6th. Tuesday. Not such a bad day this - Letter from H. Has had the best week since he started. How good the Lord is to hear us - 7th. Wednesday. Mr. & Mrs. G. went to town & brought back Red W. Brown of long ago. He hasn't changed a bit scarcely. Didn't get much chance of talking to him - saw him squinting at my ring. Wrote to Ma - Feel so well these days - another reason for thankfulness - Willie G. going to married today fortnight if nothing transpires in the meantime. Hope it doesn't. Mrs. G. is still the same. Had postal letter from Jack W. thanking me for my photo says it isn't as good as it ought be. Says his brother Bert in N.S.W He will have my letter by this telling him about myself. 8th. Thursday. Mr. B. stayed till this afternoon. Mr. Marsh drove up with Mrs. Peat & drove him back - They peeped in at the Hall door this afternoon. Mrs. Martin & Miss Scott here. 9th. Friday. Two ladies - Miss Henderson from Milton Station & her sister Mrs. Waldron came this afternoon. staying a week - they are both very tall - nice - Tonight week they are going to have a "spree" for all the working men & their wives here in honour of Wills marriage. Will have to prepare for 150 - Suppose I'll be expected out that night 10th. Saturday. Over this morning to do up things at the school - got wet a bit coming back - threatened rain all afternoon - cold too - All took a walk to Will's house. It will[underlined] be a comfortable home when furnished - she ought be a happy girl. M. is down again & things are not looking well. He arrove[sic] tonight - looks thinner than usual. Mr. Lyall of olden times was over too. He has a grand voice. Letters from the darling Mother & H. showed W. a little blessing she put in for him. H's letter made me feel [?naster]. Miss S. is married by this & off to England. I'm glad & have a strange sense of relief that she is away somehow. Must be my jealous feelings but can't shake them off. Am sure he thinks as usual perhaps more of her than of me. My punishment I suppose. Hasn't sent the book yet so I'll just write on Monday to the Wes. Book Depôt & get one. 11th. Sunday. Church this morning. Played. Today passed quicker than last. May the Lord judge between us[5 underlined]. Ma got word from Mr. Benbow that the school closes 30th of this month. - 3 wks yet - Miss H. Mrs. W. & I took a walk to the riverbank - the first time for me for months 12th. Monday. Wrote to H. & for Ma's book. Wonder how he'll like my billet doux this time 13th. Tuesday. No letter from H. tonight. It disappoints me muchly when I dont get one now. Got into bad habit. Wonder why there's none. Very cold day. Ray came for his music which kept me late too. 14th. Wednesday. Cold again but not so bad as yesterday. Letter this afternoon. He had no stamps to write last night. Forgot I suppose. I feel disgusted with myself now for writing as I did but never will again. May the Lord forgive me. He has got the book but not read it 15th. Thursday. Sent down word that I'd be down Sat. W. is going down & coming back Sunday he says : Wanted to take me to see "The Deemster" [?slouzed] but not these cold nights. We had to leave out school this afternoon - I just gave the lessons (music). The men were poking round measuring &c. No school tomorrow either. If I'd not had the [?bay] here & help I'd go home tomorrow. but couldn't go away now. They have sent out invitation cards - fine ones to about 150 - 16th. Friday. Busy from 9 this morning setting up sandwiches till 12 - then down again at 2 - till 4 - then home & dressed & off again at 5 to give finishing touches to the tables - there were 6 in the body of the Hall 2 on the platform - looked very pretty - decorated with pot[Inserted line] W. can't go down to morrow morning. Man here fixing his house.
