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[marginalia] No. 50/7273 ..... 12th Aug't 1850.

The Auditor General to the Colonial Secretary respecting a Scale of Rations, Fuel and Light for the Gaol at Brisbane - with three enclosures.

No. 127

Audit office, Sydney.

5th August 1850.


With reference to my Letter, No. 118, of the 26th July, acquainting you that I had written to the Visiting Magistrate of the Gaol at Brisbane for certain information to enable me to report on his Letter of the 22nd May last, respecting a Scale of Rations, Fuel, and Light for that Establishment,

I now do myself the honor to enclose Captain Wickham's reply in which it will be perceived he


[bottom of left margin]

The Honorable

The Colonial Secretary

.... &c .... &c .... &c

[notes in left margin]

The scale may perhaps be approved under this report.


[in another hand]


14th ... [initials] ChFR

[diagonally, in a third hand] herewith returned

[in first wrter's hand]

Auditor General

Capt'n Wickham

...... Aug't 1850. -

[tick through the above]

Last edit 27 days ago by Cursivefancier
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states that he considers the following quantities of Fuel and Light to be necessarily required; viz't

[Fuel and Light] Summer daily Allowance Winter daily allowance ...
lbs Wood Gills Oil lbs Wood Gills Oil
Office Light 0 1/2 1
Three Yard Lamps, each 1 1 1/4
Muster and Contingencies 1 1/4 0 1/2
Cooking and Hospital Fires 500 500
2. ... For the Three Prisoners ... Wards of the Gaol ... Captain Wickham remarks that Fuel is not considered necessary, and that the Light required for them will be found sufficient under the Head "Muster and Contingencies."

3. ... The Scale proposed seems not to be unreasonable.


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4. ... The Rations of Provisions authorised to be issued when necessary in the Department of Gaols are, according to the Scale subjoined to the Annual Notice calling for Tenders, a Copy of which is enclosed, .... as follow ...

Viz't -

Ration No. 2. ... authorised to be issued to Gaol Attendants, Witnesses, and others awaiting bail.

Ration No. 6. ... Authorised to be issued to Prisoners confined in Gaol.

Ration No. 7. ... Authorised to be issued to children of Female Prisoners confined in Gaol.

Ration No. 8. ... is issued to Prisoners confined in the Cells.

I have the honor to be


Your Most Obedient

humble Servant.

[signed] Wm. Lithgow

.................... Aud. G'l

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[marginalia] 50/7273

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Colonial Secretary's Office,

Sydney, 18th September, 1849.



NOTICE is hereby given, that Tenders will be No received at this Office, until 12 o'clock, of Monday the 12th November next, for furnishing, for the Colonial Service, in the several Districts, the supplies undermentioned, in such quantities as may be required, during Twelve Calendar Months, commencing Ist January, 1850, upon the conditions herea[f]ter specified.


1. ... The Ration for Immigrants: --- For Male and Female Adults, of the age of 14 years and upwards daily --- 16 oz. wheat bread, 16 oz. fresh meat, 16 oz. potatoes or other vegtables [sic], or when these are not obtainable, 8 oz. wheat bread in lieu thereof, 1/4 oz. tea, 1 1/2 oz. sugar, 1/2 oz. salt, 1/2 oz. soap, 1/2 lb. oatmeal in lieu of meat if required. One half of the above quantities to Children of Immigrants, under 14 years of age.

2. ... The Ration for Prisoners of the Crown, and others in the employment of Colonial Departments, when authorised to receive it, with the exceptions specifed in No. 3 --- 20 oz. wheat bread, 8 oz. maize meal, 16 oz. fresh meat, 1/2 oz. salt, l oz. sugar, 1/4 oz. soap.

3. ... The Ration to Officers in charge of Surveying parties, when in the field, and men composing such parties, and for Officers and Soldiers of the Mounted Police, and other Mounted parties, when required: 24 oz. flour, 16 oz. fresh meat, 1/2 oz. salt, 1/2 oz. tea, 2 1/2 oz. sugar, 1/2 oz. tobacco, 1/4 oz. soap.

4. ... The Ration for wives of Soldiers of the Mounted Police: --- 8 oz. bread, 8 oz. meat.

5. ... The Rations for children of soldiers of Mounted Police above seven years: --- 5 1/3 oz. of bread, 5 1/3 oz. meat --- under seven years, 4 oz. of bread and 4 oz. of meat.

