50/5234 _ 30th May, 1850 No 50/140
The Chief Commissioner of Crown Lands to the Honorable the Colonial Secretary submitting Mr Commissioner Rolleston's report of parties who are in the unauthorised occupation of Crown Lands in the Darling Downs District.
Five Enclosures
Crown Lands Office Sydney 28th May 1850
Sir, Adverting to your Blank cover of the 23rd February last requesting me to report on the present state of the cases of unauthorised occupation of Crown Lands in the Darling Downs District, I do myself the honor herewith to submit, for the information of His Excellency the Governor the report [of] Mr Commissioner Rolleston on the several cases and beg to point out that [rest of line: illeg] [...]
The Honorable The Colonial Secretary
[margin notes] 50/1553
Mr F 30.
48-13,627 I think it would be very unnecessary and inexpedient to disturb these persons until they have an opportunity of purchasing allotments Their occupation harms nobody, and they are out of [...] calling. [inits; ill.]
[oblique; overwrite] 5 Enclosures
dated 11th April 185[...]
of the parties, mentioned in Mr Rolleston's Report, are located upon the sites of Townships, I presume it will not be necessary to interfere with them until the lands are brought forward for Sale, and they are thereby available to purchase by auction while being occupied.
2. This has been contingent upon with respect to persons located upon the Township of "Ta[...]" in the [...] Plains District, under [?] several [?] current [?] titles [?]. -
I have the honor to be
Your most obedient Serv't
[signed] Geo: Barney
Chief Commiss'er C. Lands