48/6202 - 15th. May, 1848. Police Magistrate - Moreton Bay Reporting that a public meeting has been called
Police office, Brisbane 9 May 1848.
Sir I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of [your letter] relative to the [Convict] Hospital of this place [being turned] over to a Committee [of Gentlemen] in Brisbane ; [and beg] to inform you that, [a public] meeting has been [called for] Thursday the 11th. instant, for the purpose of appointing that Committee
The Honb. The Colonial Secretary
[margin; note overlays text] 48/2228 - Police Magistrate. Brisbane 11 Feb requesting that a portion of the Hospital may be set apart for patients and enquiring whether aid will be granted
open on register 15 May
Enquiry has been made for this ...T[inits; ill.]
This is [...] with other papers on the same subject. 15.
Enclosed 16.
[duplicate of digi. doc. 33054-006248-0001; this page contains portion of text obscured under affixed note. Entire text has been pasted below by transcriber for ease of reference.]
48/6202 - 15th. May, 1848. Police Magistrate - Moreton Bay Reporting that a public meeting has been called
Police office, Brisbane 9 May 1848.
Sir I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your letter relative to the Convict Hospital of this place being turned over to a Committee of Gentlemen in Brisbane ; and beg to inform you that, a Public meeting has been called for Thursday the 11th. instant, for the purpose of appointing that Committee
The Honb. The Colonial Secretary
[margin; note overlays text] 48/2228 - Police Magistrate. Brisbane 11 Feb requesting that a portion of the Hospital may be set apart for patients and enquiring whether aid will be granted
open on register 15 May
Enquiry has been made for this ...T[inits; ill.]
This is [...] with other papers on the same subject. 15.
Enclosed 16.
[oblique; at far left] Read.