in the moonlight. It was lovely. We got home at 9.30 - Long
while before I'm there again - & never with the girls - We had a
good laugh over last year at Pialba. Seems a funny day - like Saturday
12th. Tuesday. School. Stayed in for dinner. Want to get through this
week like last. & get through all if I can. Letter from H.
13th. Wednesday. Another busy day. Hard to get them along these
days - they seem lazy - wont bother about the young ones after
today - Exam. general to day
14th. Thursday. Busy day. had Exam in music to-day for
May. Ev. & Jess. - Got through nearly all work today - finished
with 3 young ones. Gathered most of my things together. Shall be
thankful when tomorrow is over. Feel better these days tho' - but
have to keep myself up at high pressure. Dear little Mother's birthday
71st. Would like to have sent her a nice message but had no time for that
even. God bless her & give her to me for a long while yet. Got marks all added up
15th. Friday. Last day. Can hardly realise it. Got through almost
all today - principal part anyway - they have worked well today
considering it's the last. Finished music - May got 7 1/2 for exam - Els. 5. Annie
8. but she was behind in those before - they are all close - M. 59 1/2 - An. 59 - Els. 60.
We finished up with a little sing-song then went over the mill all together.
I haven't been over it for over 2yers & will not see again in crushing - Finished
packing tonight. Mrs. A.S. gave me a nice pair of her linen pillow-slips - &
Kate & Elsie a Chinese cup & saucer each - have such a dose of things to take down.
16th. Saturday. Finished packing this morning - had to squash the things
through somehow. Got my business all finished at the office too - got my £10.
clear & 3/00/- from Earnest's music. Asked Mr. G. to provide the prizes this
time as I couldn't afford it so he readily assented. Got home at 12.30 - it
is a sickening train now - we have to leave the Siding so dreadfully late
Felt so tired & quite done up when I got home. Home at last & rest. Seems
too good to be true. Through much tribulation have I come through this
year. but "Hitherto hath the Lord helped us". Went down town. this
afternoon & chose the prizes at Youngs'. Came home half dead. Letter from H. He intends leaving next week for Westwood.
17th. Sunday. Stayed in all day & had rest & quiet. Am going in now
for systematic rubbings with oil. Wrote to Pialba yesterday to Point Vernon Hotel to see if we could stop there.
18th. Monday. Went down town again today & finished up getting the
prizes & sent them off by train. Paid for 3 pieces of music myself for A.E.
& May. So - that's off my mind. Wrote to H. too. Fearfully tired & pains in back.
19th. Tuesday. Home all day - resting - Letter from H. He will
be passing through on Friday morning.
20th. Wednesday. Making H. a silk handkerchief with my own hair.
Finished it : it looks real nice - it will be an uncommon present anyway &
he ought appreciate it. got him nice booklet too. & I've the satchet[sic] M. made
21st. Thursday. Letter from H : he leaves tonight by the mail train - there's one running every night this week from Brisbane. Feel so much better
22nd. Friday. Up early this morning & to the train - she came in at 7 sharp
& brought my dear old boy - he looks thin & has a cold. Glad I got him
this holiday. told him I stuck out for it. only saw 20 minutes of him -
gave him his parcel : gave with it 2 of the things we drew 2 years ago at Westwood
for Percy - marked on them Merry Xmas &c. he ought remember them & have a
bit of fun. Saw Mrs. W.G. [?Senior] - and - the 2 boys & Maggie & Eva - Asked Mrs. G. to
see about our getting the rooms at Pialba - they haven't answered me yet.
"au revoirs". Don't care. don't care who saw. Mr. Maxwell winked at
me & after gave me the old big umbrella that I thought lost. Quoth he
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