plant. flowers &c. & heap of provisions thereon - We each had a helper. All seemed to enjoy it thoroughly. Had our own tea after - Then they cleared the tables &c. away & brought in the seats for the aftermeeting. It was a regular Variety entertainment, comïc songs - serious ones - recitations - speeches by Mr. Button & Will. They gave W. his tea-service - a very pretty silver one - engraved - Then the Hall was cleared again & they danced till 11. We went at 10.30. I was dead tired & had a headache played 9 accomps. & a duet with M. Dave was up & sang 2 songs - one encore. Mrs. B. up too. Il y a me autre petit B. bientôt. I'm going down in the morning with M. & Mrs. Waldron - D. drives us 17th. Saturday. Up at 4.00 this morning. I was awake 1/2 an hr. before. Felt nasty yesterday. was saving the last of Davidsons medicine to take last night but had to take it before going over - It acts like magic on me. Happily it turned out quite a mild [...] Threatened rain a bit but no more came than a few drops till we got to town - crossed the ferry at 7 - dark 3 parts of the way. Walked home & gave the little mother a fright. Poor little thing She has been in bed with pleurisy since I was in last & never told me. Wrote her last letter in bed. Got cold that wet Saturday. She wouldn't let them send word w. Marsh never sent her word either - or Barclay - they didn't know I was [...] in atall. Said the dear little woman good. She got up quite perky Would come down town with me this afternoon. Got W. a pair of silver jam spoons & sugar spoon at Robinson's - 25/- Must give him something. He has had some presents here already Went up to station by cab. Mr. G. only came home by the evening train. Saw A. Wilde there & Eales & Will - 2 last going to Maryboro. Got home here at 9. Joe & Ivy bolted up to the station at the last minute. Joe seems not offended if our [...] rather the opposite, Thank God. He treated us unusually cordially in the street today. Little Mother didn't come with me. She was better home. Do wish I could stay with her. She seems to cling to me so. Picnic for the children here this afternoon. No letter for me tonight. Can't make it out. 18th. Sunday. Very tired this morning too. Didn't sleep as well as I ought. After breakfast Mr. G. re-examining his letters found mine[underlined] among them - Knew there ought have been one - Poor old chap - he never upbraids me in the least. for anything I said. Must send him 1/- worth stamps tomorrow to pay for the book. They with the other from the depôt yesterday morning. Played this morning. Castleton preached one of his strange sermons - Went to S.S. too so have done my duty for this day. M. will be away for next Sunday too - she has missed 5 Sundays out of this preacher 19th. Monday. Wrote to H. 20th. Tuesday. Mr. & Mrs. & Will went down this afternoon en route for Maryboro. We peppered the buggy with rice as it was passing the school & through[sic] my pair of red slippers after it too. We are left to our own sweet selves till Thursday now. Miss Henderson chaperone. Got a fright tonight just after tea Sam came along & told us to get the spare-room ready for Mr. Snell - we thereupon sat upon Sam & impuned him to go & ask the others to take him so he suggested sending one of the girls over first to ask - which we did & Mrs. John promised to take him. I was thankful What we would do with one of his sort & a stranger to Miss H.!! 21st. Wednesday. Nice quiet day, to ourselves. Miss H. & I went to church tonight. Mr. Snell preached a fine sermon & put up a special prayer for the wedded pair. They tolled the bell too just about the time the ceremony would be performed. A flag was flying all day on the "lookout" on top of the mill. Shortest day of the year. Turned another corner. Warm day too.
22nd. Thursday. Mr. & Mrs. came home tonight. We heard all the news of the wedding. "She had a trousseau fit for a governor's lady". & 100 presents & cheques to the amount of £330! "To him & her that both shall be given" Everything passed off well. They have gone to Sydney for three weeks. W. ought to be happy now. 23rd. Friday. The old concert tonight weighed like a nightmare on my mind. Am about sick of those things now. We were turned out of the school again this afternoon as they were decorating the Hall. I agitated for another piano so they got Button's. Annie played an opening duet with me & the three girls played the "Trio" pretty well. Folkes seemed rather surprised at it too. Dave was up. Alick had told me he was to sing 2 comic songs so I concluded someone would [?vomp] for him as he sent no message to me. & lo! He asked had I brought his songs - never thought he wanted them. He looked very cross over it & I felt miserable - he's such a funny-tempered youth - would think I had done it on purpose so as a last resource I told Kate to ask Elsie to go home with young man Harris from Brisbane who was here for tea but she - to my surprise - went off by herself - & brought the songs D. seemed quite serene then. Sang "The Valley by the Sea - Glad I was able to smooth things over. He never would have forgotten it. Had quite a nice talk with young Furness after when the dancing commenced. Says he can't dance either nor likes it - I syrup at [...] with him. & then he asked me to try the "Lancers". Quoth I "Oh no better not make an exhibition of ourselves" - - Young Harris wanted me to dance the first waltz too with him. We Mrs. G. Miss H. I & the girls went home after the 3rd. dance commenced. I was thankful it was over. Nice mild night 24th. Saturday. Went down home this morning. Coming back with Mr. G. tomorrow - he preaches in town - Miss H. went too & got out at North B. to wait for the train (Gladstone) I like her. She's a nice old sort. Found the little Mother in town - naughty woman - We did all our business then & went home. Went & paid Mrs. Hussey a visit. She got quite a shock at my ring. She didn't know before - so she said - Ivy had kept it a great secret - Carrie had her suspicions. 