25th. Sunday. Went to Pres. Church this morning. Hot day & dusty. Art hates this "beastly
dusty dry hot depressing hole" We went not but all day after. Small thunderstorm came
up at tea-time. Promised heaps of rain & big storm but not much fell. Sang &c R R Road
26th. Monday. Busy helping Art pack His things & Joe up helping & Grace too. Art & I went
for a stroll down town in the afternoon. Poor old chap he is great old grumbler but
a soft-hearted creature withal. Ma doesn't seem to get on with him at all. I could.
Seems to feel his parting with us. Seems to have quite set his heart on having us up there.
Hope he won't be disappointed. Hopes to send for us in April. Twill be just the thing. My
term will finish 27th. April ~ 9 months - He has strong affections there's no doubt
Left town at 6. He came down with me to station. Hope we may be spared to meet again
& that he may keep still better. D. V. Gave me some brotherly talk to-day. Doesn't
want me to get anybody yet. Thinks I'm not wise to be writing to fellows. Got home
here just as they were all leaving for Mr. James G's to spend the evening. Mrs. Uhlman &
Mrs. Franklin staying here now. The young Miss Stirling came up with me & Mr. John G.
27th. Tuesday. Youngsters had great grumble about my doing them out of 9th.
Nov. They want the Sat. before to be school. Went to B. of H weekly & they got me into playing a thing
28th. Wednesday. Went up to see the new baby again this afternoon. It is getting on
& is a cute[underlined] youngster. Art will be leaving this morning. Poor old chap. Wish we were going too.
29th. Thursday. S S S S School. Hot. Had to entertain Mrs. Uhlman & Mrs Franklin
last night. They both went down on their way home to-day. Nice old lady Mrs. F.
30th Friday. School. Going home in the morn. Going to ask for my pay.
31st. Saturday. Went down to Office early & got my pay. Took the lot ~ £15. into
town & paid bills. Just £7-14-0 to work on. Have to pay £7/16/- for my board
Mean old thing. He might let me have the whole of that considering how I work
for it but suppose I must consider the way I'm taken into the bosum of the family
1st. November. Sunday. Just got to church but it came on to rain just after
dinner. Not very nice outlook for to-morrow morning. Poor little Mother got very
sick just after dinner. She must have caught a thorough cold. I rubbed her with hot
packs & went over & asked Mrs. Neddan to send Jack up with a note for Grace. Do wish I
could stay over to-morrow. If it keeps on raining I shall. Don't like leaving her.
2nd. Monday. Half inclined to stay this morning but as it stopped raining I
seemed to feel that Iought[sic] togo[sic]. & there was just time so I scouted[sic]. Didn't like
leaving the poor little Mother a bit but she promised to stay in bed & Ivy was here
& Grace was staying so as duty called me I went. if I hadn't taken that other
holiday could have stayed. Caught the cane-train on the other side & came up.
It didn't rain any more. They had had a good deal here too. Got word through
telephone to-night to say she was better & G. was going to stay.
3rd. Tuesday. Went over to see if any tel. message for me but none. Lovely day & bright
Feel well & bright too. Mary G. in town all week. She went in with a visitor on
Sunday. W. was going to call round for me to bring me back at 8 o'clock. Good
thing he didn't. Couldn't have come - God will look after my little Mother.
4th. Wednesday. Went up to see the Wilde boy to-night with W. Finished letter to Bob
when I came back. Told him not to write to me any more here & not to
answer that unless he sent it to G. [...] with his photo. Told him all I could. Not
going to write to him any more whilst here. May see him if I go to Brisbane next April.
5th. Thursday. M. came home this afternoon. She got a shock in town. It was all over
the place that she was engaged to Fred Castles. We had singing at night. Quite cold.
6th. Friday. S. Feel so well this week. It is cool for this time of the year. News by tel. that
Ma still better. Glad & thankful. Have to have school tomorrow to make up for that lost day
7th. Saturday. School. Threatening rain & showers. Felt very tired. Glad I felt so well this week. As
[...] day &c. Mr. G came down home last night bringing with him Young Angus. & Allie Corrie & her
cousin from Brisbane - two good-sized girls. It rained all night. Wish I could have got home to
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