Had my things ready. Got a drive over to the store. Mrs. B. & baby went down too. They both look better for the change. Rained a bit last night. We got down at 1/2-12. Sent word down to Grace - forgot to - yesterday - Ivy was there - we rode up. Went down town & got what I wanted. Finished Rose M's bootees. Couldn't finish Grace's. forgot wool. Janet looks thin very thin - poor thing she does want a change - but thinks she cant take it - she'll have to. Ethel is a good girl - looks well too - Got my 2 months pay - but it took me £6 to pay board. Going down by tomorrow's train (morning). All children here to night - we had [...] - Mr. & Mrs. Ellison called in the afternoon. They will be quite quiet at Bingera after today. Only Muriel Blair left. They don't seem to like her much. She certainly - is a bit conceited but of course being the almost only one it is to be excused. 19th. Saturday. Got cab again this morning. Ivy & I rode up. Rained heavy last night. Lots went down in the train. Mr Marsh yesterday gave me a note to give his sister Nellie at the train this morning should I see her but when we got to Maryboro. there was such a crowd & it rained so hard that I didn't see anyone I knew so just got a cab & drove to the steamer first where I took my tickets - then went to look for Dawson's but he took me to the wrong one as I thought (Bob's place) I wouldn't stop there so just went to an Hotel where I stayed & had my dinner for 1/- cabby charged me 3/- Then I went strolling down town & went into Dawson's shop where Bob recognised me & went next door for Jack who came in & told me to go at once to his place (Alice St) so after leaving my things down at the Shipping Office (the Burwah had not come in) I looked for their place & found it & Nellie home (stayed there till 9 - then we two went down & met Jack & Jim D. who escorted me to the steamer. Rained lots here today - looks green & nice. Hope they've had it everywhere. 20th. Sunday. Went to bed at once last night & didn't get up today except I couldn't help it. We left last night at 11. Anchored for 3 hrs at mouth of Mary & then steamed ahead & she did[underlined] spin till 7 tonight anchored in Keppel Bay - thought we were only at Bustard Head. Wasn't sick but would have been had I been up. Raining on the way & bit rough & blowy. 21st. Monday. Got here about 12 last night. Slept some till 6 this morning Nice girl in my cabin all way. Before I was dressed Alf was down & took me up. They were not quite sure whether I was coming today or not. Little Mother well. I rested all day. Head felt queer - Alf took tickets for "Messiah" to night by local musicians so Alice Ma & I went. It was lovely. I did[underlined] enjoy it. Better than in Brisbane. How different from treatment of music in Bundaberg. Letter from Jim. They can't come down : Edie won't go without him. Wants me to come up on Sat. & stay tell Monday 22nd. Tuesday. Great day. Went down early to see proceession. Had good seats on pile of timber at Skyrings yards. ~ grand view. It was a grand sight too - such crowds of people & procession of all sorts - looked so nice - especially Chinese .. they were[underlined] decked out. After it was all over we adjourned to Debdin's Office where we had nice lunch. D's boys there - Arthur W. & 'Arry Skyring. He's here now. We came home after that - the rest - nearly all - went to Sports but I was glad of a rest - didn't feel nice - had good sleep this afternoon - then after tea called round at D's - Ma went in a cab with the old folks & Rosie D (she looks much the same but she has[underlined] been ill) We & Charlie D. walked on to the Show Grounds : there we 3 viewed things in general till 10 - then came home tired out. Great day. Diamond Jubilee[2 words double underlined] 23rd. Wednesday. Threatened rain. I felt not nice all day - haven't felt nice.
