




Date of Birth 26th January 1871 DIARY DIARY DIARY 1896. Florence Powe = F.E.P. = Florence Powe @ 1896 Age 24 1st. January 1896 Wednesday. New Year's Day. First day of '96. Home all day excepting usual walk to gardens with Jim late in afternoon. Janet & children were here all afternoon. Mrs. Mellor took all the others away to the coast for the day. Lovely day. Feel bit queer suppose it's late hours last night. May this be the forerunner of a good year to all of us. learning cribbage at night. Dieu nous blesse. This will be the Leap Year. I must have a try at some one 2nd. Thursday. Poking round all day. Public holiday. mostly cleared out drawers &c. to day. Feel bit choky. 3rd. Friday. Feel nasty. managed to get things done. Ma & Jim went down to Hamilton solicitor to get her will drawn up. Went down to church to practice. Didn't go out at night to choir prac. Learnt cribbage some more. Jim drawing a plan for his home to be 4-roomed in Yargo-Walker Ltd. Made suggestions regarding it. Glad to see he has started. 4th. Saturday. Better to-day. Down town this afternoon & to reading-room. Telegram from John Mann to say Alice & D were coming on Tues. 5th. Sunday. Memorable services to-day. Mr. Ellison must have been inspired to preach them specially for us. They were lovely especially the morning. My favourite hymns too. Such promises of comfort & of loving watchful care & special messages. they seemed all for us. Tuesday S. too. Mrs. Ellison invited all to go back to tea with her but I didn't. When I got home the two Mrs. Friends were here on their way down for Sydney. Stayed here till 5.30. Then I took them to Mackenzie's B-H & his relations are estranged - don't speak - all on account of young Macalister. Fearfully hot day. Nearly melted. 6th. Monday. Home all day. Mrs. Marsh in for few minutes. Played more cribbage at night. 7th. Tuesday. Got things done & all straightened. Lessons. Went down to church to teachers meeting but it was shut. Came back. Jim went to train at 1/2-10 for Alice & Daisy. They were very tired. Came across Mr. Bolton in Pear's this afternoon. He talks 40 to the dozen. 8th. Wednesday. We all went up to Gardens this afternoon with all the children for picnic. Lovely there. Miss Skyring first came as were leaving home. Promised to go there next week. Had nice time. Alice seemed glad of the rest. She has managed to go home tomorrow. I thought she would be staying till Saturday at least. Went with her to B. of H. meeting at Church 9th. Thursday. 12[underlined] years today. Down to train this morning to see A. & D. off. Lounged round all day after. Threatened rain & storm so didn't go out all afternoon. Played cribbage again. Can play bit now Letter from Arthur. Offers Ma & I home but seems (as Jim says) to think it bit of a hardship. No! I don't loaf on anyone. If he likes to help Ma as much as possible - all right - but I must work[underlined] & earn[underlined]. Isn't "teetote" neither nor does intend to be. Felt bit hurt over that. Seemed to let us know that we needn't try our hand to make him one. 10th. Friday. Busy. Lesson. Had offer of a new pupil Wed. morning. She might start this quarter & might not. Wish she would start now. Out to town this afternoon. Not to practice to-night. Looked like rain. Wrote to Arthur. 11th. Saturday. Edie S. came for her lesson. I went down to church to practice for while then to town. Jim mending to-day. Has work in view at Ashfield. Very glad. There's no chance of him settling down if he has to leave here. 12th. Sunday. Church twice & S.S. Went up to Mrs. Ellisons for tea after S.S. had nice time. Good congregation at night. Went late but had time to play short vol. 13th. Monday. W. Mr. Noynes came to practice. 14th. Tuesday. Lessons. Rosie came to-day. 15th. Wednesday. Madame C. came over this morning & stayed long while. She wants to make an exchange with me for lessons. I teach Julie Christie music & she (M) give me French lessons. Very glad indeed of the chance. have been wondering how I could manage to get some lessons. Ivy & I went down to Skyring's this afternoon. Had

