Asst. Mily. Secretary's Office, Sydney 19th. August 1848.
Sir, I have had the honor to receive and submit to The Major General Commanding your letter of the 16th. Inst. with its enclosures on the subject of appropriating sites for a Church, Parsonage and School at Upper Brisbane, Moreton Bay and I am directed to acquaint you that as the arrangement proposed by the Lord Bishop of Newcastle appears to be in part of the Barrack enclosure it will be necessary in that case to make good the same, leaving a strip of land of about twenty feet wide along the outside to afford a clear space around the Barrack Premises on every
The Commanding Royal Engineer -
[marginalia] Enclosure herewith returned as requested -
With regard to the application made for the site for a Clergyman's House His Excellency sees no objection to the accommodation being afforded as the Barrack accommodation is so much larger than will probably be required in future for any Detachments that His Excellency the Governor may consider it desirable to have stationed there and a Commissariat Officer could be quartered in the Barracks if necessary I have &c. (Sigd.) Edwd Wynyard G. Gd.[see note] Asst. Mily. Secty.