dear little Mother. Miss Wiles from Maryboro. came up this afternoon. We all went up to
see the boy. Had a nice afternoon. Miss W. seems a nice girl. Perhaps I shall get home to-morrow
afternoon with Mr. Morris he is coming up for to-morrow. Intended riding home to-day if all had been well
8th. Sunday. Rather hot & very windy. Didn't go to church this morning. Felt down
Head bad. M. G. came home with the news that Mr. Morris would drive me down
if I went at once to meet him. So hurried up & went off down to Sterling's gate & ate some
lunch there : After about 1/2 an hour the old gent came along & picked me - he was
waiting on me & I on him. Had nice drive down - nice kind old chap. Went to Gouburrum[sic Gooburrum]
to church. Got home after 5. Little Mother got a shock. She is better but weak.
9th. Monday. Holiday. Home all day. Fearfully windy. Went back in 6 o'clock
train. Wished I could have stayed on. It seems to hurt me more each time I come
having to leave home. Only five or 4 weeks more & then holidays. Good -!!
10th. Tuesday. School. Don't seem to mind it so much now I can get home all Sunday.
Poked round at night & amused ourselves. M. & I had a great private yarn last Friday
What that girl doesn't know isn't worth knowing. She told me things I never heard or thought of
11th. Wednesday. Miserable head all day. Those two talked in the room next mine
last night till after 12. Must have got cold in my head too I think : sore throat these
two days & now it has gone to my head. Didn't get rid of it till after tea. We three
sat out in the verandah for over an hour. Lovely moonlight night. Visitors were expected but
didn't arrive. I feel quite neglected now. M. quite [...] me. Had our photos taken
on the lawn this morning.
12th. Thursday. Revd. O'Burne here lecturing to-night on missions in Fiji.
Mr. Ellison with him. Good meeting. It was very interesting - we all enjoyed it. Miss W.
sang a song - I accompanied. Good number there. Choir coming up next Thursday
13th. Friday. Went down to rehearsal for dialogue at the Hall. Mrs. Boreham came up to-
night. Going home in the morning. Last chance I'll have of coming home on Monday.
14th. Saturday. Down this morning. Mrs Davidson went down with us. Little Mother
still better but weak. Glad to get home. Down town this afternoon. Went over to Mrs.
Reddan's after tea. She is a good soul : sends over all sorts of nice things. Lovely night. They
will have a nice drive back to Bingera to-night ~ buggy going back. Got glassses to-day from Ma all good.
15th. Sunday. Home this morning. Grace & Joe came down in the afternoon & then we
went up there for tea & to see Will & Janet. Baby all right but very thin - poor little mite.
Sad to be starved yet doctor M. says better that than indigestion. Church to-night.
Choir can't come up Thursday ~ puut[sic] off from Wed. till Sat. ~ unless Mr. G.
can get permission to send them back by his [?tengine - train engine] but don't think that can be
I wore my glasses to-day. sight glasses or not : anyway I got a pair of day ones.
Fearful pain yesterday & today in my head. Had brain poultice on last night.
16th. Monday. Out by early train this morn. Last. Sorry too. Wish they had lasted till
Xmas. The guard spoke to me & told me he knew who I was & he had known my folkes[sic] in
Gladstone. Had lovely moonlight excursion up the river to-night. Nine of us went.
Five boys. W.G. Aleck Alf. Jim Shirley & Jim Walker & four girls, Marg. Miss W.
Jessie & myself. It came overcast when we first started but cleared beautifully after.
We went about 2 miles up the river. It was lovely. We sang &c. & enjoyed ourselves
thoroughly. It will be one of the pleasant things in my life to remember.
17th. Tuesday. M. & Miss Wiles went down to Sharon this morning by train
& W. Aleck & I drove down after tea. We had a lovely moonlight drive down. sang
&c. Got down to Workman's at 8. Mr. & Mrs. Boreham there too. We had music &
singing (they left us to entertain them) till after 10 then turned our steps homeward
2 months to-night exactly since I had a similar moonlight drive with someone.
Wonder if he remembers it. They have a fine house & seem nice people too.
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