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nice time. took Mabel down too. At night Ma & I went to Church to "Social". Great management. Pead & Pinch got it up & we had no plates & had to drink out of bottles mostly Not many there. 16th. Thursday. Practising we went to W. C. T. U. meeting: stayed for practice after. Great piece from news from Mrs. Hussy. Ada Thorpe was married to-day to Mr. Wilding. Quite a shock 17th. Friday. Busy all morning. Ivy came down at dinner-time with telegram. they had got saying Mrs. Conner was past hope of recovery. Grace made up her mind to go up by Trevorrou's Coach & leave all the children behind. Best thing she could do Lend her our carpet-bag. went down at 6. to see her off. who should I meet there but the noble Charles Morley himself on his way home. He said he couldn't find out where we lived but don't think he tried. Looks older than I thought but much like what he used to train didn't go out till late. Janet minding all the children. they had a cry all round when there[sic] mother left. Went to practice. Good one. had an escort home. he has started afresh; 18th. Saturday. Down town this afternoon to Reading Room. Juie home from Ashfield. 19th Sunday. Church twice & S. S. Very hot. 20th. Monday. W. went out early & down town & up to see all the family, then up to Dawson's. had bit of bother to find them. They live just 2 doors down from where they used to. next to Marsh's. David there for tea & came home at 1/4 to 9. Had nice evening. their little one is a funny little mortal. they have a nice comfortable house to[sic] for only 10/-. They were very much surprised over Ada's marriage. She did do it slyly. Anyway she has done well for herself. He is a good steady sort. 21st. Tuesday. Lessons. Ivy brought winnie down to spend the day. She was very good too 22nd. Wednesday. Very hot day. Went up to Mrs. Hurrey's & stayed tell[sic] pretty late. When we got home found Skyring's must have been. they left their pot of moss. "Quartette" party came to-night. to practice. viz. Mrs. Marsh. Miss Southy. Mr. Quinn & Mavis. We had a bit of fun. I'm afraid we did more fooling than anything else but it was[underlined] hot. Fearful head down South - 23rd. Thursday. Felt "all overish" all to-day. Ivy had Winnie down again but I felt so strange I couldn't do anything to amuse them or otherwise. Lying about nearly all time. Must have got a cold. Book "Beulah" from Edie & pretty card also letter. She expects me for the event[underlined]. 24th. Friday. Big head all day. Went to see Mrs. McCarthy. stayed till nearly 6. Mrs. Power & her sister there: they are nice. went down town then. Out to practice at night. Felt very disinclined to go. Good practice but I felt nasty[underlined]. Lovely birthday booklet from Artie. 25th. Saturday. Down town to-night to Reading Room. Expected Grace last night by train but she didn't come. Ivy said a telegram came to say she would be leaving by steamer to-day. Telegram from Alf but nothing else. Suppose they are coming by boat. 26th. Sunday. My 25th birthday. Arrived at womanhood now. Wonder what this year will bring me. This is a Leap Year too! something out to happen "d'extraordinaire": the last two '88 & '92 brought me happiness such as it was. Anyway I can but trust to One above for the future. It is in His hands". I dare not choose my lot. I would not if I might; Choose Thou for me my God." No doubt it will be a year of trial & change. Church twice. Home this afternoon. Carrie H. came up for tea. Rained some & threatened at night. Choral Service but not so many there. Strange birthday. Dosen't seem like one somehow. 27th. Monday. Got great fright this morning. Saw by "Mail" that the Glanworth was wrecked off Settlement Pt. near Gatcombe Hd. on her way from Rockn. to Gladstone. Clear night moonlight. & calm sea. Seems strange. All hands saved but vessel total wreck. Grace was to have come by her too. Mr. Noynes came to practice. Holiday but we washed. 28th. Tuesday. Lessons. Raining some. Grace ought to come by coach to-night. Nothing came from Alf nor H yet. Must have got shipwrecked 29th. Wednesday. Waited up till 1/2-10 last night for train but Grace didn't come. Alfie up early this morning to see if his mother was here. Ivy very much disappointed. Janet will be in a state too. Full account of wreck in paper this morning. Elsie Brady was a passenger. She struck a rock at 1/2 - 12 Saturday night. Strange that no accident occurred there for nearly 40 years. Capt. says something was wrong with the light. They were 50 yds inside[underlined] the buoy instead of outside of it. Ma & Jim went up to S. M. & came back with the news that Grace was home. Came by train from Maryboro. this morning. Burwah came into Gladstone & took passengers on.

