The Water Police Magistrate to the Honorable
The Colonial Secretary respecting the Application of
Thomas Brignall for a License to Hire and Prepare Steamer
pursuant to the Act of Council 11th. of Victoria No. 23
No. 220/50
Water Police Office
Sydney 8th. Augt. /50.
With reference to the Application
of Thomas Brignall forwarded by
you on the 30th. Ultimo for my
report I have the honor to
State for the Information of
His Excellency the Governor that
the person now Applying is the
same mentioned in my letter
of the 16 Feby last No. 2 of 50 in
the course of which report the
license was refused
2. I have now the honor to State that
the Applicant Brignall was
convicted in his Office of Breaches
of the Act of Council 11 Vict. No. 23
on the 18th. or 28th. of February last
and sentenced to pay a Penalty
of 40s/ of the first offence and
[three lines; ill.]
H. H. Browne JP
[inits; ill. Water Polcie Magistrate]
For the Ex. Council
The [...] [...] [...]
Licence [...] [...]
[two lines text; ill.]
It scarcely appears
to be [...] [...]
being the [...] [...]
before the Ex. Council
[possibly eight lines text; ill.]
[...] [...] 14
[possible note; ill.]
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