25th. Sunday. Church this morning. Good many there. Walked down to the church corner again at 1/2-2 - Had a ride home with Mr. G. Feel quite nice this time. Got us home on Friday night. Letter from H. 25th. Monday. Wrote to H. M. came home this afternoon. from Maryboro. 27th. Tuesday. Our "Trio" got a praise all to itself in the Star. Letter from H. He sent account of services (evengelistic.) held on Sunday in Brisbane went to 3 - & seemed to have been much impressed by them - Wished I had been there too. Feel quite elevated by this letter - so thankful that he should have desires towards such things. Dreadful day for wet & cold. 28th. Wednesday. We had no school this morning so had a nice 1/2 holiday - Went over in the afternoon - Miserable day to be out - Felt alright tho'. Mrs. John sent over a note this morning saying better have no school & that if I had the calico ready for the pillowslips the girls could be making them - didn't quite "tumble to" it until I remembered having told her in fun about Mrs. Tunly getting her girls to make hers. Don't mind if they do. 28th. Wednesday. Cleared today - fine & cold. 29th. Thursday. Girls want to go to School picnic tomorrow so nothing loth I'll have a day off & go to town a day earlier. Finished up school this afternoon. They shifted my things to Willie's room today. It will be more comfortable for me than having to sleep in one place & dress in another. Will be smaller but don't mind that. Rather awkward getting my packing done tho' running after things in 3. rooms.
30th. Friday. Went down home this morning. Cold - had to be up - early & fly round after my things which were in 3 rooms - lost my keys at the last too but found them at home in the basket. had to borrow the padlockone[sic] from Mr. Eales. Florrie Rowland went down with me & congratulated me on the way. She has[underlined] changed since we went to school - trouble has done her good. Her mother has been bedridden for 8 years - perfectly helpless now & speechless - what a living death. Noone at the station to meet me - thought the little Mother must be bad but she was all serene. It's lovely to be with her again. We thought of going to see Skyring's but there was not time enough so just went up to Mrs. Reddan's - found her out - then called at McCarthy's - found them in & glad to see us. Steindels there - mother & daughter -. Asked me to come & see them any time I was in. Feel well today. 1st. July Saturday. Letter from H. Went down about 11.30 to hunt up old Matthewson - He hasn't sent any word yet - Waited about Marsh's & all the corners till Ma came down about 1.30 - we did some shopping - then waited again till 3 - but no signs - Felt very much disgusted. Left a message for him at Patterson's telling him to let us know at once or we'd make other arrangements. Called in to see Mrs. Young on the way. Met her yesterday coming out of her gate - she has been very bad again & looks wretched. Says the doctor says she must go to Killarney for 6 mths or she'll die. Says she tried to get like that - thought if she could she'd die & follow Florrie soon. 2nd. Sunday. Church this morning. Lots there. Awfully cold while in church. Felt miserable all the time - glad to get out & home. didn't stop to speak to anyone. Marsh came round after we had got home. Said M. called yesterday after we had gone & says he'll call tomorrow morning at 10' - So - Wants me to play tonight - Have to I suppose. Had tea at Grace's. Then went off to church. Not many out. Intensely cold. Stayed for communion - Lot stayed. Introduced to Mrs. Snell. She's not tall - stout - Thought she was Mrs. Pinch. They gave Ma a drive home - 3rd. Monday. Up early & things ready. Very cold - heavy frost He came about 10.30. We took Alf & Elsie with us - Got down pretty soon. They have given us the small house this time. It's clean but not nearly so nice as the other Feel nasty too. Must have got cold yesterday morning. 4th. Tuesday. Out lots today. Feel not very nice. It's cold here this time - colder than last. Got lots of oysters today. 5th. Wednesday. Nasty night. Close too - felt horrid. Better today. out nearly all day. Got more oysters. They are very fine - like last year. The tides are very low too. Pity they had not been like this at Easter. Sent Alf home by the baker's cart. 6th. Thursday. Letter from H. this morning. Out getting oysters this afternoon till about 4.30. Came home then & were just getting tea ready when Becker's boy came & said there was a telegram for Miss Powe at the Pilot Station. Ma thought all sorts of dreadful things but I guessed what it was. We all three trotted off & lo' it was only[underlined] a letter from H. which he had addressed to P.O. Burnett Hds What a relief. In his other after this morning he said "Call at P.O. for letter written by me Friday" so of course I thought it was the one I'd got in town. Getting my work all set to take back.
