48/7530 ..... 29th June 1848
Ent'd V. BC M
4 July 1848
Bishop of Newcastle
Applying for Land at Moreton Bay as sites for Church School and Parsonage
Sydney 28th June 1848
I have the honor to request that His Excellency the Governor will be pleased to authorize the appropriation of sites for a Church, Parsonage, and School at Upper Brisbane, Moreton Bay, where measures are about immediately to be taken to proceed with the erection of the buildings. ............. The enclosed sketch will show the position in which it is desired that the grants should be made, and as the proposed site for the Parsonage is at present
[bottom of left margin]
The Hon'ble
The Colonial Secretary
.... &c .... &c .... &c
[notes in left margin]
Refer for the report of the D'y S'r G'l [Deputy Surveyor General]
... 1st July.
Blank cover
... 3 July 1848
for the Colonial Sec'y
[signed] W Elyard Jun'r
[in another hand]
... 3: July
... 4th July
To be returned
[in a third hand]
The land herein described is Vacant, and the selection unobjectionable.
[signed] SA Perry
D'y S'r G'l
... 4" [th] July
... 1848
Ent'd 48/153 folio 535 in vol: 3
Ret'd C.S.O.
... 5: July
in the occupation of the Ordnance, I have caused application to be made to the proper authorities, to ascertain upon what terms the buildings erected thereon will be surrendered, in the event of the Government acceding to the wish of the inhabitants by the grant of the allotment for the object above stated.
I have the honor to be,
Your most obedient Servant,
[signed] W: Newcastle.
[diagonal marginalia, from bottom-left corner]
The allotments for the Church, and school being reported to be vacant and unobjectionable may perhaps be approved - but the site for the parsonage that is stated to be in the possession of the Ordnance further information should I conclude be obtained respecting it before it is decided to grant it for this purpose -
....... 5th July
[in another hand]
6th. ... [initials] ChFR