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going to Pialba at New Year & M. suggested to me "Why not
you & your mother go to the Hotel there with Mr. W." So it
set me a-thinking. Believe I try & arrange it thusly. Ma & I
go there for a week. It would be much nicer there than at
the Coast here - more lively for him too & an ideal place
for 'us two'. I'll suggest it him on Monday. Letter from
Ma. She's still troubled about the cottages &c. so this too
will ease her somewhat. A very dry week this & hot. Expect
it will end up in floods next New Year.
3rd. Sunday. Home all day. Felt so tired when I got up this
morning - felt so all day. Cough nasty again. Should not
have gone out last night. Read John Halifax again. It's
a dear old book.
4th. Monday. This will have to be a busy week. Wrote to Ma
this morning. To H. this afternoon. Asked them both what
they thought about going to Pialba. Feel not nice today. Couldn't sleep much last night
5th. Tuesday. No sleep last night. Tightness came on & is on
all day. One of the busy days too. However - managed to get
through it somehow. Told Ma to get Davidson to send up
some of my medicine to take to Sharon. Glad I'll have it.
Won't go to Sharon atall this week - nor home. It would
only bring the thing on again. worse than ever. Will go next
Monday (10th). Letter from H. Must have got fresh cold.
6th. Wednesday. No sleep last night either - this is the 3rd. night.
Feel half dead today. Another busy day. Freer tho' than
yesterday. The medicine didn't arrive till today. Katie may be going to the Maryboro Grammar School too
7th. Thursday. Good sleep last night. Nice today. Letter from
Art tonight. Dear old boy - he seems brighter than he was.
Thank God things are better than I thought with him
8th. Friday. Got through all I wanted to this week. Can rest on
my oars now. Mrs. G. thinks she'll sent Kate to Melbourne. I
would be better pleased if she went there. She would do no
good at Maryboro with M. & A. Half expected letter from Jim S.
9th. Saturday. Went over to school this morning & got the
Grammar marks added up. (Elsie highest) & also work
ready for next week. Got my music gathered up after dinner
& practised a bit. D. wanted M. & I to go over to Walkers'
tonight but I thought I'd better not. Wouldn't be able
to walk that far & then the night air besides - so stayed home.
M. & D. went & some of the young fry - in the boat. A.W. came up
as usual. Letters from Ma & H. They both seem to relish
the idea of going to Pialba. How lovely. Only 4 days more school!!
The last six weeks have flown by - Wish now I'd done more
work with the girls but I did my best considering my health.
10th. Sunday. Church & played. Last Sunday for long time. Dear
father's birthday - 79 - if he had lived.
11th. Monday. Separation Day held holiday. Kate Annie & I rode to
Sharon - we left later than we thought as K had to get her saddle
mended. Meant to leave at 8 but it was 20 past 9 before we
started. It was very hot & dusty going down - we were very tired when
we got there. Got there in an hour & a half. They were very pleased
to see us. We had a nice day. & Ben rode back with us at night

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