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She couldn't come by coach & good thing too as it never reached Rosedale last Tuesday at all. Rained hard all night & nearly all day. Our "Quartette" should have been here but it rained. Wrote to H. 30th. Thursday. Raining. hard all day. Blew like fun all night. Cards from Alf & H. They had a shipwrecked air & stamps were washed off. Played draughts this morning & cribbage at night with Jim. 31st. Friday. Still raining a bit. Great storm up North this week. Steamer "Aramae" on a reef for 10 hours. Thought they would be done for. Lots of boats & barges lost & 15 lives lost. No practice tonight. Did up old books all afternoon. 1st. February. Saturday. Cleared. Went down town this afternoon. Terrible state of things in Townsville. Houses blown down. floods. lives lost. Ma sent telegram to Bert. Don't know if he'll get it. Hermit Park flooded. 2nd. Sunday. Church this morning. Got wet going home, shower came on. Didn't get out any more all day. Stayed home at night. 3rd. Monday. Threatened rain all day. Got washing done & out of the way. 4th. Tuesday. Lessons. Jim went to Motedale tonight en route for Heidelberg. We went to Reading Room, tonight. Got no answer from Arthur yet. Couldn't have got our telegram. 5th. Wednesday. Got fright last night by Jim reappearing. The coach didn't come down from Gladstone can't cross the Boyne. He was quite disgusted. Thought of going by steamer but then he settled on coach on Friday. I went down to Skyring's. Alby is still laid up with his foot & 'Arry is 'ome but I didn't see him. I would like to but it's just as well not. 6th. Thursday. Down to practice at church & then went to town & got something for Elsie's birthday. It's her 7th. to-day. Jim "down" again. Can't make him out at all. Had to talk to him like a sage. To try & bring him to his senses. Letter from Alf containing £7for the rent. Glad it came. It will be handy for Jim. Big flood at Rockn. now. Answer to Arthur's telegram to-day. We got ours on Tuesday[underlined]. He says "all safe and well". So that's good. 7th. Friday. Busy. but to practice to-night. Mr. Young walked home with us [insert here: Je voulais un autre.] & requested that he might come in now & again to have some music. Of course we assented. Didn't think he cared about coming or might have had him before. Jim went off again to-night. Not certain whether the coach will be running to-morrow. She passed Miriam Vale to-day at 1.30. but no further news. Anyway I advised him to risk it as I knew he would be miserable at home. Piece of news. 2nd. Cooper girl (choir damsel) married in haste. What are[underlined] we coming too[sic]. 8th. Saturday. Down town this morning. Windy. Another disturbance there atening up North. Jim didn't come back last night so we hope he has gone on by coach. Sent our Alice birthday card. 9th. Sunday. Church twice & S.S. went up to S. R. in Marsh's buggy. to Grace's for tea. Good congregation. J. W. escorted us home. 10th. Monday. Raining. Couldn't wash. Mr. Noynes didn't come. Practised & studied. 11th. Tuesday. Raining all night but cleared a little to-day. Lessons. Expect Jim home to-night 12th. Wednesday. Poured hard all night. Rained all day long & very heavily. Jim didn't come last night after all. Saw by "Mail" that coach couldn't brave! this week. Letter came from Percy yesterday. too. Opened it & saw that he expected Jim at Ashfield this morning I just sat down & wrote straight away telling him why & wherefore & Ma raced out with it before 8 o'clock. Do hope he waits for him. He will be mad having to wait like this. Practised got lot today. Wrote to Sarah. M. 13th. Thursday. Raining all night hard. Went down town & raced after Marsh all about town to borrow 5/6 to make up the insurance money. Didn't go to 'y' meeting. Stayed in & finished "Cookery" Book. Phil. Concert should have been held last night but rained too hard. Came on again to-night. Letter from Arthur but no enclosure. He says he'll write all to myself soon. Hope so. They must have had a fearful time up there. He says the water was under their house & for 1/4 of a mile the water was lashed into waves & spray & it stormed for 3 days. Ivy came up with a telegram for their 14th.[repeated on next line] mother that Mrs Cowan had died that morning. 14th. Friday. Cleared to-day. But to practice. Good one. Had 2 escorts home. Rather believ[sic] one was rather offended.

