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22" July 1851. My dear Thomson I send you all the information we possess at present respecting the neighbourhood of Warwick. -

The apices of the principal mountains designated thus have been fixed by triangulation by Mr Burnett and the roads as well as some of the water courses traced with the chain there is a great deal more work in hand but not-

The Hon E. Deas Thomson

Last edit 23 days ago by Bartie
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not laid down.

The scale you will observe is very small - (10 miles to an inch).

I fancy the precious metal has been found at the head of Rosenthal Creek, at least that is the place where Clarke expected it would he found,

Yours very truly S A Perry

[margin note oblique] Put with letter from Warwick Bench

A copy of that letter should be sent to the Surveyor Gl. 23rd. July [inits; ill.]

Last edit 23 days ago by Bartie
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