



Status: Complete

27 An
ence? Assuredly, if anything of this kind
can confirm the truth of Scripture history the
Arch of Titus does.

I have omitted to record, in the review of the
scenes and places we have visited today,
the deep interest we felt in seeing the
Mamertine prison. It is just at the foot of
the Capitoline, on the right hand, behind the arch
of Septimus Severus. Here, in their trium -
phant processions, the conquerors to the capital to
receive their crown, the captives to the dungeon to
receive their doom. In the deepest of these dun
geons - for there are two, one beneath the other,
and to that we descended - Peter was con -
fined, according to tradition, and they show
the stone to which he was chained. And
X ^as^ this was the only prison at that time in
Rome, it is all but certain that Paul was
confined there previous to his martyrdom, and
there wrote his Epistles to the Hebrews and 2^nd
to Timothy. According to the postscripts to the latter,
the 2nd Epistle unto Timothy was written from
Rome when Paul was brought before Nero
the second time. It is remarkable that in
this deep, dark, doleful dungeon there is a
well of the purest water of which we drank
Is it possible that of this same water the
Apostle of the Gentiles drank, and by it was
refreshed, when writing those sacred letters
which have refreshed the Church of God in all
ages from that day to this? Assuredly it was
even as the water of the well of Bethlehem
to us! Talk of superstition! Bah! it is hu-

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