in the occupation of the Ordnance,
I have caused application to
be made to the proper authorities,
to ascertain upon what terms
the buildings erected thereon will
be surrendered, in the event of
the Government acceding to
the wish of the inhabitants
by the grant of the allotment
for the object above stated.
I have the honor to be,
Your most obedient Servant,
[signed] W: Newcastle.
[diagonal marginalia, from bottom-left corner]
The allotments
for the Church,
and school being
reported to be vacant
and unobjectionable may
perhaps be approved - but the
site for the parsonage that is stated
to be in the possession of the Ordnance
further information should I conclude be
obtained respecting it before it is decided to
grant it for this purpose -
....... 5th July
[in another hand]
6th. ... [initials] ChFR
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