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[printed text in two columns, separated in the middle by a vertical line]

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2. ...To the Matron and female servants :--- 16 oz.
flour, 12 oz. meat, 1/2 oz. salt, 1/2 oz. tea, 2 1/2 oz. sugar,
3/4 oz. soap.

3. ... To the Male Children above 6 years of age:---
On Holidays, 20 oz. flour, 12 oz. meat, 1/2 oz. salt, 1/4 oz.
tea, 1 1/2 oz. sugar, 1 1/4 oz. raisins or currants, 1 1/2 oz.
suet, 1/4 oz. soap. On Thursdays, 16 oz. flour, 1/2 oz.
salt, 1/4 oz. tea, 1 1/2 oz. sugar, 1 1/4 oz. raisins or currants,
1 1/2 oz suet, 1/4 oz. soap. On other days 16 oz. flour,
12 oz. meat, 1/2 oz. salt, 1/4 oz. tea, l oz. sugar, 1/4 oz. soap.

4. ... To the Male Children under 6 years of age :---
On Holidays, 16 oz. flour, 4 oz. meat, 1/2 oz. salt, 1/4
oz. tea, 1 1/2 oz. sugar, 1 oz. raisins or currants, 1 oz.
suet, 1/4 oz. soap. On Thursdays, 12 oz. flour, 1/2 oz.
salt, 1/4 oz. tea, 1 oz. sugar, 1 oz. raisins or currants,
1 oz. suet, 1/4 oz. soap. On other days, 12 oz. flour,
4 oz. meat, 1/2 oz. salt, 1/4 oz. tea, 1 oz. sugar, 1/4 oz.

5. ... To the Female Children:--- On holidays, 16
oz. flour, 8 oz. meat, 1/2 oz. salt, 1/4 oz. tea, 1 1/2 oz.
sugar, 1 1/4 oz. raisins or currants, 1 1/2 oz. suet, 3/4 oz.
soap. On Sundays and other days, 12 oz. flour, 8
oz. meat, 1/2 oz. salt, 1/4 oz. tea, 1 oz. sugar, 3/4 oz. soap.

6. ... For the use of the Establishment:--- 1 3/4 pint
oil, 1 1/2 pint of vinegar.

7. ... Milk and vegetables for the Children, best
wheat bread , flour, tea, sugar, salt, pearl barley,
rice, oatmeal, arrowroot, sago, yeast, lard, common
dipt candles, soap, vinegar, straw, and firewood, as

For children under 7 years of age:--- Best wheat
bread is to be substituted, if required, in the pro-
portion of 8 oz. of bread for 12 oz. of flour.

[centred] DISTRICTS.

The Districts for which Contracts will be re-
quired are as follows, viz ; ---

1. ... Sydney, including Cockatoo Island, 2. ... Par-
ramatta; 3. ... Liverpool; 4. ... Campbelltown; 5. ...
Picton; 6. ... Camden and Narrellan; 7. ... Illawarra;
8. ... Berrima ; 9. ... Goulburn; 10. ... Braidwood ; 11. ...
Broulee; 12. ... Queanbeyan; 13. ... Yass, including
Gunning and Narrawa, at the Fish River; 14. ...
Windsor; 15. ... Penrith; 16. ... Hartley, including
Blackheath; 17. ... Bathurst; 18. ... Orange; 19. ... Carcoar;
20. ... Wellington; 21. ... Mudgee; 22. ... Brisbane
Water; 23. ... Newcastle and Raymond Terrace; 24. ...
Dungog: 25. ... Maitland; 26. ... Wollombi and Mac-
donald River; 27. ... Paterson; 28. ... Patrick's Plains;
29. ... Merton and Muswellbrook; 30. ... Scone and Mur-
rurundi; 31. ... Cassilis; 32. ... Macquarie; 33. ... More-
ton Bay.