6. ... To Prisoners confined in Gaol: --- 12 oz. wheat bread, 12 oz. maize meal, 4 oz. fresh meat, 8 oz. vegetables, 1/2 oz. salt, 1/2 oz. soap --- (Ration No. 2 is issued 1o Gaol attendants, and to Witnesses and others awaiting bail; and if confined in solitary cells, Ration No. 8.)

7. ... To Children of Female Prisoners confined in Gaol: --- 8 oz. best wheat bread, 4 oz. fresh meat, 1 pint milk, 1/4 oz. yellow soap.

8. ... Prisoners confined in Lock-up or Watchhouses: --- 24 oz. wheat bread or 20 oz. flour --- (Ration No. 2, is occasionally issued at Watch-houses to Prisoners of the Crown, when travelling from one station to another, and in other cases when sanctioned by a Magistrate.)

9. ... Forage for Horses and Oxen: 8 lbs. maize or barley, or 10 lbs. of oats, 4 lbs. bran, 12 lbs. oat or cultivated grass hay, and 4 lbs. wheat straw, for each horse daily, and half that quantity for each bullock.

10. ... For the Light-house, South Head, and Floating-light, Sydney Harbour: --- Best clarifed sperm oil, per imperial gallon; patent wicks each.

11. ... Flour, bread, meat, tea, sugar, and tobacco, in such quantities as may be required, for deserving Mechanics and others in Colonial Establishments when authorised.

12. ... Fuel and Light: --- Firewood per 100 lbs.; Coals per ton, where they can be supplied at a cheaper rate than firewood; sperm oil, common oil, per imperial gallon; mould candles, dipt candles, cotton wick per lb.

[right column]

13. ... To be delivered in Sydney, as required for the Public Service, when ordered: --- Fresh beef, salt beef, salt pork, fresh mutton, maize meal, bread 1st, 2nd, and 3rd quality, ship biscuit, flour 1st, 2nd, and 3rd quality, arrowroot, sago, rice, tea, sugar, oatmeal, salt, yellow soap, pearl barley, tobacco, lard, candles mould and dipt, salt butter, gelatine, vegetables per lb.; milk, yeast, lime-juice, per quart; port wine, per dozen; rum, vinegar, per imperial gallon; roach lime, per bushel; straw for bedding, per 100 1bs.

14. ... For the Lunatic Asylums at Tarban Creek, and Parramatta: --- Fresh beef, fresh mutton, suet, wheat bread, bread of the 1st quality, flour, 1st quality, raisins, rice, tea, sugar, salt, pepper, per lb.; milk per quart; tobacco, soap, vegetables, per lb.; port wine per dozen; vinegar per gallon; sago, oatmeal, arrowroot, treacle, dipt candles, per lb.; common oil, per gallon; cotton wick, per lb.; forage, per ration, roach lime, per bushel; straw, firewood per 100 lbs.; Coals per ton.


Daily Ration.

1. ... To the Schoolmaster, and men employed as servants or laborers: --- 22 oz. flour, 16 oz. meat, 1/2 oz. salt, 3/8 oz. tea, 2 oz. sugar, 1/2 oz. Soap.

2. ... To the Matron and female servants, entitled to Rations: --- 16 oz. flour, 12 oz. meat, 1/2 oz. salt, 1/2 tea, 2 1/2 oz. sugar, 3/4 oz. soap.

3. ... To the Male Children above 6 years of age: --- on Holidays, 20 oz. flour, 12 oz. meat, 1/2 oz. salt, 1/4 oz. tea, 1 1/2 oz. sugar, 1 1/4 oz. raisins or currants, 1 1/2 oz. suet, 1/4 oz. soap. On Thursdays, 16 oz. flour, 1/2 oz. salt, 1/4 oz. tea, 1 1/2 oz. sugar, 1 1/4 oz. raisins or currants, 1 1/2 oz. suet, 1/4 oz. soap. On other days, 16 oz. flour, 12 oz. meat, 1/2 oz. salt, 1/4 oz. tea, 1 oz. sugar, 1/4 oz. soap.

4. ... To the Male Children, under 6 years of age: --- On Holidays, 16 oz. flour, 4 oz. meat, 1/2 oz. salt, 1/4 oz. tea, 1 1/2 oz. sugar, 1 oz. raisins or currants, 1 oz. suet, 1/4 oz. soap. On Thursdays, 12 oz. flour, 1/2 oz. salt, 1/4 oz. tea, 1 oz. sugar, 1 oz. raisins or currants, 1 oz. suet, 1/4 oz. soap. On other days, 12 oz. flour, 4 oz. meat, 1/2 oz. salt, 1/4 oz. tea, 1 oz. of sugar, 1/4 oz. soap.

