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33 48/2228 _ 19th Feb. 1848 Police Magistrate Moreton Bay Requesting that a portion of the Hospital may be set apart for the reception of patients and enquiring whether aid will be granted

Police Offce, Brisbane 11 February 1848

Sir I have the honor to acquaint you that very great inconvenience will be caused to these Districts by the removal of the Medicines, Surgical Instruments, and ordnance stores belonging to the Hospital ; and therefore beg that His Excellency the Governor will be pleased to authorize their being retained, and will also grant permission for a portion of the Hospital being kept for the reception of Patients who may

The Honble The Colonial Secretary

[margin notes] Note hereon the course pursued in the cases referred to, with respect to buildings furniture Medicines, surgical instruments stores; and pecuniary assistance from the public funds.

21st. Urgent.

Last edit 24 days ago by Bartie
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be willing to pay for Medical treatment; and of those at the expense of the Benevolent Society. -

I beg you will have the kindness to inform me whether the government will extend the same assistance to this Hospital, as it does to those of Goulbourne[sic], Windsor, Bathurst and Maitland, viz £200 per annum ; and if so, upon what terms such assistance will be granted.


Last edit 24 days ago by Bartie
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I have the honor to be, Sir, your most obedt. servant J C Wickham.

Last edit 24 days ago by Bartie
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