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Letter from Alf. They too have been almost flooded out. The water was under the house & up the fromt steps. They all went to [?Debitin's] & were there when he wrote. 15th. Saturday. Hot & muggy. Jago in great state because Jim not home. They have the house at Gin Gin & he doesn't know what to do without Jim: Poor old chap: he will be quite satisfied this time I'm sure & won't want to see Heidelberg again went down & practised. Mr. Noynes came in for a while. Great disaster in Brisbane yesterday. Ferry steamer collided with anchor of "Lucinda" & was cut in two. Over 20 are drowned. It was fearfully sudden. Madame C. & Julie Christie over to-night. Julie starts Monday 16th. Sunday. Church twice & S.S. No escort at night. Suppose one youth's feelings are hurt. Special sermon "Storcus". We sang specially too the "Storm Hymn" & "Peace be Still." 17th. Monday. Dry day. Got washing out of the road tho' the year is very sloppy. No steamer went up at all. So ~ Jim is stuck some more. It's a wonder he hasn't written or sent some word. Mr. N. came to practice. Julie started this morning. She does not play badly 18th. Tuesday. Lessons. Raining again. Went down to P. O. & asked Mr. Spiller about the coach. He said it won't start today as it can't cross the Boyne. Believes the steamer Eurimbla will go up this week. Ma in state not hearing any word about Jim from him. Philharmonic. Concert. Not very Promising. Poor old Jim's birthday too. 35. May he be settled & happy before the next one comes along. Only hope he's safe. 19th. Wednesday. Practised &c. Felt in such a state all day & Ma in terrible frame of mind not hearing anything about Jim. Thought I would wait till the post came & then if nothing came would go down & send telegram to Ferris Cowan to know if he was anywhere about there. Borrowed 2/- from Miss Totten. Then went down about 4 o'clock & sent one : paid for reply. Saw Mr. Bolton there but was too much taken up with the serious affairs in hand to pay much attention to him. He said he was at the concert last night. Just after I got home about 5 o'clock there came a telegram from Jim himself stamped Gladstone saying He would be down first chance coach or steamer. Felt so relieved & thankful he was safe. He must just have answered our tel. straight away to relieve our anxiety. It was quick work. 20th. Thursday. Ivy up this morning with tel. Janet got last evening from Ferris saying Jim not here don't know where he is. He must have mistaken J. Powe for Janet. It was a blessing we got the other else we would have been in a state over this. Jim must have come in on purpose to send it. Our quartette party didn't come to-night nor did Mr. Young Had letter from Artie. He can't help us. But wants us to come up & live in Townsville. Not so. I wouldn't live there & if he can't help us now or in the future it's not likely he can pay our passages up there first for a trip. Not mine at any rate. Ma's he might Says he. "You say you have something else in view I guess the outlook is westward." Whatever does he mean & what makes him think that Ma & I nearly had a quarrel over that part. 21st. Friday. Blowing a gale all day & some rain. (Raining hard this morning) At 1 o'clock telegram came from Jim from Miriam Vale "Stuck up here. Will come by steamer". Poor unfortunate Jim. He is crippled by land & sea. Suppose Baffle Creek is impassable. Letter came from Penny too. I opened it. Just said not to leave for Isis till he had seen him at Ashfield. Didn't go to practice. Down town early this morning for piece for Bessie : left word with Marsh I wouldn't be out. 22nd. Saturday. Blowing fearfully all day & raining. Managed to get over to Mad. for French. No steamer now till Monday. Poor Jim. Feel bit huskey these two days. 23rd. Sunday. Raining all day. Horribly windy too. No getting out anywhere. Nice quiet day. 24th. Monday. W. cleared some. No steamer appeared yet. Ma went down this afternoon to ask about the boat but there was no news of any whatever. Don't know what to make of it. Don't know what Jim will do now. Willie Young came in to visit me to-night. We had a nice evening enough. He is not a bad sort. 25th. Tuesday. Lessons. Jim surprised us all before breakfast this morning. He came down by 'Eurimbla' early she was anchored in Keppel Bay all Tuesday & he was going down to catch the Rockhampton boat & saw the other. Very glad he's

