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48/9886 - 8th. Sept. 1848. Ordnance Storekeeper Reporting that stores at the Convict Hospital Brisbane are not in charge of his Department

Office of Ordnance Sydney 7th. Septr. 1848.

Sir, In acknowledging the receipt of your letter dated 4th. Instant No. 48/154, requesting by direction of His Excellency the Governor, “that I would cause any "Stores or Furniture which "may now be at the Convict "Hospital, Brisbane "Moreton Bay, to be handed "over to the Trustees therein "named" - I do myself the honor to inform you that, the Stores alluded to are not in the charge of this Department, but were in that of the Medical Officer attached to the Hospital at the Station, and I am not aware to whom that Officer gave over the charge; on the reduction of the Establishment; and beg to add that, the only information I had of the Stores at the Hospital, was contained in the Return

The Honorable The Colonial Secretary

[marginalia] See 48/924

Entd. A.B.B

Last edit 23 days ago by LW
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Return forwarded to you with my Letter of the 17th. June last.

I have the honor to be Sir Your most obedient Servant Richard Rogers Storekeeper

Last edit 23 days ago by LW
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