted her with the same remarks. Sarah & Rose came over about 1/2-8. Never was so frozen by anyone before as with S. She reminded me all the while of Beauty. I talked my best & agreablest but still she remained the same icicle. She seemed to be boiling up inside. Walked down the hill with her & asked her why she ran off the other day. She persisted in saying that she did not know for certain that we were coming but I rather think she could not control herself that day. However I've done my duty. Had a ball all to ourselves to-night. Danced all sorts of things. Almost forgot how to dance now. nearly 4 years since I did. 26th. Tuesday. Studied & practised some. Mrs. T. & Charlie away in town all day. Brought me a letter from Ma. Lovely moonlight. 27th. Wednesday. Studied nearly all day. C. away Mann's helping. We go to Wyndham's - Boyne Island to-morrow in the boat. 28th. Thursday. Up early this morning Looked very misty & raining first but cleared off gradually. We left about 1/2 past 9 in the little boat. Had a nice row down - 5 miles - tho' against the tide. Landed where Dawson's used to live; close to Wyndham's. Grand spot for a picnic. Big black apple trees where we camped. We gathered lots - of fruit. Nice oranges & lemons too in deserted garden. We took some. Old Wyndham was very polite. Invited us to see over his garden. It is a fine one & told Miss W. she was to take us over her farm which she did. It is about a mile away. we must have tramped about 5 miles altogether to-day. Had about 3 miles walk along the beach. Pretty view of the lighthouse & G. Head & wreck of the Glanworth. Sheltered nicely too by Sea - beach. Had a very[underlined] nice day .. Left about sun-down on account of the tide. The moon rose as we came along & made things bright. We sang on the way. Got to land about 1/2 - 7. home at 8. Felt bit queer coming along first in the dark & thinking of our cockle-shell boat & the rocks. Poor old Mabel's birthday : had forgotten all about it 8 years old. Text "When thou passest through the waters I will be with thee." Very[underlined] happy day 29th. Friday. Studied bit. Edie & I rode over to Mann's again this afternoon. We were received very graciously. Sarah altogether different this time from last. We had quite a nice time. Nice ride too. I rode E's horse Lucy first time. She does go grandly. Is rather nervous though. Had more dancing at night. Very nice time too. Am getting into it again. Going to Seaton's to-morrow. C.E. & I. 30th. Saturday. Left about 11 this morning. we three - Rather hot day. Mrs. T. was very kind & had us such a nice dinner. C. & I played draughts. After dinner we all went a for a walk along the line. Je crois qu'il commence à m'aimer. Bien - je l'aime aussi. Got nice oranges to talk[sic] home Got home about 6 after spending a very[underlined] nice day. I shall miss these rides terribly when I go from here. Met the coach coming along again. They didn't stop this time. Must think we 2 are fond of Saturday night excursions.
31st. Sunday. Joe's birthday. Think he's 39. Dieu le bless. Quiet day. Lovely day too. Went for walk with Edie in the evening. Had nice view off the hill overlooking Paradise. Mrs. T. & John have bought P. between them. Singing at night. Feel rather triste to-day. Afraid I'm dooming myself to more disappointment Je pense toujours à [?lui]. J'ai peut [...] pense trop pour mon bonheur. Wrote to Alf. 1st. June Monday. Wrote to Ma this morning. Cold morning. Studied & practised some. Had a dance at night & made a discovery : but I'm a silly goose that's what I am but can't help it. 2nd. Tuesday. Memorable day to me. Very cold this morning. Frost. Charlie asked me to go for a ride with him to get some pink lilies on the Calliope road. I wanted Edie to come too but she wouldn't. We had a lovely ride. Discovered some more. Don't know if it's for my good. He cut our names on a tree over there. Seems very much taken with me & I ~ well I don't like to think of it ~ perhaps I have done wrong as I did once before but he is a nice fellow & I can do him no harm. Had a delicious promenade after tea. It's no use. I can't be stiff. 3rd. Wednesday. They went to town early this morning. I had no sleep scarcely all night. Thinking. It's coming & I can't stop it now & don't feel as if I want to. Did my washing & ironing to-day. They seem terribly in earnest & more fond of me than I merit. We had another delicious walk & talk after tea. 4th. Tuesday. Edie & I went over to Mann's for the day. Had nice day. They were very kind. Got home at dark. Charlie came to meet us. Said he would last night. When I got home ~ well ~ It belongs to our two selves Diary so I can't say what ~ Anyway, I've been & gone & done it at last ~ at my age ~ He is a dear good fellow. I may never want to meet a better or love anyone else. But it seems that I have been perhaps too forward ~ but then it would have happened anyway only not so soon. It seems all like a dream & I am dreading the awakening. May God grant His blessing to our love. Had a lovely time to-night. He seems terribly fond of me & I don't deserve it. I asked him what his mother would say if she knew. He said she would only be too glad to find that he had chosen me. My day of days. Will never[underlined] forget this day. 5th. Friday. Not much sleep last night. Il dit le même cluse. He is a dear dear fellow. He is not half good enough for me he keeps on saying but as I am quite satisfied what more do we want. Had another dance to-night & a lovely time. We have not told anyone yet. What will Ma say. & H ~ !!! Well it had to be. 6th. Saturday. We had a long lovely ride this afternoon to Annandale then to Chinaman's gardens. then to Boyne Bridge. We were going to walk over but were afraid of the train coming along. crossed the river & came home the other crossing. Had nice confidential talk. Strange how we have come to a thorough mutual understanding without any words. I told him that it would be best to leave him free for 12 months lest he should change his mind. I thought of Jim. He assured me he would not[underlined] change ~ well - he is young & I don't want bind him. So if at the end of that time if we both of the same mind "It will be all right". I told Edie. when we came home & she seemed very pleased. Told her it was her bad example that made me behave so. He is going to tell Mrs. T. to-morrow. What a strange week it has been. I don't feel as if I realised it all as I should. Suppose it is the strangeness of it all. 7th. Sunday. Very very happy day for me. I shall never never forget it. C. told Mrs. T. this morning * Edie had told her last night. She told him she was very pleased & kissed me telling me how pleased she was. Ma will be a bit hard to get over. I'm sure she will. We had a lovely time before dinner. In the afternoon went to the little church. Mr Byron was there. We two went by ourselves there & back. Mann's were there too & we had quite a nice service. I did enjoy it so much. "I will never leave thee nor forsake thee" Feel so intensely happy. We had a lovely time after tea. I feel almost too happy. He is a dear dear fellow. May God bless him. Had some nice singing after. 8th. Monday. Wrote to Ma this morning. Didn't say anything to her except that C. & I had had two long rides together & I was very happy & only needed her to complete it. Had our ball tonight. We had a stroll after tea C. went down to see Alec Fisher for a while. He does not seem to be able to bear being away from me any more than I from him. My own dear Laddie. 9th. Tuesday. Studied to-day. Had a stroll again after tea. He does seem to love me as much as I do him. perhaps more for which I am glad. "It will not be his fault if I am not happy". Riding tomorrow. 10th. Wednesday. Started for Eagle Farm about 1/2-1. Had to wait there a bit for Sarah. Went over to see the hills from above Riverston Station. They did look lovely. Had a nice ride. Coming.
Herbert William Wills born | Deirdre & Gary's |
26. December 1864. ? in England (to be checked) | Great Grandfather |