The Districts numbered 1 to 17, and 19 to 32, are
the Police Districts described in the Notices from this
office, dated 15th September, 1841, 9th August, 1842,
and 25th March, 1845. Further particulars may be
obtained from the several Police Magistrates and

Separate Tenders will be required for the forage
in the District of Sydney, but the other supplies
for that District are to be tendered for together.

The supplies for each of the other Districts, with
the exception of those for the Protestant Or-
phan School, the Institution for Destitute Roman
Catholic Children, and the Lunatic Asylums, are
intended to be included in one Contract, and there-
fore no Tenders can be received, unless for supplying
the whole that may be required in the entire of
District, and for each District there must be a sepa-
rate Tender, excepting Hartley and Blackheath, and
Yass, Gunning, and Narrawa, and Bathurst and
Orange, for each of which places Tenders may be
sent in separately.

[column on right]

Separate Tenders must also be made for the
Protestant Orphan School, the Institution for Des-
titute Roman Catholic Children, and for the Luna-
tic Asylums.

[centred] CONDITIONS.

1. ... All the articles required by this Notice are to
be of the best quality of their several kinds.

2. ... The Flour and Bread must be the produce of
clean sound Colonial wheat, from which, when
forming part of the Ration to Prisoners of the
Crown, 10 per cent., and in all other cases, 20 per
cent. has been extracted in bran and waste.

3. ... Beef and Mutton to be issued in such propor-
tions as may be required for the Ration to Immi-
grants, and when the quantity admits of it, this,
as well as the Convict Ration of Beef, to be deliv-
ered in fore and hind quarters alternately.

4. ... Beef to be issued to the Protestant Orphan
School on five days, and Mutton on two days of
the week, for the Boys; and for the Girls, Beef to
be issued three days, and Mutton four days of the

5. ... The Maize Meal to be similar in quality to
the Wheat Meal, and to be twice ground.

6. ... The Tobacco to be Colonial.

7. ... When it may be necessary to substitute one
article for another, the following proportions are to
be observed. viz. :--- 1 lb. wheat flour or 1 lb. biscuit
equal to 1 1/4 lb. of bread; 1 lb. salt Beef or 1 lb. Mut-
ton, or 10 oz. salt Pork, equal to 1 lb. of fresh Beef;
1 lb. of Coal equal to 3 lbs. of Firewood.

8. ... These substitutions are to be made only when
required by the Officers authorised to draw the
several Rations.

9. ... Hospital Bread is to be supplied to the Children
of the Orphan School, and to the Institution for
Destitute Roman Catholic Children, when required
by the Surgeon, in lieu of the ordinary Ration.

10. ... Vegetables to be supplied in reasonable pro-
portions of potatoes, greens, pumpkins, onions,
&c., &c.

11. ... In case the whole Ration of Forage be not
required or delivered, the several articles composing
it are to be reckoned in the following proportions,
and paid for accordingly, viz. :---

The Maize or Barley, as 4-12; the Hay, as 5-12;
the Bran, as 2-12; and the Straw, as 1-12 of the
whole Ration respectively.

12. ... The Supplies for Immigrants in the Sydney
District are to be delivered at such places in the City as
may be required by the Agent for Immigration.

13. ... The supplies of Provisions, Fuel, and Light
for the Penal Establishment at Cockatoo Island are
to be delivered on the Island by the Contractors.

14. ... In respect of supplies for other services they
are to be delivered at the nearest station, on the re-
quisition of the Officer in charge.

15. ... The Tenders for Provisions and Forage,
when required by Rations, according to the scale
under their respeclive heads, are to express the
price per Ration only.

16. ... The Tenders for Forage are not required to
state the price of the Ration for Oxen, as when
the latter is required, one-half of the allowance
fixed for Horses will be drawn, and one-half the
price allowed to the Contractor, whose engagement
will be to provide for both Horses and Oxen.

17. ... In the event of a difference of opinion be-
tween the Contractor and the party receiving the
supplies, as to the quality, the same is to be
decided, in cases where the article is not of a
perishable nature, by a Board of Survey, composed

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