5. ... To the Female Children: --- On Holidays, 16 oz. flour, 8 oz. meat, 1/2 oz. salt, 1/4 oz. tea, 1 1/2 oz. sugar, 1 1/4 oz. raisins or currants, 1 1/2 oz. suet, 3/4 oz. soap. On Sundays and other days : --- 12 oz. flour, 8 oz. meat, 1/2 oz. salt, 1/4 oz. tea, 1 oz. sugar, 3/4 oz. soap.

For Children under 7 years of age, best wheat bread is to be substituted, if required, in the proportion of 8 oz. of bread, for 12 oz. flour.

6. ... For the use of the Establishment: --- 4 pints of oil, 3 pints of vinegar.

7. ... Forage: --- The same as No. 9 of the General Supplies.

Best wheat bread, flour, tea, sugar, salt, pearl barley, sago, rice, oatmeal, arrowroot, yeast, lard, candles, soap, vinegar, straw and firewood as required.

The Holidays are --- New Year's day, Easter day, Christmas day, and the Queen's Birthday.



1. ... To the Master, Schoolmaster, Storekeeper, and men employed as servants : --- 22 oz. flour, 16 oz. meat, 1/2 oz. salt, 3/8 oz. tea, 2 oz. sugar, 1/2 oz. soap.

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2. ...To the Matron and female servants :--- 16 oz. flour, 12 oz. meat, 1/2 oz. salt, 1/2 oz. tea, 2 1/2 oz. sugar, 3/4 oz. soap.

3. ... To the Male Children above 6 years of age:--- On Holidays, 20 oz. flour, 12 oz. meat, 1/2 oz. salt, 1/4 oz. tea, 1 1/2 oz. sugar, 1 1/4 oz. raisins or currants, 1 1/2 oz. suet, 1/4 oz. soap. On Thursdays, 16 oz. flour, 1/2 oz. salt, 1/4 oz. tea, 1 1/2 oz. sugar, 1 1/4 oz. raisins or currants, 1 1/2 oz suet, 1/4 oz. soap. On other days 16 oz. flour, 12 oz. meat, 1/2 oz. salt, 1/4 oz. tea, l oz. sugar, 1/4 oz. soap.

4. ... To the Male Children under 6 years of age :--- On Holidays, 16 oz. flour, 4 oz. meat, 1/2 oz. salt, 1/4 oz. tea, 1 1/2 oz. sugar, 1 oz. raisins or currants, 1 oz. suet, 1/4 oz. soap. On Thursdays, 12 oz. flour, 1/2 oz. salt, 1/4 oz. tea, 1 oz. sugar, 1 oz. raisins or currants, 1 oz. suet, 1/4 oz. soap. On other days, 12 oz. flour, 4 oz. meat, 1/2 oz. salt, 1/4 oz. tea, 1 oz. sugar, 1/4 oz. soap.

5. ... To the Female Children:--- On holidays, 16 oz. flour, 8 oz. meat, 1/2 oz. salt, 1/4 oz. tea, 1 1/2 oz. sugar, 1 1/4 oz. raisins or currants, 1 1/2 oz. suet, 3/4 oz. soap. On Sundays and other days, 12 oz. flour, 8 oz. meat, 1/2 oz. salt, 1/4 oz. tea, 1 oz. sugar, 3/4 oz. soap.

6. ... For the use of the Establishment:--- 1 3/4 pint oil, 1 1/2 pint of vinegar.

7. ... Milk and vegetables for the Children, best wheat bread , flour, tea, sugar, salt, pearl barley, rice, oatmeal, arrowroot, sago, yeast, lard, common dipt candles, soap, vinegar, straw, and firewood, as required.

For children under 7 years of age:--- Best wheat bread is to be substituted, if required, in the proportion of 8 oz. of bread for 12 oz. of flour.

[centred] DISTRICTS.