since coming here - ought to have been sea sick : feel off my food & bilious. Great evening at D's. Nearly 50 there. I didn't dance except Lancers with Arthur W. he would make me & I didn't remember a thing about them. however we had great fun. A. & Al. went home but at 12.30 but Mrs. D. asked me to stay & help them entertain the boys who stayed. so Ma & I left about 3 with Arthur as escort. Didn't enjoy myself much - felt sick all evening. 24th. Thursday. Feel terribly sleepy today. Late hours don't seem to agree with me. We were going out to the Cemetery but it came on to rain so we went into Miss Coffee's where I practised. She thinks I play better than before - funny - Miss Conrad is going up for exam. Just what I would like. Shall some day Wrote to Jim saying I'd come up on Sat. if it didn't rain. 25th. Friday. Mr. Wills called & made me promise I'd come up next week for a day at 2. Must go there after M. Morgan. 26th. Saturday. Started at 10. It looked like rain but I thought it best to go. Got to Kabra & left it about 20-11. Three others - school teachers went in the same coach & one kept us in fits all the way - said she knew Arthur well. It was[underlined] terribly rough - & muddy! - I was splashed all over - beside us there was a woman & 3 children. Between heat - smells - jolts - & mud I was quite sick when we got there. It must have rained along the way. Nobody appeared so the coachman drove me right into Hall St - I asked some youngsters where Mrs. Powe lived so found the house & gave them a terrible fright. they had not expected me as it had rained so. I felt rather put out but settled down after a bit & felt better. We went to town at night. & saw the wonders. the golden mountain. They were so glad to see me - they are a dear old pair. Edie looks well & if I'm not mistaken - interesting - Jim is thin but well. 27th. Sunday. Fearful headache nearly all day .. Jim took me to church in the morning & we all went for a walk to Tipperary Pt. saw part of the works. in the afternoon & church again at night. Nice little church & nice preacher Mr. Muscio - They live one of the nicest parts of the town just here - there is such a good view of the Mt. & all the place nearly. It reminds one of Gympie only not so steep. Nice fresh air. Going to have good old yarn with Edie tomorrow. 28th. Monday. Had long confidential talk with Edie this morning. She is as I thought. Poor woman - with no one to talk to all day - Jim's away from 7 in the morning till 6 at night. Had good talk over our 'romance' - such no longer - she can't understand him any more than I can. feels very disappointed has his photo there but I coundn't look at it - what glance I did give - didn't like his face - he didn't look like my boy at all. She thinks he'd be sorry if he knew what harm it has done me. Anyway henceforth he is nothing to me. Went to see Mrs. Muscio this afternoon. They are very nice 29th. Tuesday. Set off homewards to-day. Edie will be lonely poor little girl Had nice drive down - took only 2 1/2 hrs. Only coach companion was a young man - nice chap too - a traveler I think .. we got quite struck on each other he stayed with me till the train was moving off I was quite amused ~ anyway he was a nice chap & I felt better for his company. Had to wait at Kabra till 5.30 then came on by train & reached Westwood at 1/2-7. Mr. W. down to meet me. Felt tired & went to bed early. Tis so fresh & nice up here. They seemed so glad to see me too. I missed Ell & so by & by they told me she had gone as companion but I should rather think Mother's Help to Langley. She will miss her here. 30th. Wednesday. Played tennis all afternoon : Had great at night. Amy is the same comical girl as ever. I always feel wild when I get with her. Mr. W. thinks I'm lively but I tell him they think me wonderfully quiet at B. Glad I
I came here. It has done me good already. Wish I could stay a week. They wouldn't hear of my going back tomorrow so will wait till Friday. 1st. July Thursday. Very stiff after yesterday. Mr. W. & I were over for more than 2 hrs in the school today. he showing me things & I copying the new regulations Amy & I went in the buggy to see young Mrs. Hobler. She is very nice. Had lovely drive after. Dear old Westwood. I always love being here. Amy is looking forward to 3 months trip to Sydney at Xmas. What toffy relations I might have ~ none to be ashamed of ~ It is very tempting ~ played consequences & mixed drawings at night. didn't retire till 11.30. 2nd. Friday. Went down home this morning. Sang too. They have been very kind to me. Mr. W. calls me his "model" girl. What a pity there are such obstacles in my way. He is just like a father to me now. Got home at 11 to my dear little mother. Out with Alice to visit theis[sic] afternoon ~ found 2 in. Worked out my puzzling [...] less Fractions tonight 3rd. Saturday. Went down to market this morning. So a [...] afternoon & played tennis. Arthur W. & Harry S. there. They both board at the same place. Had musical evening after. Mr. D's birthday party. He seems quite taken with my playing. Wonderful for him - he seems usually to dislike music. Said "Mine was something like playing". He has painted a picture expressly for Ma. The two boys escorted us home. Had very nice evening. Wrote to Mr. W. telling him I had over come my sums 4th. Sunday. Church this morning. Felt terribly sleepy - didn't get to bed till 1/2-12 last night. The two boys came this afternoon & took Alice & I for walk to the cemetery to see little Jack's grave. Poor old Alf - he goes regularly twice a week before breakfast to the cemetery. Had nice walk. Rosie & Lottie D. down for tea so Lottie & I & the two boys went to our church. 