Got calico for the pillowslips - for the girls to do. Getting Ma to mind all my things that I've left undone. Feel lovely today. Bertie's birthday 6th. He'll be going to school next week. 7th. Friday. Raining nearly all day. Couldn't get out much. Sea sounded very strongly all night. Wrote 4 letters today. Mrs. Brassington Jim Stirling - our Jim & H. If Elsie goes in tomorrow morning she can take them. 8th. Saturday. Still raining. Too unsettled to let Elsie go in. Matth. didn't leave till after dinner. Sent by the mailman on Thursday for some more of my medecine He never brought it. Matthewson did tonight when he came back. Glad to have it - feel a bit stuffy sometimes. As the old mailman didn't come near us we couldn't get our letters taken so H's will be stale. I wanted him to get it on Monday morning first thing too - now it will be Wednesday. Do wish we could have had it fine all the time 9th. Sunday. Worse day than ever. Got out only for an hour after dinner. It came down properly then & our oysters saw us no more. Did wish it might have been fine for us today - our last Glad tho' that we've had the dull days together. It wouldn't have been very nice in town like this! Had nice time of laziness today. This looks promising for tomorrow too. 10th. Monday. Turned out lovely day. Elsie & I got up early & went down to see if any oysters were to be got but the tide was too high. It was lovely out & not cold - got some mushrooms too - cleaned up & started for home about 10.30 - reached home at 12 or little after. Seems a shame that it should have cleared up so beautifully now we have done with holidays. Got things fixed up & left for Bingera in cab. Little Mother got things for me in town - Shall feel bad this time going away from her. Got up at 4. Turned very cold & westerly wind going up. Sure to be cold after this. Got my things all straight in new room. Cosy little place. Miss Wilie, Alice & Prue Treadwin here. Letter from J.G. thanking me for the spoons. (From Sydney) 11th. Tuesday. School. Feel dreadfully homesick - worse this time than for a long time. 5 long dreary months of it - how shall I ever survive. Went up this afternoon to see the house while it was in applepie order. Everything is perfect - lovely presents!! they are enough to dazzle one - the house is beautifully furnished throughout. A perfect home. They are coming tonight & there is to be a great reception with tin-cans given them. All is ready for [?them] - even to their supper - She ought be a happy girl. Still Happiness consisteth not in the abundance of the things which man possesseth. I hope to be happy on less. I by myself all evening. 12th. Wednesday. Feel funny still. suppose I'll get over it in time. Very cold this morning too. Shall be thankful when this month is over. Was out late with Earnest's[sic] lesson. Letter from H. last night. Half expected none but the good old sort wrote all the same tho. he wouldn't get mine till today. 13th. Thursday. Not so cold today. Got invite to W's Welcome Social Sat. night 14th. Friday. Not bad week this - youngsters seem more civil now. Mrs. Wilde & the two bairns came up this afternoon. 15th. Saturday. Poked round all day at fancy work &c. Mrs. W. taught me a stitch for my handkerchiefs. W's "Welcome Social" tonight. Quite a grand affair. We went over at 7 - Had musical items for 2 hrs or so. Dave was up & sang. Bessie Curtis played for him. Miss W. sang. twice I played for her - Mrs. Holland & Archie Stirling. The 3 girls played the trio to open with. After the concert they presented W. with a pretty framed address - Then came on refreshments served roung by all the men. After that they cleared