The Districts for which Contracts will be required are as follows, viz ; ---

1. ... Sydney, including Cockatoo Island, 2. ... Parramatta; 3. ... Liverpool; 4. ... Campbelltown; 5. ... Picton; 6. ... Camden and Narrellan; 7. ... Illawarra; 8. ... Berrima ; 9. ... Goulburn; 10. ... Braidwood ; 11. ... Broulee; 12. ... Queanbeyan; 13. ... Yass, including Gunning and Narrawa, at the Fish River; 14. ... Windsor; 15. ... Penrith; 16. ... Hartley, including Blackheath; 17. ... Bathurst; 18. ... Orange; 19. ... Carcoar; 20. ... Wellington; 21. ... Mudgee; 22. ... Brisbane Water; 23. ... Newcastle and Raymond Terrace; 24. ... Dungog: 25. ... Maitland; 26. ... Wollombi and Macdonald River; 27. ... Paterson; 28. ... Patrick's Plains; 29. ... Merton and Muswellbrook; 30. ... Scone and Murrurundi; 31. ... Cassilis; 32. ... Macquarie; 33. ... Moreton Bay.

The Districts numbered 1 to 17, and 19 to 32, are the Police Districts described in the Notices from this office, dated 15th September, 1841, 9th August, 1842, and 25th March, 1845. Further particulars may be obtained from the several Police Magistrates and Benches.

Separate Tenders will be required for the forage in the District of Sydney, but the other supplies for that District are to be tendered for together.

The supplies for each of the other Districts, with the exception of those for the Protestant Orphan School, the Institution for Destitute Roman Catholic Children, and the Lunatic Asylums, are intended to be included in one Contract, and therefore no Tenders can be received, unless for supplying the whole that may be required in the entire of District, and for each District there must be a separate Tender, excepting Hartley and Blackheath, and Yass, Gunning, and Narrawa, and Bathurst and Orange, for each of which places Tenders may be sent in separately.

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Separate Tenders must also be made for the Protestant Orphan School, the Institution for Destitute Roman Catholic Children, and for the Lunatic Asylums.

[centred] CONDITIONS.

1. ... All the articles required by this Notice are to be of the best quality of their several kinds.

2. ... The Flour and Bread must be the produce of clean sound Colonial wheat, from which, when forming part of the Ration to Prisoners of the Crown, 10 per cent., and in all other cases, 20 per cent. has been extracted in bran and waste.

3. ... Beef and Mutton to be issued in such proportions as may be required for the Ration to Immigrants, and when the quantity admits of it, this, as well as the Convict Ration of Beef, to be delivered in fore and hind quarters alternately.

4. ... Beef to be issued to the Protestant Orphan School on five days, and Mutton on two days of the week, for the Boys; and for the Girls, Beef to be issued three days, and Mutton four days of the week.

5. ... The Maize Meal to be similar in quality to the Wheat Meal, and to be twice ground.

6. ... The Tobacco to be Colonial.

7. ... When it may be necessary to substitute one article for another, the following proportions are to be observed. viz. :--- 1 lb. wheat flour or 1 lb. biscuit equal to 1 1/4 lb. of bread; 1 lb. salt Beef or 1 lb. Mutton, or 10 oz. salt Pork, equal to 1 lb. of fresh Beef; 1 lb. of Coal equal to 3 lbs. of Firewood.

8. ... These substitutions are to be made only when required by the Officers authorised to draw the several Rations.

9. ... Hospital Bread is to be supplied to the Children of the Orphan School, and to the Institution for Destitute Roman Catholic Children, when required by the Surgeon, in lieu of the ordinary Ration.

10. ... Vegetables to be supplied in reasonable proportions of potatoes, greens, pumpkins, onions, &c., &c.

11. ... In case the whole Ration of Forage be not required or delivered, the several articles composing it are to be reckoned in the following proportions, and paid for accordingly, viz. :---

The Maize or Barley, as 4-12; the Hay, as 5-12; the Bran, as 2-12; and the Straw, as 1-12 of the whole Ration respectively.

12. ... The Supplies for Immigrants in the Sydney District are to be delivered at such places in the City as may be required by the Agent for Immigration.

13. ... The supplies of Provisions, Fuel, and Light for the Penal Establishment at Cockatoo Island are to be delivered on the Island by the Contractors.

14. ... In respect of supplies for other services they are to be delivered at the nearest station, on the requisition of the Officer in charge.

15. ... The Tenders for Provisions and Forage, when required by Rations, according to the scale under their respeclive heads, are to express the price per Ration only.

16. ... The Tenders for Forage are not required to state the price of the Ration for Oxen, as when the latter is required, one-half of the allowance fixed for Horses will be drawn, and one-half the price allowed to the Contractor, whose engagement will be to provide for both Horses and Oxen.

17. ... In the event of a difference of opinion between the Contractor and the party receiving the supplies, as to the quality, the same is to be decided, in cases where the article is not of a perishable nature, by a Board of Survey, composed

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