5th. Monday. Out visiting again this afternoon. Wrote to Mr. G. telling him I wouldn't be back till next Wed. would come via Maryboro again. Old Ranelagh leaving this Friday at 3. p. m - always the same - whenever I leave here boats always go extra early. 6th. Tuesday. Went to Granma Smith's to spend the evening. Lottie was there to tea too - Mrs. S. told our fortunes again. 7th. Wednesday. Out again this afternoon making calls. Feel very undecided whether to go this week & make sure or trust to next week - all boats late leaving this week - suppose they'll be all late again next week & I might not get down in time 8th. Thursday. Made up my mind before going to sleep that I'd start tomorrow. So Alice sent invites to A. W. H. S. & Jim Terus for tonight & to Rosie & Lottie D. for tea. Ma & I took walk down town. last walk with my dear little mother for long time. Visiting this afternoon ~ found 2 in. Had great fun to-night with "Sam Slick" public opinions & consequences & old maid. 9th Friday. Went out in the bus to the Gardens this evening. They are very pretty. Got back at 11.30. Went & bid Miss Coffey good.bye. Poor Miss Couran - she has been 3 times to see me & missed me .. I wanted to see her too to ask her about the musical exam. she is going in for. Must do the same myself some day. Alf home to dinner. Left for steamer at 2.30. Thought Dolphin was going down to Lakes Creek with us but found she would be coming down at 5 & taking passengers back. so Ma came along with me & the old thing didn't leave till 1/2-7 & poor Ma stuck on her from 5. Felt it was bad leaving her 10th. Saturday. Anchored at lakes Creek all lovely night. delightful. Smell made me sick before leaving at all. Had quick passage to Gladstone got there at 1 - to Meat Works Wharf. Wasn't sick coming along but felt bad. Laid on sky light all time with a young traveller for company. Passed Glanworth wreck - good yet - didn't see much of Keppel Bay
Stayed at M.W. Wharf till 5 - mean things. Might have taken us to town wharf. Could have seen someone then. Got away but to sea by tea-time. I went to bed. 11th. Saturday. Got here about 1/2-5. Had miserable night. Real[underlined] sick too - it will do me good tho'. some men played cards & made such a row till after midnight. Joe was down for me - I got dressed about 7 & went home. Rested all day & slept some. All well - Janet looks better. Jim & Edith's wedding day. Dieu les blesse. 12th. Monday. Mrs. Mellor drove me down to the wharf for my boxes & then took them to the station. I went then to Mellor's & paid them some & then to Marsh's. Had sent word by Alfie this morning to tell them through the telephone I would be up to-night. Got word back to say not to come till Wednesday as girls not home - only 2 there. What a shame - I needn't have come away after all. So close attention to duty. Next time I'll take things easy & please myself. I might have had such good times too. Well I did it for the best & perhaps it was the best - Can't say. Finished Mrs. W.'s shams & wrote to Ma. Went down posted them & a paper with Alby's Skyring's marriage in. He was married [...] & they were saying up there that he was going to have a house built How will Eunine like her new sister-in-law. Cold. 13th. Tuesday. Felt bad all night. Must have got cold on the steamer lying on deck. Promised Mr. M. that I'd go up to tea & stay all night but felt too horrible. Nasty old thing. to come & spoil all good effects of my nice holiday Went to see Mrs. Young. Cold again 14th. Wednesday. Bad still. Went for walk up to G's this morning. Got all ready & managed to get up to Mrs. Reddans somehow & stayed there till train time. Never felt worse than these two days. Did wish my little Mother was here. 15th. Thursday. Got up last night at 1/2-8. Very cold. Felt horrible when I got up. Girls 4 - came up too. They thought I should meet them at Maryboro. Might just as well - saved myself this cold & needn't have started at all this week. School today but felt off - it - bad as can be - 16th. Friday. Still Bad. Managed somehow to get over school. Glad tomorrow is holiday. Must have got something more than cold. 17th. Saturday. Took me all day to-day getting warm. Horrid cough [...] me too. Feel terribly mother-sick. Do long for my little mother to comfort me. Sometimes the longing to be comforted seems to be too much almost. Two Maryboro. girls Miss Treadwin - great friend of Miss Shepard's & a Miss Grey - visitor from M. Y. came. House full now what with Miss Norman - these two - Mrs. Boreham & the baby who