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& kept us from going out at night. I told my age as we were gaming to-night
thought I was older I think .. my old eye pains & I only read a little today
30th. Monday . Wish this was the last week. Believe I'll go on longer ~ another
week & then have extra after Xmas - perhaps till 28th. Jan. Went nowhere. The girls went over to J. G's.
Got letter from Min : they seem all right. She doesn't say how Art is
1st. December. Tuesday. Miss W. going away to-morrow. Shall miss her. She
was nice[underlined]. Got great fright last night reading the Courier my eye caught.
"Mysterious Disappearance" & the name "Preston". On reading properly was
shocked to find that poor Arthur Preston is supposed to have decayed away &
murdered by a man advertising for a mate to go prospecting. Two other men
are supposed to have met the same fate. Poor Arthur what a horrible
ending to a bright young life. No news was received from him at home
since the 15th. October - 6 weeks! They are searching everywhere to find him
have found several articles of his. Poor Mr. P. [...] him must. It will
crush him. Why should such a death be a Christian's. Went over yesterday & got paid[underlined] £5.
2nd. Wednesday. Went nowhere & did nothing. Miss Miss W. We yarned a
while.~ we two. I got letter from Herbert : Wants me to come to Brisbane after
New Year to see about my eyes. He will be away home for about 10 days.
Poor old chap ~ he offers to lend me money to come. Kind of him. Old friends
are[underlined] the best. Wrote to Alice P. Didn't know what to say. Wrote to Ma too
3rd. Thursday. Letter from Jim. They seem to be jogging along very comfortably.
& are very happy. Very glad & thankful. Poor Alf he must be suffering
little Jack's loss terribly. Can never be the same again.
4th. Friday. Saw by to-night's paper a late telegram. The body of a man
supposed to be Preston has been found in the river at Linden. Poor Arthur.
May God comfort & uphold them in this terrible trial. Parcel from
Ma & should have got it Wednesday. Letter from Jim in it. Poor dear Alf.
His heart must be broken. Jim says no other child could ever fill Jack's place.
Little Mother expects me next week .. She will be disappointed.
5th. Saturday. Poked round all morning. Went over to Office this afternoon
& then to cricket match. "Married Men versus Single". We made pink bows for
all the youths. Enjoyed watching them. The single played their 1st. innings only
that afternoon & made 185 runs - good - Mr. & Mrs. Boreham came up about 6. Read
account of the finding of poor Arthur's body. He was found under the river-
bank squeezed into a shallow grave ~ must have been there 5 weeks - poor
unfortunate boy - his head was shot through with gun-shots - death was
instantaneous it is to be hoped. Made me feel quite sick to read the account
Letter from Ma. Why should a Christian suffer such a horrible death as that.
6th. Sunday. Church this morning. Had to go in truck. Very hot. Had nice
afternoon's read outside. No bad head to-day - quite a relief. Church at night Mr. &
Mrs. Wilde were down for tea
7th. Monday. S. Poor Arthur was buried in Sydney on Sat. afternoon. They have
found the body of Capt Lee Weller just in the same circumstances & treated the
same way not far from where Arthur was murdered[underlined] - Poor boy I can't bear
to think of him as that - Goodness knows how many that monster has
treated in the same way. Strange that I should have had that vivid
dream on the 30th. Oct night. Thought I saw distinctly the words "Arthur is dead"
Thought it was our Arthur. Must have been somehow a presentiment
8th. Tuesday. Mr. & Mrs. G. & Mrs. Wilde went to Watana to-day - staying for a
week. Very hot. Didn't have much sleep last night thinking of those things I read. Could picture them all.
9th. Wednesday. Very hot night last night. I slept with Mary - been not offended after all.
Letter from Bob. sent to Mum but Ma sent it on.

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For "Courier" article re Arthur Preston see https://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/article/3640496