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18th. Wednesday. Felt sleepy & tired all day after our dissipation. Wrote to Art. & Ma.
19th. Thursday. Went nowhere & did nothing in particular.
20th. Friday. Went for a grand ride this afternoon after school on Bob. He seemed to
go ever so much better than before & perhaps bacause I girthed him tightly. It
threatened a storm but still Tom & I had a good ride. Played games in the verandah
after tea. It did come on a slight shower. I shall not get home to-morrow.
21st. Saturday. Poked round all day. Started to learn fascinator stitch from Miss W.
After tea went up to Wilde's & spent the evening. Mr. Ellison came but brought nothing
from Ma. Wonder if she's all right. Don't feel nice about it.
22nd. Tuesday. Threatened rain : didn't go to church : all the others went. Read good
bit today. Suppose I shall suffer to-morrow. Went to church at night. Thought lot
of home & Mother to-day. Don't let myself think too much of anything relating
to any tender feelings. Mustn't look at letters of any sort if I want to keep calm. Went for walk after church. I played.
23rd. Monday. School. After tidying up went over to the Office to see if any message
but word by Mr. E. this morning asking Ma to let me know. Word came that she was
well so I felt happy. Out to B. of H. meeting to-night. The wonderful "Dialogue"
was given. It went off well. Good number there - crowded. I played a "March". Miss
W. sang but was not a success. It was a nice sort of time together.
24th. Tuesday. Quiet day & evening. Miss G. & Miss W. went to spend the day at Trebaren's
W. went to the Isis early & returns to-morrow. Mr. G. was away too so Mrs. G.
I & the children were all at home. Tom's father sick & going to Brisbane to-morrow. Mrs. G.
& I yarned after tea & then the youngsters sang ... The girls returned late
25th. Wednesday. Miss Jones from "Tegege" & her young man came to-day
& stay over night. He seems rather a taken individual & a flirt I should
think. She seems nicer than I at first thought. They are a very cool engaged
pair. We all went up to Mrs. W. G's place for the evening first calling at
Wilde's. There we met Mr. Miller & badly wanted him to come with us but he
wouldn't come as he "was not invited". His eyes have nearly recovered. We
had a jolly time coming home.
26th. Thursday. Choir arrive at 5. I stopped school at 3. Marsh came to dinner
& brought me parcel with my white dress in. He gave me a letter to read from Alf.
Poor Alf. his heart is surely broken. He seems to have opened his heart to Marsh.
He blames himself for not attending to little Jack sooner & the doctor for not attending
& letting them know things were so serious : he told them he was getting along splendidly
& all the time the child must have been dying. Concert went off fairly well they did not
sing so well as they have done. Mrs. M. sang "The Toilers" splendidly & was encored. so
was Miss Wiles : she sang Good-bye. I like that song better every time I hear it
27th. Friday. We couldn't get into our school till late this morning so stayed
outside. Feel tired. No home for me to-morrow. Mr. & Mrs. Ellison stayed overnight &
went back this morning. Took a note home for me. Most likely shall break up week after
28th. Saturday. Threatened rain. Loren Katie & I went out for long ride before breakfast
this morning. It was lovely. We started at 6 & got back at 7.30. Felt tired all
day. Raining at night but we all went up to Wilde's to spend the evening. Mr.
Miller there & others : had a nice evening : they went off & left me going home - just
to tease me & make me go with Mr. M. I gave it to them. Poor man it is enough to make
him scared of me. He is[underlined] like C. there's always something in his face that
brings back my boy's face to me ~ nationally the same I suppose. Harold Little went
home to-day. He didn't come to say to Good-bye to me. Must have become offended
somehow unless they over at James G's have put him against me - most likely. Mrs.
G. sick in bed today - dysentry. Mr. S. came up from town to see her. Says [...] pills.
29th. Sunday. Church this morning. threatened rain. Came down in the afternoon

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