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[marginalia] 50/7447 ........ 17th Aug't 1850.

The Police Magistrate at Moreton Bay, to the Hon'ble The Colonial
Secretary, respecting an application from Thos. Beardmore, late
a Constable in the Brisbane Police, for compensation.

No. 50/33

Police Office Brisbane

August 2nd. 1850.


Application has been
made to me by Thomas
Beardmore, late a Constable
in the Police of Brisbane,
for compensation in consequence
of the amount deducted from
his Pay from the 1st January
to the 23rd May last, on account
of Clothing which he never

(2) The explanation; I do
myself the honor to inform
you that, the Police Clothing
for 1850, did not arrive at
Brisbane until the 24th May,
Beardmore having been dis-
missed on the 23rd of that
month, for drunkenness, and
neglect of duty- ~ He therefore

[bottom of left margin]

The Hon'ble

The Colonial Secretary

[notes in left margin]

Mr V

...... 17[th]

No deduction is made
from the Pay of the
Constables in amount
of their Clothing - the
delay in the arrival
of the Clothing at
Moreton Bay does not
give the present applicant claim to
any compensation in
that amount - 20 Aug't

[in another hand]

Inform the P. Magistrate
to the above effect

23rd ... [initials] ChFR

[in a third hand]

Police Magistrate Brisbane

....................... August 1850.

[tick through the above]

Notes and Questions

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Can anyone please inform me what the initials are, and who they belong to, in the above letter (that I see in nearly every margin notes)


They are the initials of Governor Charles Augustus Fitz Roy, who always signed himself "ChFR."


thank you so much Cursivefancier. I see it all the time and never know exactly what it is so it is good to finally have it clarified.


No worries, Nixe.