"I know now what you wanted this for. To hook him with" .. Felt quite
lost all day after - Seeing him just upset me & made me want him.
23rd. Saturday. Letter from Pialba. The Hotel will be full till the 2nd. week we are gathering [last 2 sentences inserted] Xmas Eve. Went down town this afternoon. Whilst
waiting for Ma outside Reiss's came across M G. & F. M says they
not going to Pialba & I said we were not either. I didn't get time to
ask her why as Mrs. B. & Gwen Shirley came up & then Nellie D. & I wnet to
speak to her. I felt quite comforted however that they were disappointed
too. Perhaps it's all for the best. We'll have to amuse ourselves here.
Janet & the children will be going to the coast on the 29th. - that most
likely will be the day he comes. Nellie D. looks bright - she asked me to
bring H. along while he was here - so I will. We stayed in at night &
I wrote to H. telling him. Will & Janet & the kiddies went down the city
Good few cards today. Feel so much better. Strange! - but I knew all I wanted was rest & care.
24th. Sunday. Church this morning. It was hot. Mr. G. preached
so I felt glad we came. Workman's were there too. M. was asking
me about my holidays so I told her I was obliged to settle down here :
She told me to come out & spend the day while H. was here - bring him
out. I was glad & thanked her. That will be one place to go. Stayed in at night
25th. Monday. [3 lines superimposed here in blacker ink] Went to church this morning. Nice
"service". Good many there. Mr. Snell was pleased. two babies Christened
& all at 7 - posted H's letter after
Xmas Day. Nice day too we had. All had
dinner together here at Will's - Joe too. After tea we hopped round
a bit - all of us - & gave Joe some martial music. He seemed to enjoy it
muchly. It has been a nice cool day too. One of the nicest Xmases
we've spent. Suppose it will be our last here. The youngsters
fired off crackers & enjoyed themselves to their hearts content.
Felt nice all day. Better than I've done for weeks.
26th. Tuesday. Boxing Day & my dear old sweetheart's birthday (35)
& I never mentioned it in my letter. - forgot - Thought there might
have been letter form him today but none - Cards from M. W. Mrs.
Brassington - Jim & Edie - Alf. - Letter from Edie. Jim not well. She
says Alf has a beautiful house - must have cost £400. Well he deserves
it. They seem to think here that he's very fortunate but he has had
ill health & doctors bills to contend with & no benefit society to help him.
Had nice quiet day at home. Asked Carrie & Beattie over to spend
the afternoon - showed them my "yellow-box" & we had some singing.
27th. Wednesday. He ought have my letter today. Was just
wondering today whether we might not go to Sharon
while H. is here. It would be so nice to get out there on Friday
afternoon & stay all night & come home on Saturday. As I was
considering the matter a letter arrived from Minnie asking
me to come out either on Friday or Tuesday as she would be away
Sat. & Sunday. Just the thing I wanted. Must reply tomorrow
& ask her about staying over night. Threatens rain. Wrote tonight to Min.
Letter from H. Leaves tomorrow.
28th. Thursday. Stormy looking all day. Will posted my letter so
she ought get it tonight. Blew very hard last night & rained
torrents. I hardly slept any - thinking of my dear old chap on the
high seas. Didn't know whether or no to expect him as perhaps
the Premier might not leave in such weather. regularly cy-
clonic wind. However Will went up at train time = sure
enough the boy was there. It had not been so bad as I thought
They had the storm up there yesterday. He looks better than before.
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