came too today & the two boys Bob & Angus. Very cold 18th. Sunday. Home all day. Had nice day - just moved round & sat in the sun all I could. Mr. Ellison up too. Cold still - miserable in mornings 19th. Monday. Feel so miserable every morning - longing for home & mother. nasty cough bothers me too. Haven't had this so nasty for more than 2 years 20th Tuesday. Tightness going away gradually thanks be. Go to bed early every night & sleep well anyway. This horrid cold - it freezes me up. Got our new copy-books from Youngs Bundg. the book too. 21st. Wednesday. Feel better to-day. - suppose the thing will take it's time. 22nd. Thursday. Wrote to Ma to night & Alice P. Others at Wilde's. They were at Mrs. W. G's last night but I wanted not togo[sic]. Not going out any more till next month is out. Mrs. G. called me into Mrs. Sterling's to ask if I could take Raymond for music so I said next month I'd start 23rd. Friday. School. Miss G. & Mrs. T. went home to-day. Miss N. read my hand tonight. Very true some things - said I might have been married at 17 - another love affair at 21 & from what she could make out one later on. Am to marry happily & All. after I'm 30 - Nearly at 27. Feel quite queer over it. 24th. Saturday. Glad to have quiet day - practised some. raining. Mrs. Boreham's the baby went home this morning by coach - I'm to have a dark man[2 words underlined]
25th. Sunday. Raining torrents all day. 7 1/2 in from last night - splendid rain - rough too just like flood weather. Just read all day & had a quiet time Doesn't augur well for to-morrow's tea - no services to day Y Y Y 24th. Monday. Cleared beautifully. Mr. G. took Miss & Miss Norman down this morning - & told me to come down either by cane train or the other buggy but I thought that it would be safer to stay than go down & risk another cold coming home at 12 or 1 - I wouldn't go to come home directly after the tea. Mrs. G went M. & Mrs. Wilde - the other Gibsons - only we youngsters at home. I've lost a 1/2 holiday 27th. Tuesday. We had a nice time last night - they've got over £500 - splendid one year today since I started here. 28th. Wednesday. Not so cold - glad too. Young man from Brisbane - a Mr. Wills - no relation of mine - came to-day & is staying till Friday - a Gov. artist. We had to entertain him tonight. Sent down £4.10.0 yesterday to them at B. to pay off our bills 29th. Thursday. Had fun tonight we girls & Mr. W. Letter from Ivy saying she had paid all she could ~ quite a business young woman .. glad those hideous things are getting less. 30th. Friday. Tired tonight - glad of the next 2 days. Letter from Ma - a week old. She is well & had a nice trip up - must have been very different from mine. Wrote to her & Ivy tonight. Got quite a shock Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. Gibson came home & brought the news that Herr Becker had died suddenly at 4 that morning of heart disease What a terrible shock for everyone & her. I never knew that he was affected that way but it seems he has been for some time - was 57 Poor old Becker I shall never hear him play again. "Be ye also ready" 31st. Saturday. Amused ourselves at home. went over to the Reading room for a walk this afternoon - had some fun - company at night I like Miss N. 1st. August. Sunday. Church this morning. Wore my new turn-out - it rather astonished the natives. Miss Stupart arrived late last night with W. G. from town - he went down to the Isis to meet her yesterday afternoon & then they drove home. She is the same as ever - no steadier. We all went over to the Hall this afternoon to practise the hymns. Had big headache - stayed home at night. Trying to wade through Lorna Doone. I like it 2nd. Monday. S. The rest went over to the Mill tonight. I went not. Letter from Dear little Mother. Seems to be having a nice time with them at M.M. Enclosed a [...] from Art. He seems not much improved. 3rd. Tuesday. Miss G. & Miss N. went to town this morning to stay till to morrow The girls were out at Mrs. John's tonight & came home with the news that Mrs. Skyring had died & left 2 children & she was related to the Skyrings & East B. & her name was Erumia. There was no paper here & I felt like I don't know what thinking perhaps it was Erumie so Katie & I trotted to Wrench's to see the paper - noone was home there so we waited till C. came out of the Hall & he kindly went somewhere & got the "Star" for us which I brought home & found it was Mrs. George S. as I had thought Poor thing - she had a baby & both it & she died. Thankful its not Erumie. 4th. Wednesday. Had to go up to Wilde's tonight. Hate going out at night now. ~ & especially là. Je sentais miserable tout le temps - j'avais je ne [...] irai pas si je pour peux le' pempêcher. Feel very tired to-night. Started with young Raymond yesterday & Jessie today. 5th. Thursday. Je ne donnais pas beaucoup deriner soir. Feel myself again today 6th. Those girls didn't come home till this afternoon - didn't mind being without them - Miss S. & I had a yarn together last night. I like her. 7th. Friday. Raining hard all day. Had to trot along all the same - blissful