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come. He went out to Ashfield first thing but Penny didn't know yet. He might not go to Knockroe. Jago got another mate to go to Gin Gin. It's a pity but can't be helped. 26th. Wednesday. Raining hard this morning. Looks like lots more. Queenie S. & Miss S. & Willie D. came up this afternoon. Queenie has come to see about the baby. Willie can't get home. They stayed about an hour. French this morning. 27th. Thursday. Raining dreadfully hard all day only without wind. Played Jim cards & draughts all day. Looks like heavy rain still. It is so dark. 28th. Friday. Cleared this morning. Miss Southey came over to ask me to go over to-night _ as a great favour[4 words underlined]. Said I would. Lessons. wrote to Alf. Went over at night - she came for me Good many there. 15 boys & 5 girls altogether. Rather rowdy though. Still it was nice. I played all their accompt. & one or 2 dances. Had 2 invites to dance but - declined. Couldn't get away till 11.30 & they kept at it till nearly 2 o'clock. Ma quite shocked. Lovely moonlight night. Miss S. viewed quite overwhelmed & curt gratitude to me 29th. Saturday. Nice morning but threatening rain tonight. River up & small flood in Taige St. Jim came home yesterday quite in dumps. Penny not going to Knockroe after all. Great disappointment to him. However he got a letter from old Bob Hay asking him to go up on Monday to Rosedale as he had work for him there. Hope it's true. Rain threatening. Last Leap Year Day for 8 years. next 1900. 1st. March. Sunday. Church twice. Lovely day & fine & cool. Didn't go to S.S. P.M. ministers preaching morning & evening. 2nd. Monday. Jim getting ready early to go away. by train to Rosedale. Busy getting him ready to go. washed afterwards. Got done before Mr. Noynes came for practice. Mr. Young came early & stayed till 11.30 !!!! Don't know what to make of him as an engaged man. Seems to fight shy of the subject altogether. Anyway I'll not be off my guard if I can help it. Must just do as I would be done by. 3rd. Tuesday. Lessons. Yesterday morning after the train had clean gone came a letter & long paper from Lawyers in Brisbane re Jim's land. They had accepted his offer of £90 less rates & provide a transfer seemingly. He will be glad to hear that. We couldn't do anything with them so wrote to Jim & posted on rate-money to Higgins. Alf sent another £7 note yesterday - good old chap - so that just paid the rates. Don't feel very brilliant to-day. Late hours & excitement don't agree with me. Il mettait son bras autour de moi hier au soir et me donne un tel shoc. 4th. Wednesday. Don't feel nice to-day. Went for French. Very windy. Je peux toujours à son comporte - allent enver vin[underlined] 5th. Thursday. Busy cleaning. Felt nasty all day. Collie came in this morning just as the train was steaming away over the bridge to say that Penny wanted to see Jim at the station to-morrow morning. He has changed his mind for good & all & is going to Knockroe. They have talked him over. A man brought a letter from Jim yesterday & called for a cross-cut saw this morning. If Collie had only come sooner I could have told Jim in the letter. Now we can't sent till tomorrow. He would be overjoyed if he knew & would be down first chance. I know. I told him to come in & see about the transfer &c. this week. Were surprised by another visit from his lordship to-night. He puzzles me & I can't get a chance to ask him any point-blank questions. Anyway I am quite innocent. She cango[sic] at him 6th. Friday. Threatening rain some. Went out to practice however - & it rained My [?quindane] admirer escorted us home & stayed till 11. We two marched most amorously under one umbrella bras en bras. Oh well. I may as well make use of him & amuse myself with him while I'm here but I would like to know why[underlined]. 7th. Saturday. Letter from Jim this morning saying he had never got any letter & didn't know where it had gone to except to Rosedale cattle station & he thought he'd see. Goodness me! They must be careless. Ma thinks she will go up on Monday & bring him down. Collie was here this afternoon & brought a few lines written to him from Penny saying to be sure & send Powe down next week. He might never get any of those letters & will be mad when he finds out about this. It would mean 12 months work - & - perhap[sic] - constant - & he will be able to get married - Letter from Sol. enclosing P.O. notes for 17/6 - rent - says he has let the house to a man named Reardon. Our particular tenants are too late. French this afternoon. Met Monsieur Mirabel there. He chatters so that I can hardly understand a word. 8th. Sunday. Church twice & S.S. Our escort escorted us home from church this morning & waited for us after the prayer-meeting to-night. Good many stayed. Glad Mr. Ellison is back again - 9th. Monday. Before breakfast this morning Grace came to dissuade Ma from going to Rosedale to-day. We thought it perhaps better to wait till some word came from him to-day maybe. Went for walk this afternoon up West B. & to see Mrs. Christoe but she was out & Madame & she was out. Went then to Mrs. Reddan's & stayed till pretty late. I gave Lottie her

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