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been gradually going down for months. Letter from H.
22nd. Wednesday. Only the 5 girls at school today. They are wondering
Bob G's wedding day. Strange - 1 dying - another marrying. [2 illegible words] A. will be buried in December in Maryboro
23rd. Thursday. Mr. G. came back today & told May on his way home that A. was buried in Waverley, Sydney.
24th. Friday. Letters last night (so May says) said A. had not
a drop of blood in his body at the last & the nerves were all
gone. Another week gone - only two clear ones now.
25th. Saturday. Studied some this morning. Hot today.
Threatened storm, rained a bit. Went out for ride on Kate's
horse - she took Eric home to town - Had nice ride & didn't
get a storm. It came on a bit after tea. Letters from
H & Ma. Ivy is silly again over that boy. She must encourage
him or he wouldn't be so persistent. I guess I would soon
have sent him about his business when I was her age. She's
too foolish tho. What a beauty he is too.
26th. Sunday. Church this morning & played. Had nice read this afternoon. Mr. Snell preached. He
took back parcel for Ma with a letter in which I gave my
opinions very candidly as regards Ivy. Hope she sees it.
27th. Monday. School - only one more clear week after this. Wrote to H.
28th. Tuesday. We took our lunch. Gave the three big girls a
good talking to this afternoon. They were very defiant (for them)
& wouldn't get on with their work atall so I gave them a bit of
my tongue after Ray had gone. They'll see I'm no softy. Told them
I'd complain about them if there was any more of this till school finished
29th. Wednesday. Treated them very distantly all day. It will do
them good. Took my lunch today. Feel quite tired tonight
30th. Thursday. Am beginning to feel rather done-up now - not
much longer now thanks be. Another month gone - it has gone faster than any this year.
Some wedding cake from B.G. came this week but touched it not.
1st. December Friday. Got through our work pretty well today
& we all went for a ride as far as Splitter's Creek. Got back
before dusk. I enjoyed it muchly. "Laddie" went very well &
raced them all coming home. Miss Tredwin who is still at W.G's
was going to drive out there but they changed their minds at the last.
2nd. Saturday. Tired some today. Went over to the school this
morning & fixed things up for next week - am going to try
& get through as much as possible. Then sewed a bit after dinner
& went up & spent the rest of the afternoon with Mrs. W.G.
She's better but not able to go about much yet. In H's last
letter he mentioned being at Mrs. Peter Campbell's & found out
there that she was Mrs. W's aunt & also she found out through
Fred Willes that he was engaged to me at Bingera - so -
Mrs. C. wrote to Jean G. this week informing her of the fact
& remarking that she was a fortunate girl who had Mr. H.W
She esteemed him very highly & he was a great friend of hers.
So - quoth Mrs. Jean. I'm going to say I esteem Miss P. very
highly & he's a lucky fellow who gets her. She says it's a great
compliment from Mrs. P.C. as she's very hard to please. M.
& I went down to the Siding for a run. Letter from H. He
thinks he can get to Westwood at Xmas. They here intend

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